Chapter 19

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The day was finally over, and I decided to hang out in the common room.

After a really hard trigonometry test, we decided to just relax and put a hold on the activities.

'Stupid trig. what the hell is a cosine anyways' 

(A/N: Real, except I LOVE trig)

I shrugged off my feelings and sat down on the couch.

Itona and Okuda were back in the Support course dorms (A/N: Idk if that exists just shhhh)

I pulled out my phone and decided to check the past messages from the 3-E chat




Isogai: Hey everyone! how was your day

Hayami: boring. I had to actually talk with my classmates and I found out they really suck

Chiba: I swear you should just switch into my class

Hayami: I wish. That stupid councelor gets on my nerves.

Yoshida: Do we really have to do this every day? This is boring.

Maehara: What crawled up your ass and died?

Okano: Maehara, chill

Nakamura: LMAO

Okano: You're not helping

Takebayashi: Yoshida stfu, ur only mad because you failed an english test

Yada: Theres no way! We can all speak fluent english, thanks to Bitch-sensei

Okajima: Yoshida....

Yoshida: the test was super hard

Takebayashi: What are you talking about! You slept like a loser that whole test??

Yoshida: Oh yea that too

Fuwa: I dont even have to take an english class, I just hang around the campus because I dont need it

Hara: Lucky!!

Fuwa: I just plan my mangas anyway

Meg: I can tell that you will become an author when you grow up

Fuwa: If i'm lucky!

Ritsu: Before Hayami goes offline, I think she needs to ask you guys something

Hayami: ...

Hayami: no. 

Hinano: ohh, is this about yesterday?

Ritsu: Yes. And if you never ask, you wont get what you want Hayami!

Hayami: Okay fine. 

Hayami: ...Can we pleasee get a cat.

Muramatsu: A cat?

Hinano: Yes! We went to a store the other day, and we found the cutest one ever!

Kayano: Oh yea! it was actually the same one that Korosensei got a picture of!

Sugaya: Ohh that one

Chiba: I mean, as long as it isnt too much trouble, we could get it I guess?

Kanzaki:  Omg! I would love having a cat around the house

Meg: I think that's a yes

Hayami: wait actually?

Hayami: I did not think you guys would agree that fast

Deku as Nagisa Mha x ACWhere stories live. Discover now