Chapter 94

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On the coast of Y City in winter, the rocks were covered with a thick layer of ice, resembling strangely shaped large white eggs, which looked naive and extremely cute. The deep cold sea water, the blue sky, and groups of yellow-billed seagulls flapping their white wings and looking for food back and forth on the cold sea surface, picturesque scenes, constitute the seascape that Y City is famous for.

Although Yu Deren was a little unclear, he was unambiguous in his work and arranged the Langyan people's itinerary properly the next day. Ruan Ning and Lin Yuehuan naturally wanted to go fishing and watch the seagulls, while the rest of the group went to visit various places accompanied by Y city officials in the name of not wanting to be light bulbs and being shod by the group leader. Two of the captains also proposed that they want to go shopping in the northern city. Although a large number of islanders have settled there, it is still Y City after all. There is a market and it is very lively on weekdays. The accompanying officials thought about Yu Deqian's instructions and Wan's instructions to accompany the people before arriving, so they took the two captains and several team members under them without much thought.

As for Captain Lin and his "wife", due to their unusual status, Yu Xiangfeng personally accompanied them. In fact, if Yu De's own physical condition did not allow it, he would have wanted to come in person.

Yu Xiangfeng accompanied him all the way as ordered by his father, and got on the fishing boat. He stared at the young man who looked very happy along the way and refused to leave. "I was born in Y City since I was a child. I am most familiar with the sea here. I can be a tour guide." Let's take you two to visit the surrounding special islands."

"Oh?" Lin Yuehuan raised his eyebrows, his smile not reaching the corners of his eyes, "But how do I remember that Young Master Yu was accompanied by his biological mother to study abroad since he was a child, and he returned to City Y after the end of the world? Did I remember it wrong? "

Yu Xiangfeng looked a little ugly, knowing that what the other party was talking about was not studying at all, and the word "study" was just to ridicule him. When he had just turned four, mother and son were kicked out of Y City by his father's wife. For more than ten years, his father did not dare to take them back because of the power of the woman's natal family, let alone meet them. If it hadn't been for the end of the world, he, Yu Xiangfeng, would still be an illegitimate son living in a different place with an unknown father. Originally, this matter had been deliberately forgotten by Yu Xiangfeng as Yu De officially announced him as the heir and everyone in the base respected him. Now Lin Yuehuan seemingly brought it up casually, and even revealed his secret in front of the young man. Yu Xiangfeng suddenly felt embarrassed by the unbearable past events that he didn't want to be mentioned.

Facing the young man's puzzled eyes, Yu Xiangfeng gritted his teeth and forced a smile and said, "Captain Lin has a really good memory."

Lin Yuehuan took the time to appreciate his embarrassed smile, and said with a slight smile: "You don't have to be so polite to call Captain Lin. I'm your equal, just call me Brother Lin. Anyway, I'm not much older than you, and I'm not an old man, so I'll call you Brother." Just right."

Yu Xiangfeng's face became increasingly ugly. Lin Yuehuan's words shocked him, and he couldn't help but think of the conversation between himself and his father last night. Could it be that he heard it? How can it be! There was obviously no one in the house at the time.

But thinking about the various intimate gestures the other party had made towards the boy along the way, and the deliberate taunting him now, Yu Xiangfeng couldn't help but believe that his thoughts were known to the other party. As expected of the head of the Lin family, he was really powerful, and he threatened and warned him calmly. A person with such a deep and dark mind is even less worthy of a simple and lovely young man.

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