Chapter 28

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Jirou and Hagakure were hanging out in their room. They wanted to play a language game, inspired by Midoriya and his friends. 

They decided they wanted to learn a language, and they thought that it would be cool to learn Russian. 

They searched up some basic words and pulled up a translator. Hagakure started trying to say the words, the translator showed the english version. 


Suddenly, the translator started showing words that Hagakure wasn't saying. 

"So, do you want to go to the house?" "Yea, but what are you going to tell your classmates?" "You should have no problem lying to them... I think you're a natural now," "Oh, come on, fine. I'll tell them we are going to my mom's," "I thought you told them your mom was sick?" "Oh, yeah. Okay, Itona, we are going to yours," "Alright," "Wait a minute. Who's driving us?" "Okuda, we can just roof-hop"  "Actually, let's walk. I don't want to almost kill another old man"

The two girls exchanged a glance, their expressions mirroring confusion and horror.

Jirou's voice came out sharp with disbelief. "What the fuck. What was that?!"

Hagakure frowned, her invisible form betraying her puzzled expression. "Where did that come from?"

Jirou's mind raced as she connected the dots. "Midoriya's room is right next to us; the translator might have picked up that conversation!" She gasped.

Hagakure's eyes widened in realization. "He was lying to us?"

Jirou nodded grimly. "I guess so."

"Killing an old man?? What the hell does that mean..?" Hagakure exclaimed

Jirou had a good feeling that that statement related to the weapons she found in the room

By this time, both of the girl's hearts were racing. Jirou was getting more and more suspicous of Midoriya every day. 

Hagakure tried to offer a glimmer of hope. "They could just be playing around. We don't know that for sure."

Jirou hesitated before continuing, her tone uncertain. "This might sound weird, but..."

Hagakure finished her sentence, understanding dawning in her voice. "You want me to follow them? I know."

With a determined nod, Jirou watched as Hagakure got up and undressed to be completely invisible. 

Hagakure made her way, following Midoriya and the others






When Midoriya, Haruki, and Akari stopped walking, Hagakure froze. 

When they started talking about her, she was scared shitless. 

'How the hell can they see me??? Im invisible! And, I thought I was being really quiet- this whole time, nobody else noticed me..'

Before she knew it, she was passed out

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