Chapter 8

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Nagisa POV

I woke up a little earlier than the others, because I was used to being up early for hero training

I decided to make breakfast since I noticed that nobody had beaten me to it!

Normally, Sato would make us breakfast at UA, but honestly, I think I like Teraseka's pancakes better. 

I got ready and put on some casual clothes then headed downstairs

I arrived at the kitchen and decided to make some Waffles, and right when i was about to start, Sugino and Kanzaki joined me

"Goodmorning guys!" I said

"Good morning Nagisa!" Sugino greeted, still looking half asleep 

"Good morning Nagisa, How was your sleep?" Kanzaki asked

"It was great! I miss sleeping in my room haha"

"That's for sure, The dorms at our school are so lame" Sugino responded.

"Can I help you make breakfast?" Kanzaki asked

"Of course!"

"I'll make some bacon" Sugino said, he seemd to be more awake now

After a little, we were able to make enough food for the rest of the kids. 

Kanzaki went to the intercom and sent a message to the rooms

"Hey guys! goodmorning! Me, Nagisa, and Sugino made some breakfast, come down whenever you are ready!"

After about and hour, most of us were up and eaten already. 

A couple of us went and hung around the house. Okuda went to the library and Teresaka and a couple others went to the game room

Meg and Yada went to the spa to relax for a bit

"soooo.... What do you guys wanna do today?" Kayano asked

"Oh my gosh! we should go on a shopping spree!" Hinano said, excited

Literal stars appeared in Kayano's eyes. She accepted happily, and started to run off. Before she could get anywhere, however, Maehara stopped her.

"Oh no, leave me out of this. And dont tell Nakamura.. She will get carried away like crazy" he said, sweatdropping

"Well, its too late for that" Itona siad, pointing to the two girls rushing to the intercom

Isogai just sighed

I chuckled as Nakamura's voice blared through the intercom, responding about her eagerness for a shopping spree. 

It was inevitable – once she heard the word "shopping," there was no stopping her. Maehara's prediction came true, and we exchanged amused glances.

"I guess we're going on a shopping spree then," I said, rolling my eyes playfully. Isogai, the ever-patient one, sighed again but couldn't suppress a smile. "Alright, let's make a plan. We should set a budget, so the girls don't spend all the money we have," he suggested.

The plan was set in motion, and soon enough, Kayano, Itona, Sugino, Kanzaki, Maehara, Nakamura, Hinano, Hayami, Chiba, and I found ourselves navigating the bustling streets of the shopping district, staying close as a group. Nakamura was practically dragging Hinano towards a cosmetic store, eyes gleaming with excitement. The rest of us followed.

As we entered the cosmetic store, Nakamura began picking out various makeup products with Ritsu offering her expert advice. 

Deku as Nagisa Mha x ACWhere stories live. Discover now