Chapter 22

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(A/N: Im alive! Thank you guys for all the good luck wishes- we got 2nd place!)

(A/N: The episode above is actually so funny- I didn't know it existed but it was actually an extra! It's episode 19.5- I reccomend you watch this if you ship Maehara and Okano!)


It was now morning in the UA dorms. The students, each with their unique morning routines, began the day in their own ways.

Momo, always an early riser, was already at her desk reviewing notes for the day's lessons. She exchanged a few words with Uraraka, who was groggily getting ready and still half-asleep.

Down the hall, Bakugo's explosive personality didn't waver even in the early hours. Kirishima, trying to match his energy, attempted a friendly morning greeting, only to be met with a grumbled response.

In another part of the dorms, Tsuyu, with her calm demeanor, smoothly went about her morning routine. She exchanged a nod with Iida, who was meticulously arranging his school supplies.

(Midoriya was able to get a bigger room, so that Itona and Okuda could sleep on airbeds. )

The soft morning light filtered into Midoriya's room, signaling the beginning of a new day at UA. Midoriya, Itona, and Okuda were getting ready for their classes

Midoriya, fully awake and brimming with excitement, couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "Wakey wakey! You don't want to be late for class!"

Okuda, still half asleep, mumbled in protest, "Oh jeez, Nagisa, do we really have to wake up now?"

Itona, groggily responding to the commotion, grunted, "Ughhhh."

Midoriya playfully nudged Itona, trying to rouse him fully. "Oh, come on! We've woken up way earlier than this."

Okuda, surrendering to the inevitable wake-up call, reluctantly admitted, "I guess you're right..."

Itona, now more aware of his surroundings, grumbled, "I'm awake. I'm awake."

Itona paused, then voiced his frustration. "I'm tired of having to answer so many questions from your classmates, Nagisa."

Okuda, chiming in with a teasing smile, countered, "Well, wouldn't you do the same?"

Midoriya, recalling Itona's crazy transfer, chuckled, "I mean... We did that to you when you transferred, right?"

Itona, now fully awake, rolled his eyes. "Fair point."

As they continued their morning routine, Midoriya couldn't help but flash a sad smile. "You guys still getting used to being with Class 1-A instead of the E Class?"

Okuda, adjusting her uniform, nodded. "even though we have been to normal school for a while, it feels weird to be with A class now"

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