Chapter 13

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Shit shit shit shit shittttt

of COURSE I forget to change back with Kayano's quirk...

What the hell do I do??

Okay. okay okay.. breathe.

Right now what do i have on? hmmmm

Okay yea! thats right! I have my contacts on and my Midoriya shoes on

Nows the time to use the quick thinking skills i have

W̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶i̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶?̶ Nope. Im hanging out with Karma too much.

Shut up voice in my head!!

I know what to do!

Time to use Bitch-Sensei's acting lessons

I calmed myself down.

Thankfully, my mental panic didnt last long, because the person in front of me hadn't moved yet.

"Answer my question or Ill report you to the pros."

It was really dark, but i could still tell that there were two people. Judging by the bright yellow hair, and the glowing yellow eyes. I could tell that it was Tokoyami and Kaminari.

They don't know who I am. I can't afford them knowing my real presence, They might recognize me

I brought myself to talk

"U-uhm.. Is this the 1-A dorms?" I tried to stammer

"I-i think im lost.... Does Izuku Midoriya live here?"

I mentally sighed. Hopefully that worked!

I was wrong.

"What? yes this is the dorms of 1-A.... Who are you" Kaminari(?) said, threatenly. I could see his quirk activate subtly. Yellow electricity sparked along his body, brightining up the room a little bit.

"Im M-midoriya's brother..!"

"I came to.... get his computer he left in his room."

Panic surged through me as I desperately tried to keep my composure. The dim light in the hallway barely illuminated Tokoyami and Kaminari's suspicious glares. The glowing eyes and crackling electricity heightened the tension in the air, making my acting skills the only lifeline between exposure and a safe retreat.

I had to tread carefully.

The moment I mentioned Midoriya's name, both Tokoyami and Kaminari's expressions shifted. The urgency in their eyes intensified, and they exchanged a quick glance that hinted at shared concern.

"Oh, you're Midoriya's brother?" Kaminari's tone softened slightly, but the electricity still crackled across his skin, showing he wasn't fully convinced.

"Yeah," I replied, feigning nervousness, "I-I don't visit often, and I got here late. I was hoping to surprise him. He left his computer, and I thought I'd bring it back for him."

"Midoriya? Where has he been for the past two days?" Kaminari asked, his tone a mix of worry and frustration.

Tokoyami remained silent, his bird-like head tilting slightly as if scrutinizing me from the shadows. The suspense was suffocating, but I kept my eyes locked on theirs, hoping my fabricated story would hold up.

Kaminari crossed his arms, still wary. "Midoriya never mentioned having a brother."

I gulped, my mind racing to come up with a convincing response. "Oh, we're not that close. He's always so focused on hero stuff, you know? But I thought it'd be a nice gesture."

Tokoyami's eyes narrowed, and I sensed the scrutiny intensifying. 

I know how to accept defeat. I will NOT be able to keep up the act much longer. 

Bitch-Sensei will kill me if she finds out I failed to act a role properly


One thing that I am thankful for about my mother, I know how to read people. Very well. 

I could easily see that Tokoyami and Kaminari were VERY tired, from what? I have no clue. But, This would do the trick for sure.

I remembered the smoke bomb filled with a mixture that Smog and Okuda helped make. 

Thank the stars for my luck tonight..

"Oh! I just remembered something!" I said, puttting on a smile

"And what might that be?" Tokoyami said, still very suspicious

"I have a photo of me and him together!"

"Let me just get it out"

Kaminari and Tokoyami looked at eachother, then at me. They gave me an approving nod.

I reached out into my bag...

And then-







(A/N: Hey anyone reading this! Lmk what you think of the story so far! 4 votes and i'll post the next chapter :D)

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