Chapter 5

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No matter what the outside world is like, Ruan Ning, who is in the space, has no idea. He has been in a comatose state since he was wrapped in the space by white mist on the day of the apocalypse.

At this moment, the space has changed greatly. Thick white mist continues to converge towards Ruan Ning in the center of the space from all sides. The land about ten meters square under him slowly sinks in an oval shape, gradually forming a round pool about two meters deep. Ruan Ning is in the round pond.

The white mist around him continued to condense, and finally began to liquefy. Large drops of rǔ white liquid flowed from his body into the pool. The plants around the round pool seemed to be nourished and grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After an unknown amount of time, when the rǔ white liquid in the pool gradually increased to 80% full, the entire round pool looked more like a spiritual spring that existed in ancient myths and legends.

Ruan Ning, who had been sinking at the bottom of the pool, also floated up under the invisible push.

Ruan Ning did not wake up. At this moment, he was lying flat on the water with a peaceful expression. The clothes on his body disappeared at some point, and streams of spiritual spring water continued to flow softly from his jade-like skin as if they were alive. flowed through.

The surrounding white mist is still gathering, condensing into liquid and dripping into the pool, but the water level in the pool is no longer rising.

Time passed so tepidly. After an unknown amount of time, the calm spiritual spring water began to boil. The surrounding spring water continued to gather towards the center, just like the white mist at the beginning, entangling the sleeping Ruan Ning. The white spiritual spring water continued to squeeze and merge with each other. As he did so, a drop of water-drop-sized, extraordinarily crystal-clear transparent liquid gradually condensed. The droplet followed the flowing spring water and slowly sank into Ruan Ning's heart.

The well-proportioned body trembled slightly, and rǔ white spiritual springs slid down from the flawless skin. Ruan Ning frowned and finally opened his eyes.

He vaguely knew that he had entered space after a high fever and was wrapped in a cool liquid and fell asleep for a long time. But when he finally opened his eyes and sat up, he was still startled.

For more than ten years, there has been only less than 200 square meters of space, but now you can't see the end at a glance. The creek, which is less than two meters wide, has grown to ten meters and branched off into a slightly thinner tributary in the middle. The fruit trees that have only been planted for a few years are now tall and thick, and they are bearing fruits one after another, not to mention the vegetables whose growth cycle is not long.

The change that surprised Ruan Ning the most was that the sky, which was originally shrouded in white mist and looked flat, now turned out to be a clear blue, which made people feel comfortable just looking at it.

Where did the white mist go?

Ruan Ning lowered his head habitually while feeling doubtful. When he realized that he was sitting on a pool of rǔ white spring water...

etc! ! Sitting on...a spring? ? ! !


Before he could shout for help, Ruan Ning, a landlubber who had been afraid of water since he was a child, quickly sank to the bottom of the pool...

Besides, outside the space, Zhang Hua and his gang are still on their way to Yunhai City.

Dazhi's original name was Qian Zhiqiáng, and he was Zhang Hua's number one visionary. Although his ability was only level one, he had special powers. Zhang Hua specially brought him here to explore the way.

At this moment, Dazhi was rubbing his sunglasses to relax. Suddenly, his left eye twitched, and he immediately reached out to cover his left eye, squinting his right eye and looking hard out of the car window.

Zhang Hua, who was rubbing the tiger's big head in the back seat, also stopped. Dazhi's left eye was an early warning. It would jump when more than ten people were approaching from a distance, while his right eye could roughly judge the number of people when they were no more than five miles away.

"Brother Hua, there is a group of survivors three miles ahead."

Zhang Hua raised his eyebrows and asked, "Approximately how much?"

"About thirty."

Zhang Hua pondered for a moment and decisively ordered people to turn around.

Everyone at the base knows that zombies will continue to migrate following the smell of food. The survivors in front probably escaped from Yunhai City. Not to mention how many zombies they will attract behind them, but it can be seen from their escape route. They are definitely heading for the base in City H.

Brother Huan is right. City H is the capital. Most of the survivors think that there is a government there and it will be the safest.

Government? Perhaps when they arrive, they will find that the base has already become a world dominated by the army and superpowers.

As for Gu Tao from the Z city base, he relied on his cousin to be a powerful figure in the H city base and relied on his third-level superpower to dominate Z city. But soon...

Zhang Hua grinned, and a hint of coldness flashed through his ferocious eyes.

The tiger snorted at him dissatisfied. It was already panicking in the car, but this guy dared not smooth its fur.

Zhang Hua quickly stroked the big dog's big head twice. If he made a fuss, he would definitely jump out and start tossing around. Who could stop this big guy then?

Thinking that this guy would go out to provoke from time to time along the way and kill a few zombies, Zhang Hua couldn't help but let out a long sigh:

"Alas!!" Sooner or later we will find a wife to take care of it, otherwise no one except Brother Huan will be able to control this thing...

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