Chapter 17

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A/N: Okuda is Akari Kurosawa and Itona is Hakuri Tanaka

Itona and Okuda found themselves awake at an ungodly hour trying to set up everything for their transfer. 

Unlike the idiot Nagisa, they had remembered to change their appearances, and get their names memorised.

The morning air was fresh as they made their way to the imposing gates of the prestigious high school.

As they stood before the towering entrance, the sheer magnitude of UA struck them. Okuda couldn't help but feel a thrill, her eyes widening at the sight. "So, this is the famous UA High School..."

Itona, his expression more contemplative, remarked, "Yep. It's going to be interesting here."

"Indeed, just imagine the kind of experiences we'll have!" Okuda replied, her enthusiasm infectious.

Itona, however, couldn't help but voice a note of caution. "Yeah, let's try not to stir up too much trouble. We're here to blend in, not stand out."

A wry smile crossed Okuda's face. "Well, hopefully Yoshida and Takebayashi won't miss us too much."

They approached the gate, scanning the ID cards they had found in the house mailbox. With a faint beep, the gates swung open, revealing the expansive campus beyond.

Itona couldn't help but comment on the security measures. "Wow. There's so much security. Though, it doesn't seem very foolproof. Me or Ritsu could probably break in."

"True," Okuda agreed, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "I heard they revamped the security system after a villain incident and a press scandal. Still, it seems to have its flaws."

Walking through the gates, they were met by the school's principal, Nezu. The peculiar figure, resembling a hybrid of a rat, bear, or mouse, greeted them with a warm welcome. "Ah, welcome, new students! I'm Principal Nezu. I trust you'll find your time at UA both challenging and rewarding."

Itona and Okuda exchanged glances, momentarily bewildered by the sight of the unique principal. Nezu continued, "If you ever need guidance or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your first day at UA!"

As Itona and Okuda strolled through the bustling halls of UA, they couldn't shake the sense that Principal Nezu was keeping a watchful eye on them. They had heard from Nagisa that he was super intelligent or something.

The students of UA, ever perceptive, couldn't help but stare at them in the halls. Undeterred, Itona and Okuda met the gazes head-on, their expressions reflecting a quiet determination.

"So, why do they all look so... Weird?" Okuda whispered to Itona as they navigated through the sea of curious eyes.

Itona raised an intrigued eyebrow. "I was just about to ask you the same thing. Are quirks that random? That guy has a fish head! They look nothing like Korosensei"

Deku as Nagisa Mha x ACWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt