Chapter 11

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The dorm room buzzed with the lively chatter of Class 1-A, and the topic shifted away from Midoriya as they delved into lighter discussions.

Mina, flipping her pink hair, decided to break the tension with a playful suggestion. "Alright, enough of this serious stuff! Who's up for a game night? I've got Uno and Monopoly!"

Kaminari's eyes lit up with excitement. "Game night sounds awesome! But can we play something where I won't get electrocuted every time I lose? My quirk doesn't take breaks, you know."

Ojiro, recalling the last game they played a week ago, laughed at the interaction

Iida, ever the responsible one, chimed in, "I believe a structured game like chess would be more appropriate. It enhances strategic thinking and maintains a respectable level of decorum."

Bakugo scoffed, "Chess? That's boring as hell. I say we go all out with Mario Kart—no holding back, just pure chaos!"

Uraraka laughed, "Mario Kart it is! But let's settle it once and for all—who's the real king or queen of Rainbow Road?"

As they prepared for an intense Mario Kart tournament, Tokoyami pondered, "Do you think our quirks would give us an advantage in a real-life Mario Kart race?"

Momo, always analytical, responded, "Well, some quirks might have unique applications. Imagine Todoroki creating an ice track or Sero using tape to navigate tricky turns."

Kirishima grinned, "And Bakugo would just blast everyone off the track with explosions. Talk about a fiery race!"

The dorm room filled with laughter as they set up the game console, putting aside hero training for a moment to enjoy a night of friendly competition and camaraderie.

As the Mario Kart tournament heated up, Momo suggested, "How about we make it interesting? The loser of each race has to do a random dare chosen by the winner."

Denki grinned mischievously. "I'm in! Let the dares begin!"

The first race was chaotic, with banana peels, shells, and the occasional quirk-powered boost. In the end, Mineta found himself at the bottom of the rankings. Sero, the victorious racer, thought for a moment before grinning. "I dare you to wear a grape costume for the rest of the night!"

Mineta sighed but accepted his fate. "Fine, fine! But only for tonight."

The room erupted in laughter as Mineta donned the oversized grape costume, racing with a fruity flair.




After the kids were done with their lollygagging, they decided to sit down and eat.

Jirou, taking a bite of her stir-fry, suggested, "This is really good, Sero! You should share the recipe."

Sero grinned, "Thanks, Jirou! It's a family recipe. I can give you the details later."

As they enjoyed the food, the conversation turned to lighter topics. Bakugo, in between bites, rolled his eyes. "Why are we even discussing recipes? We're heroes, not chefs."

Kirishima chuckled, "Hey, a hero's gotta eat well to stay in top shape! Plus, it's nice to know your way around the kitchen."

Mina, sipping on her drink, added, "Speaking of staying in shape, anyone up for some training after dinner? I need a good sparring partner."

Sero grinned, "I'm always up for a friendly match. Let's do it!"

Amidst the small talk, Denki glanced at the clock. "Hey, has anyone decided what movie to watch tonight?"

Tokoyami raised an eyebrow. "Movie night again? Just pick one quickly this time."

Uraraka nodded, "We were just discussing that, silly. Anybody have recommendations?"

Iida sighed, "Fine. 'Heroic Harmony.' Now eat, decide quickly, and don't stay up too late. We have training tomorrow."

The class resumed their dinner, sharing laughs and stories as they finished their meals. Once the plates were cleared, they settled on 'Heroic Harmony' without much debate, enjoying a relaxed evening of camaraderie and movie watching.

As the credits rolled, Momo stood up. "That's enough. Bedtime. We should get some rest for tomorrow's training!"




(A/N: just a little calm before the storm. Thanks for reading!)

622 words 

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