Chapter 49

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Edit: not an edit, there was a note up here that i forgot to delete lmao

The smoke cleared, and everyone could see the horrifying sight in front of them-- Takaoka holding Nagisa by gunpoint and their other classmates on the floor. Nagisa looked out of it, almose dazed, and there was a bruise on his head.

Almost immediately after seeing Takaoka, group 2 stood up quickly, though some of them were hurt and had to be supported by the others. 

The rest of 3-E instinctively moved closer to their friends to help them. This situation was bad- they couldn't make a wrong move or Nagisa would be dead.

'This is bad. This is really bad.' Karma thought, analyzing the situation. 'Takaoka's here.. alone? That shows how much he puts trust in his plan. The gun he has.. It's one that soldiers use. He's not here to play. Even so...' Karma shook his head. 

Not being able to make a move, reach for their phone, anything, made the 3-E kids mad and most importantly, scared. 

"I wouldn't move if I was you." Takaoka said, shoving Nagisa.

"Who the FUCK are you?" Bakugo asked, standing in a fighting position. The other 1-A kids nodded slightly. 

Todoroki and Jiro hummed and tried to recall if they had seen him anywhere. From fights, lessons, anything. They came up with a blank, and shook their heads in frustration.

"Takaoka! What are you doing?!" Meg said, grimacing. 

"Was Nagisa fighting you and beating you twice not enough?!" Nakamura hissed, but inside, she was terrified. She wasn't there for the last fight between the two, but she heard from Isogai and the others that it was not pretty. And she remembered Nagisa having to say home from school from almost a broken rib. 

"Rio..." Yada frowned. 

"She's right!" Maehara said, putting his hands out in frustration. "What do you want from us now? Another fight?" He complained. Despite how laid back he sounded, he was also terrified. Takaoka was not only really strong, the sight of him made even the 3-E kids falter. 

"Why do you keep picking on him?!" Karma said, trying to move closer. "Come on! I can give you a better fight." He smirked, but the kids could tell that he was desperate. Nagisa hadn't slept for who knows how long and it was clear he was shaken up. But Karma wasn't looking down on him- he knew better than that. Karma wanted to give Nagisa a break  for once. 

Takaoka raised an eyebrow and started laughing. It was clear he was enjoying the kids pleading, and that pissed them off. 

"Let him go!" Teraseka said, glaring at Takaoka. "What the fuck is wrong with you. Just leave us alone!" He said, but the others noticed that he was trying really hard not to jump into the situation headfirst. He had really grown from their time in middle school, it almost made Karma proud. 

"You guys.. be careful what you say, please. We have to think of something quick," Isogai said through the comms, whispering to the kids. From an outsiders perspective, it looked like Isogai was just whispering to himself. 

"Karasuma sensei and Bitch-sensei are on their way." Ritsu said to everyones comms. 

"Takaoka." Hayami came forward. "What do you want with us?" 

"Y-yea. What's your deal?" Chiba asked, playing along to Hayami's plan. The kids saw that she was trying to distract him from hurting Nagisa, and waiting for Karasuma and Irina to show up. 

"Simply put.." Takaoka said, scarily calm. "I want revenge. You brats destroyed my life, remember?"

"Yea, it's hard to forget... you fucking traumatized us.." Yoshida grumbled under his breath. 

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