Part one: First sight

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(Pov of Nova!)

I grumble as I get out of bed, tossing my hand over to shut off my annoying alarm. I walk over to my closet and grab the outfit I had planned for that day. I put on a pair of blue jeans with holes on the knees, a cropped black tank top, and a dark brown flannel that I leave unbuttoned.

I groan and sit at my desk. I always hated mornings because it meant I had to get ready and walk out to the freezing cold bus stop. Let alone deal with high school. The students were RUTHLESS. I start to do my makeup, black bat winged liner with a small bit of shimmery eyeshadow on the inner corner of my eyes. I put mild and monotoned red lipstick on, nothing flashy. I brush my hair and pull it back in a half-up-half-down bun. I hear my dad call out to me from downstairs.

"Nova?! Nova, hurry up or you'll miss breakfast!" He says with a small laugh. I loved my dad with all my heart, but his cooking... No way I'd eat that at 6 in the morning. I make sure to take extra long on my hair today so I'll "accidentally" run out of time to eat and have to get something quick from the Dollar store next to my school. 

I walk down the stairs, backpack on now. I smile sheepishly at my father "Oops, out of time. Sorry!" I say as I put my phone in my back pocket. I hug him as he speaks in a small teasing tone "Mhm, you 'accidentally' ran out of time. Hmph" I snicker as I let go of him and walk to the front door "Love you, see you after school" I say to him. "Love you too, kiddo" 

I walk over to the bus stop to see my best friend, Vic, already waiting there. I laugh softly as approach "Hey Vic"  He turns around, eyes darting up from his phone. His gaze falls upon me and he smiles. "Yo" He's wearing baggy blue jeans, a white hoodie, and a black denim jacket overtop. "Did Thomas text you about what happened yet?" He asks. I tilt my head to the side curiously

"Not yet, he wanted to say something but brushed it off. What happened? Something bad?" I ask worriedly. Vic laughs softly and pulls up a photo of our friend Thomas standing beside a guy while holding hands. "He's gay and has a boyfriend" I giggle, smiling "Oh that's adorable." I think for a moment and a goofy grin plays on my face "Told you he was gay" Vic and I laugh as the bus rolls around the corner, hitting the curve as it does so.

Out usual bus driver was funny but his driving can be a bit... scary to say the least. We get on and do the usual sit down and headphones on thing. We sit beside each other and simply scroll on our phones until our stops come around. Our city bus didn't stop right at my school, so Vic and I had to walk past the Dollar store to get there. We usually made stops for snacks in there before school. 

After the dollar store stop, Vic and I make it to school. We usually have about an hour of free time before classes start, so our friend group would always meet up in the courtyard. Vic and I walk over to the open courtyard and see Thomas sitting with Addison. I smile as we walk up to them. Thomas stands up with a happy smile, hugging me. "Yay! Nova!" In the process of hugging me, he drops his phone. Vic, Addison, and I laugh as Thomas searches his screen for cracks "None, all good." He chuckles. 

Time flies by and before we know it, first period is a few minutes away. My friend group scatters to our separate classes. I have my first class as History so I go to the farthest part of the school then my friend group, how annoying. I get there just in time and sit in my seat as the bell rings. I get out my notebook and a pen. 

"Good morning class!" My teacher says as she walks up to the board. The class gives a warm- you really thought I was gonna say "a warm response? Hell no! It's 7 in the morning, you think a class of sleep deprived teens are going to respond that way? A wave of groans and half hearted "morning..." come at her and she rolls her eyes with a happy warm smile. "Oh we can do better then that! C'mon, guys. Good morning, class!"

 I don't even respond at this point and just look at her with a 'Is this girl serious?" look. She sighs and gives up. "Fine. Anyhoozle, we have a new student joining us today, so lighten up!" I perk up slightly, raising an eyebrow. Everybody looks at the door when the new student walks in. A boy walks in, clearly nervous. I can't help but smile slightly at him. He was cute and it made my heart race. He is wearing baggy black jeans and a creme colored shirt, a Sanrio design on it.

I knew my teacher is going to make this really hard for him and to be honest, I knew it would be amusing too. The teacher smiles at him. "Hello dear, what's your name? Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" She says. I could see the awkward look on his face as he looked at her then at the classroom. "U-uh... Okay" He speaks softly then turns to the class "My name is Oliver. I just moved here..." I giggle internally, he was really bad at this whole talking thing and it was obvious. The teacher swoops in like a bird looking for prey to eat. "Well? Tell us about yourself." A few boys in the back of the class snicker and I shoot them a small glare as if to tell them to shut up. I look back at the teacher and Oliver.

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