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Fuck all yall I'm doing an AU chapter and you can't do anything about it (JK I LOVE YOU GUYS SM AAAAA <33)


"Oh come on, Nova! It'll turn out fine." Oliver laughs. Vic and I look at each other with a 'Is he for real?' look on our faces. Then we sigh and look back at the others who were BEGGING to go into a random old abandoned place. They said it was some sort of surprise which got Vic and I spooked. Knowing Addison and Thomas, they'd pick a haunted place and manage to convince Oliver and Yvette into it.

"Only for the night, and NO QUIJA BOARD" Vic stated firmly. He was really a pussy but it kept him out of trouble. Later that night, The group forces me to pick them up because only I knew how to drive so far. I start heading to the 'hidden location' they wanted to spend the night in together. I pull into the parking lot.

My jaw DROPS when I see the place. A fucking pizzeria? Really? This was going to be a piece of cake. We get out laughing and making jokes about the mascot. The only sound of the remote area was our laughter and the old buzzing sign of the pizzeria, "FREDDIE'S PIZZERIA" in big letters.

I get to the main doors, giving the handle a tug. I grunt. "Locked.." We look around at one another, shrugging, but suddenly Oliver has an idea. He grins deviously. "The roof? Or maybe the kitchen door out back?" I smirk "You're cute when you get ideas like that."

We make our way to the back and find an old cracked door with faded letters on it saying "KITCHEN." It looked so old, the rain water seeping into the wood and causing it to crack. I snicker and walk in front of the door.


I kick the door right beside the handle, causing it to topple over and letting up in. I gesture for someone else to go first because I know DAMN well I am not getting my ass killed first. Addison struts in and everybody else follows, giggling. We walk into the old kitchen. It was surprisingly well kept other then some rats, rust, and dust.

I turn to face the group with a small smile. "I say we go in groups of two and explore. This place is bigger then I thought so in like 30 minutes we all meet back here?" Vic facepalms and the others nod "This is sounding like the start to a fucking horror movie, you know that right?" Vic leans on the counter, looking at me.

I roll my eyes and Thomas speaks up "Don't wuss out on us! We just got here! You can go with me and we'll check back stage." I laugh softly "Alright, Yvette and Addison go together then and I'll go with Oliver?" Everybody nods happily and I look at each group. "Vic and Thomas will explore back stage and the dining room. Yvette and Addison will explore the Arcade and play room. Oliver and I will explore the Kitchen area and the Staff rooms."

The group shuffles away, Yvette and Addison flirting in the process. When Oliver and I get left alone, I smile at him. "Let's see if there's anything left in here." Oliver snickers and walks over to the large fridge. It looked industrial sized almost, you could probably fit someone in there.

I get an idea, walking up behind him "I could stuff you in there~" I whisper in his ear, spooking him. He slams the door shut quickly as he looks at me, back to the fridge "I love you too much, I won't" I laugh hard.


I walk beside Vic, knowing he'll be scared of anything we come across. We walk in front of the stage, standing in the dining room. I see a big red button on the wall about the size of my palm. I run over to it, hearing Vic yell "Don't press that! You don't know what it'll-" Vic gets cut off by the stage curtain opening. I had pressed the button and it turned on the animatronics that sit behind the now opened curtains.

I join him at his side, eyes widening in awe while his widened in fear. "Woah" I mutter as they start to play a song, shakily dancing in their programmed ways. "That's so c-" Vic cuts me off "HORRIFYING!" He slams his hand down on the button, closing the curtain once again. I frown at him, about to say something when suddenly... I hear what sounds like and animatronic moving behind the curtain.

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