Chapter 43

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(The last chapter didn't get 15 votes, but i still kinda felt bad for making you guys wait 4 days so i'll post this now)



"Alright, so we have the plan?" Karma asked. 

"Yep!" Okano affirmed. 

"We split up into groups, right?" Chiba asked, turning to Ritsu.

"Um yea, why are you asking this again?" Hayami cocked her head to the side and looked at Chiba.

"It's so the readers know what happened while the other group was fighting Toga." Fuwa smirked. 

"Fuwa..." Hinano sighed. "I love you so much, but-"

Okano cut her off. "But what the hell are you talking about sometimes..."

"Sometimes we just learn not to ask..." Isogai facepalmed.

"Anyways- Group A is Karma, Maehara, Hara, Itona, Isogai, and Hinano"

"Alright!" Maehara and Isogai high-fived

"Group B is okano, Teraseka, Hayami, Chiba, Takebayashi, and Fuwa"

"Heh. sounds good to me" Teraseka exclaimed, throwing the knife in his hands up and down. 







The kids were still waiting outside the building, hidden in plain sight. They followed Isogai's commands, as usual. 

Itona found this interesting. He might not have known the class president as long as the others had, but he knew that Isogai was always trying to think of the best for everyone. Without really thinking about it, the all the kids had fallen into the old pattern of putting their trust in him.

"Hey Ritsu," Fuwa tapped on her phone. "Are you able to get into the security cameras?"

Ritsu popped up on Fuwa's screen. "Yes, but I can only access the first floor. There is a block on the second for some reason."

"Wait." Hayami paused. "So this whole thing... The people who have Nagisa have access to a hacker, right?"

The others froze.

"Oh." Was all that was said

Ritsu sighed. "Yes, and I'm having trouble determining where this person is coming from."

"Well, you have never had any trouble accessing cameras" Maehara rubbed his chin.

"Wait, so the people who kidnapped Nagisa were able to cut the cameras from the second floor, but they didn't cut the first floor?" Hinano said, confused. 

"Yea..." Isogai sighed. 

"It's almost like--" Takebayashi started

"The fuckers were expecting us to find them" Teraseka said, his eyes widening for a split second. 

"Hmm, so they expect us to infiltrate the building" Karma hummed

"Do we still carry on with the plan?" Hara asked.

"I mean, we could try to still find him" Chiba peeped

"Again, we don't even know if he's here.." Maehara reminded them, messing with the blade in his belt pocket. 

Deku as Nagisa Mha x ACTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon