Part 19: Break up

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"Kill me right now then, I dare you"

(Thomas's POV but time skip to the summer before collage)

It was a regular, sunny, warm Saturday. I was driving to my boyfriend's house to hang out. We haven't talked in a few days because he was on a small vacation with his family. He said that he wanted to talk but I knew he just wanted to cuddle. He was usually really touchy which I liked. He was always really warm. 

Little did I know, this would end in disaster. I pull into his driveway and get out of my car. I walk in and instantly felt something was off. Something was bound to go wrong and I knew it. Millions of thoughts came into my mind when I saw him walking down the stairs.

Avery doesn't even smile, not a single emotion but pure ignorance on his face. I felt a tingle through my body. A tingle that couldn't be explained in any other word but fear. "Thomas" He says, voice monotone. I felt my expression grow stiff in seconds, hiding the fear I felt inside. 

"Avery..?" I reply. He shoves his hands in his pockets as he stands about 6 feet in front of me. "I want to be completely honest with you... so I am breaking up with you." He comments. Suddenly, in a snap, my fear flashed to anger.

"I love you, but I can't do this anymore." He says while stepping forward. "I cheated on you while you were in the hospital" I look him dead in the eyes in a saddened rage, instantly replying "Don't say you love me." My fists clench tight enough I'm surprised they didn't make me bleed "Don't forget ALL the SHIT you said to me" I say, teeth clenched in anger.

"All the things you said at 1AM. All the things you said under the stars. All the things you said under your breath. ALL THE THINGS YOU SAID THROUGH GRITTED TEETH" I pant softly as I try to not raise my voice more. I feel my eyes stinging as tears blinded my vision. 

The air between us grew tense, so thick Avery almost choked. "Don't raise your voice at me-" I cut him off, not giving a shit anymore. "No! You're going to fucking learn one day how much shit you really caused me!" I yell back, stepping forward "I don't give a single fuck anymore, you manipulator!" 

"I know what you said about me to your friends." He says, raising his voice. I was scared but to angry to show it let alone actually feel it. "I only told them because I was scared! I WAS SCARED OF YOU" I say, shoving him slightly. He get's pissed but I knew I'd make him beg. 

"You manipulated ME. You hurt ME. You isolated ME" I state firmly "I have EVERY right to be yelling right now. You fucking dumb ass CUNT. You know what you were doing to me" I yell. He stares down at me, angry like a bull. "I don't give a shit, stop being so dramatic!" He yells even louder, causing me to flinch slightly but only making me angrier.

"I SHOULD'VE LET YOU BLEED OUT THAT NIGHT" He screams angerly. I stand in front of him, blood dripping from my nails due to them finally breaking the skin on my hands. I speak in a firm yet not loud voice. 

"Kill me right now then, I dare you. I've been through more shit then your ungrateful ass could even try to imagine. Just because you decided I wasn't enough, doesn't mean I'll be coming after you to let you know you messed up. You'll find out on your own." 

He goes silent, standing two feet in front of me. I look at his face but he only looks down slightly. "You should've killed me years ago so I wouldn't have gone through the torture you called our relationship. You try some shit like this with someone else, I'll fuck your dad, break up your parents, become your step dad, and get him to take away your collage funds."

I turn to walk out of the door, stopping with my hand on the doorhandle. "I loved you in this lifetime, I wont make that mistake in the next." And with that, I walk out. As soon as I sit in my car and pull out of his driveway, I break out into tears of rage with a tint of sadness. I facetime Vic and he instantly answers.

He was sitting at his bedroom desk, wearing a black tank top and grey sweats. He answered with a smile but as soon as he saw me driving while sobbing, it faded in seconds. "What happened?!" He exclaims. I only cry harder. I pull into my own driveway but stay in my car.

After a few minutes, I manage to stop crying. I look at Vic through my screen. "Avery cheated on me." I mutter. Vic looks PISSED. "HE DID WHAT?!" Vic replies, standing up as he picked up his phone. "I'm coming over right now with snacks and we are going to discuss this, go get comfy and I'll be over in five!" 

~Time skip~

I was laying in a pillow mountain when I heard a knock on my door. I manage to stand as Vic walks in, three bags of stuff in hand. I look at him with a tear stained face. "Hey..." I mutter. He doesn't reply, just walks over and puts down the bags before hugging me tightly. I cling onto him and bury my face into his shoulder. 

"I hate him" Vic mutters angerly. "He's so stupid, how could he fumble the bag this hard?" I sigh and let go of him and he follows, letting go of me too. I flop onto the piles of pillows and he sits beside me. He smiles slightly down at me. "I brought snacks and a surprise" He mumbles. I smile sadly at him. 

I knew it was going to be a long night of processing it all, but Vic made it easier somehow... He knew what I was feeling and just having him near me made it better. He was exactly what I needed right now, and he knew it... 

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