Chapter 45

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"Oh great." Nagisa sighed. He was currently trying to escape this crazy place he was stuck in, and he just entered a room that he thought was clear, but he made a misjudgement and was now face to face with enemies. 

'Damn. This really sucks. There's what, 6 of them? I guess i'm outnumbered. All I need to do is make sure they don't snitch. This should be annoying...'

"HEY!" One of them barked. 

'I wonder what their quirks are.. I have to be careful of that. Let's see... 2 of them have walkies... I can work with that. They are standing close together, this should be okay.'

Nagisa leaped down from the ledge and quickly swung a leg around the first guard, knocking him out and taking the walkie. He spotted another guard trying to escape, but he swiftly kicked one of the bigger guards, sending them crashing into one another.

'Ooooh, that was loud. Ouch. Hope they don't notice that... 3 "down", 3 more to go.. and those seem like the harder ones.'

One of the guards swung a fist aimed right for Nagisa's head, but his reflexes kicked in, and he dodged perfectly. Nagisa ducked under another guard's swing, his body contorting with the agility of a seasoned assassin. With a swift pivot, he delivered a powerful kick to the abdomen of a third guard, sending them stumbling backward.

"Why you...." The fourth guard growled, while activating his quirk. 

'Woah.. first quirk. Okay, it seems like it's... knives?!'

The fourth guard summoned multiple knives, using them to advance towards Nagisa. He side stepped and weaved away, pissing off the guard more and more. Those countless days training with Karasuma really paid off.

The guard sent knifes towards Nagisa's head-- fast. But this was nothing compared to Koro-sensei throwing baseballs at them at mach 20. 

Nagisa moved his head, and one of the knives caught him off guard. Nagisa barely missed it, but it sliced a few of his blue hairs off. 

'Aww, my hair!' Nagisa thought, while dodging the attacks

He managed to swipe a weapon off one of the unconsious guards, and pulled it out of his pocket. 

'What kind of weapon is this? It seems complicated.'

Nagisa hopped up to land on the ledge he was on when he entered, and the guards growled at him, seeing how he was too high up to attack. The knife guard sent weapons to try and hit Nagisa, but he ducked just in time. 

He examined the weapon-- it was a gun, just his luck.

'Well I can't use this... It's going to sell me out so fast, it's way too loud. I wish I had one of our silent guns so badly right now....' 

Nagisa tossed the weapon to the side quickly and hopped off the ledge, capturing the fourth guard in a headlock. The guard tossed and turned, but Nagisa kept his grip. 

He could see another guard coming towards him, and he flipped over the fourth guard's back and swung his legs, which made perfect contact with the fifth guard's head. 

He was caught in a bad place. He pressed a pressure point on the fourth guard, making him pass out, and got back in a fighting stance to take on the last two guards. 

Nagisa's eyes widened as he saw the fifth guard activate his quirk.

'Elastic body? Oh great! Well-- At least the 6th one is quirkless, I can tell.' 

The fifth guard stretched out his hand, aiming directly at Nagisa's face. He jumped up with all his might and he managed to dodge, with the electic hand slapping the sixth guard's face. Nagisa giggled at that. 

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