Chapter 35

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Irina glanced in the rear view mirror to make sure everything was going fine in the back. Karma and Itona were sitting next to eachother, and the passed-out toga was slumped on the floor. Karma was resting his feet on her, until Okuda told him to be respectful. 

Irina sighed, "How do you kids always find your way into trouble?"

"It's not our fault!" Okuda protested.

"It's all Nagisa's fault for getting kidnapped," Karma chimed in.

"Can you even say that? How was it his fault?" Itona questioned.

"I mean, he should know better..." Irina trailed off.

"Well, we don't know his side of the story," Itona pointed out.

"I think it's weird how calm we are being," Okuda remarked


"Well, it is Nagisa we are talking about..." Irina shrugged.

"I trust him to know what to do," Karma stated confidently.

"But we don't know anything about these villains!" Itona exclaimed, adjusting his headband.

"Well, by the way that chick fought, they shouldn't be too bad," Karma smirked.

"Those government agents that tried to stop us at graduation looked worse," Okuda added.

"I mean... they are agents??" Irina raised an eyebrow.

"How much longer?" Karma inquired.

"Almost there," Irina replied, angrily honking at a slow car.

"Please try not to crash us," Itona pleaded.

Okuda pulled out her phone. "I think we should kind of explain what happened to the others.."

Karma's eyes widened in realization. "Ohh I almost forgot about them... they aren't going to take that well.."

Itona, sighing, said "Look, there are other chats. Just backread before you say anything. We can stall for a little"

The greatest groupchat ever- 3-E!

Nakamura: omg guys did you know that this year is a leap year :OO

Isogai: Yes

Meg: Yes..?

Nakamura: Jeez, sorry..

Yoshida: What's the point of pointing that out

Muramatsu: haha you said point twice

Sugaya: Cut it out

Kayano: Actually, feb 29 is Nagisa's favorite day

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