Chapter 18

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Boss Lin made a mistake this time, especially a mistake! ! Especially when he saw Ruan Ning's red eyes staring closely at the medical staff treating the tiger's wounds, his uneasiness almost reached its peak.

However, no matter how upset he was, Boss Lin still had to put on his trademark gentle smile and speak softly to comfort him: "Xiao Ning, don't worry, this injury may seem serious, but it's actually just trauma. It'll be fine in two days."

The tiger, who was obediently letting people apply the medicine, let out a dissatisfied breath. It was already bald on its back, so how could it still bark? !

Ruan Ning nodded absently, still staring hard at the tiger.

He was not smart, but he was not so stupid that he couldn't see anything. Lin Yuehuan obviously didn't want him to leave, otherwise there wouldn't be someone waiting to tell him where to go from the exchange early in the morning.

Ruan Ning didn't know what they were trying to do with him, but as long as the space thing hadn't been exposed, he really couldn't leave. Not to mention that he didn't know the situation at the base at all. Tiger had suffered such a serious injury because of him. Even though he was injured, he couldn't leave.

After thinking about it, he sighed secretly and said, "Brother Huan, I didn't find a place to stay this time. Can you please take me in for a while." He didn't say why he didn't find a place to stay. Both of them knew it well.

Lin Yuehuan was finally satisfied and said with an unchanging smile: "Of course it's no problem. Xiao Ning, just treat this as your own home and live in peace of mind. I will take you to register in the afternoon."

After saying that, he habitually raised his hand to touch Ruan Ning's head, but Ruan Ning pretended to hide naturally. He felt uncomfortable now. He felt that Lin Yuehuan's smile was not gentle and approachable at all. It was annoying!

Lin Yuehuan smiled and didn't care. He was really childish. He looked unhappy when he knew that he was being plotted. He still said unaffectedly: "Be careful when you go out in the future and bring tigers with you. There is more than one Gu Tao in the base. "

Ruan Ning nodded and became upset when he thought of what happened today. Sure enough, he was still too weak. He couldn't even protect himself, and he would also injure the tiger. If not...he didn't know what would have happened today.

After thinking about it, I spoke a little reluctantly: "Thank you, Brother Huan, for today."

Lin Yuehuan patted the little guy's head again. This time Ruan Ning didn't hide, which made him feel much better. Anyway, as long as Ruan Ning understands that without his protection, he will encounter similar things a second or third time.

He knew that Ruan Ning looked innocent and soft-tempered, but he was actually a clever man. What happened today was so obvious that Ruan Ning couldn't possibly be unaware of it. It didn't matter if he was angry, there was always a chance to coax him, as long as he stayed with him. not worried.

But his temper was really good. When he thought about Ruan Ning holding his breath and thanking him, Lin Yuehuan couldn't help but like him a little more.

He is clear about grievances and grievances, and has a gentle and tolerant temper. Although he, Lin Yuehuan, cannot become such a person, it does not prevent him from admiring and liking him. No one will dislike such a charming and clear person.

In the villa area of ​​Kuang Lei Headquarters in the West District, only those with second-level abilities and above are eligible to live there.

Medical staff were coming and going in the residence of the regiment leader Gu Tao. His number one confidant Shi Cheng was leaning against the wall at the door of Gu Tao's bedroom, his eyes lowered as if waiting for his boss to finish bandaging. Only he knew what he was thinking, and he finally First knowing the reason for Gu Tao's injury, it seems that Brother Huan is ready to take action, so he should be well prepared.

"Hiss~ be gentle!" Gu Tao scolded while taking in the air-conditioning. The charming and pretty little nurse quickly calmed down her movements, lowered her head and breathed lightly at Gu Tao's gauze-wrapped shoulder. Her seemingly innocent brows and eyes revealed a completely inconsistent charm.

Gu Tao raised his eyebrows and reached out to lift her chin. When he saw her charming eyes looking at him pitifully, he suddenly lost his temper. The appearance is not pure enough, the skin is not fair and tender enough, and even the eyes are not as moist as the little beauty today, it is simply far from it!

Feeling quite uncomfortable, he waved her hand to let her out: "Go and ask Shi Cheng to come in."

Li Yurui secretly hid her disappointment, walked to the door and respectfully informed Captain Shi.

She was just one step away from hooking up with Gu Tao, one of the three major forces. She clearly knew that Gu Tao liked the pure type the most before, so why did she turn a blind eye to the pure and beautiful her? !

Li Yurui gritted her teeth. She could never live this kind of life again. As long as she hooked up with a high-level superpower, she would be as well-off and pampered as she was before the end of the world!

Shi Cheng entered the room and called "Brother Tao" worriedly. Gu Tao waved his hand to indicate that he was not seriously injured. After all, Lin Yuehuan had to worry about his relationship with the capital and did not dare to kill him.

"What's going on over there in City H?" "Guze agreed to lend us ten second-level superpower users and twenty first-level superpower users."

Gu Tao raised his eyebrows in surprise, and his dissatisfaction with Gu Ze dissipated a lot.

The thirty superpowers accounted for almost half of the total number of Kuang Lei superpowers. Although there were no third-level superpowers, this reassured him. After all, he came to ask Guze for help, not to ask someone to take advantage of him. of their own territory.

With these people, he will also touch Lin Yuehuan. When Lin Yuehuan is finished, the little beauty will not be at his mercy.

Gu Tao felt so happy that he paid the bill very generously:

"When Gu Ze's people arrive, let's transport the other third of the supplies." He had already paid one third before, and the rest had to wait until the matter was over.

Shi Cheng nodded and immediately went down to count the supplies. As for whose hands these things ended up in, Gu Tao would never have the chance to know.

Ruan Ning felt really sorry for the tiger, so she sneaked into the space during the lunch break.

He caught a fat hen in the chicken pen, plucked the hair and bled it. Ruan Ning was afraid of being smelled of blood by zombies before, so he always started cooking in the space. Anyway, he collected a lot of gas tanks, so he simply opened a small kitchen in a corner of the space and used two sets of gas tanks that he found in the Home Furnishing City. There was an open area surrounding the kitchen worktop, and everything was just like a real kitchen except that the faucets and sewer pipes didn't work.

The chicken in the space is fat. Chop it into pieces, add onion, ginger, salt and a little yellow wine and slurp it in the casserole. The aroma is so delicious that Ruan Ning swallows his saliva. I heard my mother say before that three-year-old chicken stewed in soup is the most nourishing. When he was taking the college entrance examination, his mother even bought one from the farmers to nourish his body.

Ruan Ning didn't know how old the old hen he collected casually in the farm's chicken shed was, anyway, he picked the biggest one in the space. Two hours later, Ruan Ning came out of the space with a small bowl full of chicken meat and soup without even calling the tiger. Sure enough, within two minutes, he heard the big dog barking low at the door. The tiger's nose is amazing.

As soon as the door opened a small crack, the greedy big dog couldn't wait to squeeze in, spinning around and wagging its tail at Ruan Ning, trying to flatter Ruan Ning. Ruan Xiaoning felt distressedly and touched the tiger's bald back, which had been shaved off by lightning, and quickly took the jī soup from the coffee table: "The tiger is about to eat, it's time to replenish it."

The tiger let out a low howl of happiness, and then ate his head down. The stewed chicken was fragrant and tender, and the soup was thick and fragrant. It was so fragrant that it swung its tail vigorously, and buried its mouth in the basin and couldn't bear to lift it for a moment.

Ouch! ! The dog is so happy! !

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