Chapter 47

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"Oh, okay then. Sister, please sit down for a while. We will eat soon." Ruan Ning asked the woman to sit down and stopped talking and ate her breakfast quietly.

The woman sat quietly without saying a word. She lowered her head and used the cover of her hair to secretly glance at the boy who was eating. The pupils hidden behind her hair were abnormally tightened, almost shrinking to the size of a needle tip. She looked very weird. .

Nancheng Pharmaceutical Factory has a total of five workshops, in fact, there are five factories to be more precise, with storage tanks, ingredients, granulation, tablet pressing, capsule filling and other equipment. According to the woman, the monsters she called were gathered in the second workshop where the explosion occurred.

"This is it. There are a total of twenty-four rooms in the second workshop. They should be somewhere among them." The woman led everyone to a side door of the pharmaceutical factory. Wu Xin did not follow, but stayed behind. Their temporary residence keeps an eye on the trends inside and outside the factory.

The structure of Nancheng Pharmaceutical Factory is also strange. The first workshop is independent from the entire factory, and there is a row of bungalows built behind the factory. Although the second workshop is located on the first floor of the factory, the entrance is in a remote area. If you choose to enter through the main entrance, the elevator and stairs will lead directly to the second floor, and there will be no entrance to the first floor. People who enter the factory for the first time will probably think that there is only one hall on the first floor to receive outsiders.

"This is it? What's the fifth floor?" Zhang Hua frowned. The entrance to the second workshop was not marked on the floor plan hanging at the entrance of the factory. They sneaked into the pharmaceutical factory in the middle of the night yesterday and went directly to the second floor according to the sign. If the first floor is the second workshop, and there is one workshop on each floor, excluding the first workshop that is independent of the factory, this five-story factory building has just one more floor.

"Fifth floor?" The woman thought for a while: "Probably the laboratory. Ordinary workers like us are never allowed to enter there."

Everyone knows that Nancheng Pharmaceutical has several nationally renowned exclusive formulas, all of which were probably developed in that laboratory.

"Okay, let's go in. You have to be careful, those monsters are very powerful." The woman reached out and pushed open the inconspicuous iron side door. The door was not locked and opened with a creak.

The first thing you see is a narrow corridor with various vertical and horizontal directions, with white ceilings and walls on both sides of the corridor. The chandelier on the ceiling no longer lights up, and the sunlight coming in through the door can only illuminate a small area near the entrance.

The corridor stretched to the front and suddenly turned a corner. The woman was leading the way in a familiar manner, while Zhang Hua and his party secretly increased their vigilance.

After making about three turns and walking for a long time, rooms finally appeared on both sides of the corridor. The surrounding walls were gradually covered with some unknown yellow-green slime. The slime stuck to the walls and ceiling. Some of them were completely dry, and some were still dripping wetly on the floor, accompanied by a strange fishy smell, which made them look very disgusting.

"What the hell is this? It's so disgusting." Qian Zhiqiang clicked his tongue.

"It's probably the mucus of some kind of animal, like a toad? Or a gecko or something like that." Ruan Ning wasn't too sure.

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