Chapter 14

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The gas canister hissed softly as I released a controlled burst of the mixture gas into the hallway. Kaminari and Tokoyami's eyes drooped, and they slumped into an unexpected nap right then and there. My pulse quickened as I realized I had to act fast to cover my tracks.

okay. I got this. Its easy right? remove any incriminating evidence, move the bodies, and get changed back


What the hell am I doing with my lifeeeeee..-

Quickly, I adjusted their positions to make it look like they fell asleep watching a movie. I wiped down the canister, stashed it back into my bag, and made a run for it. 

Back in my room, my heart pounded as I just realized the gravity of what I'd done. 

I texted Kayano quickly

Nagisa: Hey kayano..

Kayano: Hey Nagisa! whats up?

Kayano: ...


Nagisa: Yea.. I kinda forgot to ask you

Kayano: No, No its okay! I should have reminded you haha

Nagisa: Yeaaaa, I'm kinda in a situation

Kayano: Okay. Can you sneak out? Ill meet you outside in 20

Nagisa: Yep! Thank you so much 

No need for a formal confirmation; we'd pulled off riskier stunts in the past.




As I went outside to a blind spot on the cameras, Kayano materialized from the shadows. "Kayano to the rescue!" she whispered, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Yeah, and make it quick," I replied, my nerves still on edge. The transformation was swift, and within moments, I was back to looking like good ol' Izuku Midoriya.

"Stay out of trouble, Nagisa," she teased before dissapearing.

I nodded in gratitude, slipping back into my room just as the cameras were on break. The whole thing had been a close call, and as I settled back into my room, I couldn't help but shiver at the recent incident.

I started getting ready for bed, totally trying to forget everything that happened in the past hour

I really hope tomorrow, Kami and Tokoyami would forget what happened tonight. I could really tell they were tired, so it should be okay



After brushing my teeth (and hiding the dress that Karma and Rio packed me in my closet), I mentally went through everything upcoming and in the past.

Then I rememebred that there was still camera footage of my little squabble with 2 of my classmates

"Hey ritsuuuu?" I whispered, praying that she was awake right now

"Whats up Nagisa?" She answered. 


"You know that camera footage of the past hour..?" 

"Nagisa. It is deadass 2 in the morning. What did you do...."

"It was nothing, I had to make some classmates unconscious, thats all!"

"This is stressful. You guys stress me out"


"Nah, It's okay, I was bored watching TV anyways."

After a couple of moments, and me almost dozing off, she gave me a thumbs up and yelled at me to go to bed

But then I realized how much I miss my bed back at the house.....

Oh well. I should get to sleep, anyways.

Tomorrow I have a whole lot of lying and excuse-making

Oh! And Itona and Okuda are coming!

I closed my eyes and slept like a completely normal person who was not an assassin. 

Little did I know someone may have heard the noise of me coming back.









(A/N: Like promised, posted as soon as I hit 4! super short chapter, but the next one is about 2500 words, i promise! Just like last time, 4 votes and i'll post the next one!!)

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