Chapter 21

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(I'm posting this because it's mostly irrelevant, and I don't want you guys waiting so long! Make sure you read the A/N at the end <33)

Midoriya knocked on the doors of Okuda and Itona's rooms, inviting them to the 1-A dorms.

They talked about silly, nonsensical things

The trio approached the 1-A dorms, and as the door swung open, they were greeted by the smiles and curious faces of their classmates.

"Hey, everyone! Akari and Haruki will stay with us for a little!" Midoriya introduced them with enthusiasm, prompting the class to welcome them warmly.

Todoroki and Bakugo, ever observant, exchanged subtle glances but hid any suspicions beneath neutral expressions. 

The girls of 1-A, in particular, were excited to welcome another female student into their midst.

"Hey, Akari! I'm so excited to hang out! I'm Mina Ashido! Remember?" Mina exclaimed, extending a friendly hand.

Okuda smiled, accepting the handshake. "Of course I remember you Mina!"

Momo turned to Akari with excitement. "So, Akari, have you explored the whole campus yet? There are so many cool places to hang out!"

Akari smiled, "Not yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Any recommendations?"

Kirishima jumped into the conversation, "You should check out the training grounds! It's where we go all out with our quirks. Super fun!"

Meanwhile, Itona found himself talking to Kaminari about gadgets and technology. "Haruki, you ever thought about inventing your own hero costume gadgets?"

Haruki's eyes were tired and boring. "Oh? Yea, I guess I have....."

Sero jumped in the conversation, interested in the question-asking. "Hey! I heard from my friends at the support course that you two are geniouses!"

The group chuckled, and just as the conversation was about to continue, Sato's voice echoed through the dorms, announcing dinner. "Hey, everyone! Dinner's ready. Let's gather in the dining area!"

Okuda and Itona breathed a subtle sigh of relief as the topic shifted. They followed the rest of the group toward the dining area, where the amazing smell of Sato's cooking welcomed them.

Tsuyu, taking a bite of her meal, looked around the table with a curious gleam in her eyes. "Alright, let's lighten the mood. What's the silliest thing you've ever done?"

Mineta, always ready with a cheeky grin, didn't hesitate. "I once tried to use my sticky balls to climb the side of the school building. Didn't end well, though."

Laughter erupted around the table, and Momo, with a smile, admitted, "I once accidentally created a giant marshmallow during training. It was fluffy, but not very useful."

"Oh my gosh!! I remember that" Jirou added, laughing

Uraraka, enjoying her meal, joined in. "I tried to use my quirk to float a bunch of apples and make a floating fruit salad. Let's just say it turned into a fruity disaster."

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