Chapter 51

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There was no way. 

There was no way that Takaoka challenged Nagisa to ANOTHER battle. 

If Fuwa was in the right mood, she would complain about this being cliche, and the others wouldn't even disagree with her. She would have been right.

"What the hell?!" Teraseka said, not even yelling. 

"Do- do you see the condition he's in?!" Sugino cried out.

The odds were obviously against Nagisa, and Takaoka knew it. 

Karma clenched his fists. This wasn't going well. It was bad enough that the kids couldn't help Nagisa, but now they were going to have to watch him fight Takaoka again. Or mabye they didn't.

"Hey Takaoka!" Karma called out, trying to keep his composure. "All of us in here know how much you love a good fight, right?" He walked closer. "You want to beat poor Nagisa at full strength, right?"

"That smart bastard." Nakamura complimented Karma under her breath. 

"What kind of joy would you get from beating a little kid who is not at his full strength?" Karma asked, smiling. 

"Hah, yea!" Nakamura hummed. "You wouldn't like to just kill him right here, would you?" She asked, mirroring Karma's cocky attitude. 

"What did you say back on the island?" Isogai asked rhetorically. "You said you wanted to...." He looked down, not able to repeat Takaoka's words. 

Fuwa quickly glanced at Isogai and then looked back at Takaoka. "You said and I quote: 'he has to feel it or I can't properly humiliate him! How the hell else am I gonna patch up my self esteem?' Isn't that right, Takaoka?"

"She remembered that?!" Yada said, looking at Meg.

"She's always been observant..." Meg said. "I'm not surprised"


"Ah.." Takaoka hummed. "I suppose you're right." 

The 3-E kids looked at echother with hopeful eyes. This might actually be their chance to get out.



"There is one problem though..." He paused. "I don't want to humiliate him.."

"So you can let us g- ! wait, what?" Mimura asked, celebrating before Takaoka finished. His smile immediately dropped to a scowl.

"I want all of you to be in pain. I want to hurt all of you." He looked down and smiled. "And what better place to start than a well-cared about person?!" He started laughing manically. "And to top it off-- He's already hurt! AND He's concussed!" He started to bend down as a result of how much he was laughing. 

Nagisa's eyes darted between Takaoka and his friends. This was starting to get real. 

His heart burned in so many ways, the thought of his loved ones being in pain was allmost too much to handle. When he closed his eyes, the only thing he could think about was that time back on the island, staring into Takaoka's eyes fullof hatred, and noticing the scars in the shape of scratch marks. 

Nagisa noticed that those scars had faded, and they were not as noticeable now. That thought scared him, as his mind immediately went to what Takaoka did to cope with how crazy he must've been after their last fight. 

"You're sick." Nagisa groaned. "Why are you hurting them. I'm the one who humiliated you." He croaked, stalling longer.

"You still don't get it, do you?" Takaoka said, turning his head ever so slightly. 

Deku as Nagisa Mha x ACTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang