Chapter 53

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The explosion tore through the air with a deafening roar, shattering the silence that was surrounding the warehouse. A brilliant flash of light lit up the surroundings, casting sharp shadows against the old walls. The force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the air, with boxes and crates from the other rooms rattling.

Chunks of concrete and metal hurtled through the air, propelled by the sheer force of the explosion. The horrible smell of smoke and burning debris filled the warehouse, stinging their nostrils and choking their lungs.

The force of the explosion slammed into Karasuma and Irina, sending them tumbling backward too quick for them to react. Their bodies collided with the hard floor, they tried to quickly get up and keep their balance. Dust and debris fell down upon them, messing up their vision and clogging their senses.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the ringing in their ears drowning out all other sounds. Then, slowly, reality began to seep back in, and they got a view of the horrible sight in front of them. The once-sturdy walls of the warehouse now lay in ruin, crumbled and fractured by the force of the explosion-- however, even before checking up on themselves, their first thought was the children. 

They quickly recovered, and looked around. Karasuma put his palm on the floor to hoist himself up when he felt... ice? He looked around and found Irina, awake but on the floor.

Karasuma got up from the rubble, and reached out a hand to pick up Irina. With a weak "Thanks," The two of them fought their way through the debris, and shouted for the kid's names. 

Before they could even croak out a name, they heard the maniacal laughter of Takaoka, his voice filling the hallway. 

The two of them looked at each other in alarm, and ran into the hallway where the others were. 

They froze at the sight in front of them. All the kids-- their kids (and some others who Karasuma had no idea who they were), were there, almost shaking scared. There were about a million little ice pieces on the floor, and he could see Takaoka holding Nagisa, but a smile still on his twisted face

"What the-- What the hell?!" Karasuma said, his eyes widening. He didn't dare take another step.

"What.." Irina said, under her breath. She shook in a way she had never shook before. She was more scared than she had ever been. More than when she had watched people kill her parents. Worse than when her Lovro sent her on her first mission. Takaoka was here. He was back, and this time, it looked like he would stop at nothing. Those were her students, but most importantly, little kids. She had trained them, and now one of them could die. They had been through enough, and right now, she was regretting letting them join the ministry. "What the fuck... what's happening." She had known to expect something from Ritsu's 'SOS!' message, but whatever it was, was NOT this.

"Ahahah!" Takaoka laughed crazily. "The whole gang is here!" He smiled. "Now that the stupid octopus is gone, there's nothing stopping me from blowing his brains out right now." He shoved Nagisa, while keeping his grip, and waved the gun in front of his face.

Karasuma scowled. He had initially been in charge of training those kids to kill a monster, keep them safe, and now, some of them were on the floor with injuries, and one of them was at gunpoint. 

"What was that?!" One of the kids said, but their voice was unrecognizable from the ringing in everyone's ears. 

"Simple. I should have known you would tell your stupid teachers... So I set up a little..." He paused for effect. "Precaution." He smiled crazily again. 

The 1-A kids were beyond baffled. There was nothing that could explain this! And was that guy with black hair holding a gun?! They had no idea what was going on. That was, until they saw their temporary english teacher. 

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