Chapter 25

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After watching the movie, Okuda left the UA dorms. Why? because she was actually really hungry and needed to catch up with the E class girls. 




She entered the house, only to see Yoshida, Muramatsu, Takebayashi, and Justice... Studying?

"Wow, I never took you guys for nerds," Okuda remarked with a playful grin, crossing her arms over her chest. She channeled her inner "Karma" while saying that

Muramatsu glanced up from his notes, offering a nonchalant shrug. "Whatever, we all have a test on the same thing soon, and Takebayashi is helping us."

"Aww, that's so cute!" Okuda teased, her smile widening as she looked at Takebayashi.

Ignoring the teasing, Okuda turned her attention to Justice. "Do you guys know if Nagisa and the others are back from their mission?"

"Erm... I don't know, they have been gone for a while," Takebayashi replied, furrowing his brow in thought.

"Teraseka is probably falling asleep... He has an early bedtime," Yoshida chimed in with a chuckle.

"Haha, that reminds me of one of the kids from UA!  Anyways, where are the girls? Or anyone?" Okuda asked, glancing around the room curiously.

"I'm pretty sure a couple of them are in the spa... something about an 'everything day'—whatever that means," Muramatsu replied, his gaze returning to his notes.

"Okay, try not to stay up too late!" Okuda called over her shoulder as she turned to leave.

"Who are you? Hara?" Yoshida joked, earning a laugh from the others.

"Haha, very funny... I'm going now," Okuda replied, waving goodbye as she exited the room.With her goodbyes exchanged, Okuda made her way down the hall towards the spa.

As she opened the door, she could see Meg, Kayano, and Okano relaxing on chairs while Nakamura, Kanzaki, and Yada were doing their hair. 

Hayami, Hara, and Fuwa were all passed out, sleeping on massage chairs

Okuda sweatdropped at the sight. 

"Oh! Hey there, Okuda!" Nakamura greeted with a friendly smile, waving her over to join the group.

"Woah! I thought you were busy with all your hero stuff, too good to hang out with us, huh?" Nakamura teased, nudging Okuda playfully.

"Now you all know that's not true... And we literally talked on the phone yeaterday.." Okuda chuckled, shaking her head at their playful banter. She glanced around the room and noticed Hayami asleep in one corner. "Is Hayami... Asleep?"

Kayano turned her head and laughed at the sight. 

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