Part 10: Thomas...

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 I knock out Collin and break out in tears of rage and revenge. I look over and see Thomas laying on the ground.... I scramble over, moving around Oliver and Vic who are trying to keep his wound from bleeding. I feel a slight bit of relief seeing the bullet missed his head and torso, hitting him in his thigh. But I am still sobbing my eyes out. Thomas passed out due to pure fear while thinking he was going to die.

Addison gets her phone out, calling an ambulance. She gives the address and area over the phone before following instructions to patch the wound. I help as much as I can to help stop the bleeding. Thomas lets out a loud groan, almost waking up but still dizzy and such. 

I use my blood covered hands to apply pressure to the wound. Vic is crying for once and feels the same rage I did seconds ago. Vic grabs Collin's unconscious body by the collar of his shirt and shakes him awake. "YOU WHORE!" Vic slams Collin into the wall, only knocking him out again. Collin's face was really beat up, a black eye forming and his jaw was nearly dislocated. Oliver, starting to cry, hugs Vic tightly to get him to stop. They sob in fear together as Addison is the only one managing to slightly keep it together. 

I look at her worriedly, my hands trembling as we tend Thomas's wounds. I prop his head up slightly on a pillow from the couch and move his thigh up. We had to scoot down his pants so his boxers were showing but we didn't care. We just didn't want him to die. I hear Collin groan and get a flash of anger, shooting a nasty glare at Collin before feeling Thomas wake up. He starts to tear up from pain and I let him squeeze my hand. 

The ambulance arrives and they start to get Thomas in the back of the ambulance. They put us back there with him and put him under anesthesia so he'll sleep. I clench Oliver's hand tightly as we simply look down at Thomas's unconscious... practically lifeless.. body. 

Tears continue to drop from my eyes along with everyone else's. My eyes are getting red from how much I'm crying, it was straining my eyes. I make the mistake of looking at Oliver. I see his hurt and worried expression and I feel my heart break in a million pieces. I hug him tightly, pulling him close to me. 

"This is all my fault.." I mumble through tears "I- If I hadn't of tackled Collin, this wouldn't have happened." Oliver scoops my face into his hands, looking me in the eyes as he wipes my tears with his thumbs. "You did the right thing, it was going to be his head if you didn't do that. I am so proud of you, you know that?" I don't say a word and start breaking down into his arms. 

~After we get into the hospital and they hold an operation on Thomas to get the bullet out of his leg.~

They allow us into his hospital room and I instinctively run over, taking his hand in mine as he looks up at me. The anesthesia still had a slight effect on him right now so he was still foggy. "I'm so so sorry" I cry out to him, tears falling onto his hands. "This was all my fault, I was so stupid, I'm sorry Thomas" 

Thomas smiles softly, rubbing my hand in his softly "I'm not dead yet, and it wasn't your fault." He chuckles softly "Please, I won't die yet." I kneel beside his bed, still crying in guilt and fear "I know" I whine "But I-.. It was my fault. I shouldn't have tackled him. It was a reckless stunt that could've killed you. 

Thomas gets reminded of a thing he saw from years ago and laughs "Stop telling people I'm dead!" I laugh, choking on tears. Vic and Addison sigh, rubbing their eyes with a small smile but are obviously still worried. Oliver is rubbing my back softly, trying to get me to stop crying. 

I manage to stop crying and sit in the chair beside his hospital bed, I keep his hand in mine. "How long until you come home..?" I ask Thomas just as a nurse walks in with a clipboard. The nurse starts to explain what's going on with the operation and about how long it'll be for him to recover. 

"Five weeks...." I look at Oliver and the others with a sad expression. "We'll visit as much as possible" Addison speaks up. I look at Thomas "Fuck as much as possible, I'm taking every single lunch break here. No way I'll leave you alone that long in here" The nurse walks out as I speak to Thomas. 

Thomas smiles sleepily "I love you all... so much." Just after he says that, his boyfriend, Avery, walks in. I let go of Thomas's hand as Avery takes both of Thomas's hands in his. They lock eyes and it was obvious Avery was crying when he found out the news. "I'm so sorry, traffic was insane. I came as soon as I heard." Avery says in a saddened tone. Thomas smiles "It's okay, love. I just woke up from the anesthesia"

"Seeing you in the back of the ambulance unconscious is something I never want to see again" Vic says in a traumatized tone. I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "I don't know how I'll live with myself now... Five weeks? Are you kidding me?" I stand up and Oliver hugs me tightly. I bury my face into his chest tiredly as Avery continues his conversation with Thomas. 

I glance over at Addison and Vic who are comforting each other. I never noticed how much the two had to keep it together and it hurt seeing everyone so sad. If only I could go back... If only I could change what happened tonight...

In another universe... it would've been different. He would've been okay. We all would've been okay... In another universe

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