Chapter 6

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It was finally Friday, my favorite day of the week. You see, E class stayed together, even though Korosensei was gone. We stay in a huge house that we used some of the reward money to buy.

Every Friday, we all gather around and eat dinner together, talk about school, and any missions we have to go on. After Korosensei died, the government decided that we were too good to just forget our assasination skills, so we go on missions occasionally and take down bad people and villains. We mostly go in groups of 2-4, but I wish we were able to go more often as a class. Bonding over killing was something we all loved to do. 

Not in a villan way, we only kill people who deserve it. which is kind of messed up, but we love it anyway. 

After school was over, I hung out in the common area of the dorms for a little, because I knew Sugino and Maehara were going to pick me up. The only troublesome part about fridays is having to make an excuse to my classmates. 

It's always the same one- "Im going out with some friends." It seems to work, although I think they are keeping an eye on me because of our altercation with Jelabitch. Judging by the look of them, they totally think i'm cryptic.

And like the annoying classmates they are, I got questioned AGAIN

It started when we were all hanging out in the common room, most of us were on the couch while Sato and Kacchan were making dinner. We were watching a movie but then I got a message from Ritsu saying that Sugino and Maehara were waiting for me outside the dorm building. 

I got up off the couch to leave when Mina decided to ask "Hey Midobabe! where are you going?" Like a robot, I answered with "Im going out with some friends like I do every Friday!" I thought she would leave me alone at that, but Hagakure joined in with "Yea it's weird that you never hangout with us on fridays! Even Bakugo stays with us"

"HAH?? WHAT WAS THAT YOU INVISIBLE SHIT" Kacchan practically barked

"Jeez its nothing bad, calm down Bakubro" Kirishima answered

"Deku-kun, Mina is right!" Uraraka said

During that whole fiasco I snuck my phone out to text Maehara that im going to be a little late. He responded with a thumbs up and that he was going to go pick up Itona and come back.


My bad bro....

Iida's yelling got the attention of everyone else, but they suprisingly didnt advance. I knew that when I left, they would be talking about me.

Its fine, I don't mind if they think um weird. after all, they dont know anything about me anyway.

Tokoyami told me that I should just go and come back soon

The rest of the class looked like they just ate lemons, but let me go peacefully

What a relief

I said my goodbyes and left the dorms to go meet up with my friends in the car. 





Mina couldn't not talk about the recent incident to the group, "You guys saw that right?" 

Jirou expressed frustration, "He didn't even care about what we had to say." 

Bakugo, as usual, retorted, "Who cares? Just let him be; he's an annoying idiot anyway." Iida begs, "Please don't say that about your classmates." Bakugo replied, "Shut up four-eyes. And why do you guys even care about him anyway?"

 Uraraka questioned, "Do you see the way he has been acting recently?" 

 "It's really odd. And even so, don't forget what happened yesterday."  Todoroki added

Kirishima emphasized, "Exactly. Did you see the way he caught that knife that was thrown at him? Like, who catches a knife like that!" 

"Wait, what? A knife? what happened while I was in the bathroom?? And are we talking about the same midoriya here?" Momo said, Concerned

"No joke. It was like a scene from a ninja movie. Jelavitch throws a knife at him, and he catches it without breaking a sweat." Kaminari said, stars in his eyes

"Ribbit. That's not normal hero stuff. That's like assassin-level reflexes." Tsuyu said

 Tokoyami suggested, "You guys could just be reading too much into it." 

"Yea, except every time we talk about his past, or anything about his middle school experience, he deflects like a pro." Todoroki said, disturbed

Momo added, "I've noticed that too."

Asui asked Bakugo, "Wait, didn't you go to middle school with him?" Sero urged, "Yeah, you could tell us about him." Bakugo, straightforward as ever, stated, "He only went to my school for two years; he transferred for his third year." 

Mina needed more information. "Um, okay so what was he like during his 1st and 2nd years?" Bakugo didn't mince words, "A fucking loser, that's what he was like." Iida scolded, "Language, Bakugo!" Bakugo responded cheekily, "Japanese dumbass!" Iida sighed.

 Mineta chimed in, "Then he could be texting his friends from the third year, right?" Jirou speculated, "Well, they must be close, considering how much he talks to them."


Kaminari, confused, interjected, "Wait, what?" Momo clarified, "What do you mean? He started being on his phone more recently! Unless that is what you mean." 

The class stared at Jirou in confusion. 

Jirou explained, "You guys cannot be serious, right? In Present Mic's class, he's always blasting away on his phone!" 

Uraraka was surprised, "No way, but English is his favorite subject!" Mina added, "And his best one too." Kirishima doubted, "He would never do that. Are you sure, Jirou?" 

Jirou affirmed, "I'm sure." 

Todoroki suggested, "Maybe we don't know him as well as we think we do." 

The class grew silent, unsure of what to say. 

Mina broke the silence, "I guess we could ask him some questions when he comes back." 

 "Great! We could play truth or dare too!" Hagakure suggested, 

Momo concluded, "Then it seems we have a plan!"

The kids went back to normal; resuming their typical Friday night activities. They were excited to see what happens next.

After a while, the students grew concerned for Midoriya. He hadn't come home in a while and it was getting late...

"Ugh why isnt he back yet?" Uraraka said, concerned

"He is breaking the curfew, is he not?" Iida said, a hint of concern in his voice

"No no, that doesnt apply on fridays.." Momo said, correcting them

"Do you think someting happened to him?" Mina said.

She had asked the question that everyone was thinking, but too scared to ask

"No. I trust that he is safe. He should be able to take care of himself" Kirishima said

"Yea, plus its getting really late, we should get to bed. We have special combat training tomorrow." Kaminari added

"That shitty nerd will be there tomorrow anyway... He wouldn't miss training." Bakugo exclaimed. Though a few students could sense concern in his voice

Everyone said their goodnights and went to bed




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