Part 20: Good morning

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I knew it was going to be a long night of processing it all, but Vic made it easier somehow... He knew what I was feeling and just having him near me made it better. He was exactly what I needed right now, and he knew it...

(Thomas's POV:)

I wake up when I hear something clanging in the kitchen. I groan as I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I walk downstairs in only a pair of black sweats. I see Vic washing dishes in the kitchen. I smile slightly, still sleepy. I walk down the stairs fully which catches his attention. "Morning" I mumble, not noticing his face getting a little red. I kept myself in shape, never skipping a lag day and going to the gym with Nova and Oliver sometimes but usually on my own. 

I sit at the kitchen bar. My moms were out of town for their anniversary and my older brother was out the house already. I smile at him as he speaks. "I made food... you were a bit of a mess last night so I helped." I laugh softly "Thanks for that... sorry it was so late when I called." I reply. 

I get a text on my broken phone. I must've slammed it on something in a flurry of rage last night.. I ignore the cracks and open the message. I frown. It was from Avery... Suddenly, Vic takes my phone and puts it on the top of the highest cabinet in my kitchen. "I- Hey!" I stand up but he only looks at me with a "Bsffr" look. "I'm taking your phone for the day. WE are going to hang out and you AREN'T going to text or even think about him. You got that?" He says firmly. 

I think for a moment before sighing. He wasn't going to change his mind, there was no use to fight it. I sit back down. He smiles "Good, now hurry up. We've got places to be" He snickers. "Alright Sargent" I mutter with a small teasing smile. He places a plate of fresh food in front of me. Just a single smell of it made me realize how hungry I actually was. 

He sits beside me and I start eating. I couldn't help but notice him looking at me in the corner of my eye. I look at him and smile, but he quickly looks back at his food. 

In a couple of minutes, both of us have cleared our plates. I rinse them and put them in the dish washer for later. Vic stands up. "You know that mall up the road?" He asks, putting his phone in his back pocket. He was already dressed and ready to go, unlike me. I nod "Uh yeah, we going?" I reply as I close the dish washer. He chuckles "Just go get ready" He replies "We're  staying out until like 9 then having a sleepover at Nova's place with our group." 

I perk up excitedly, smiling. "Oh okay! I'm gonna go get ready then." I walk up to my room, tearing through my closet while muttering curse words in Norwegian because I couldn't find what to wear. I was pretty self conscious about what I wore, always worrying about people judging me. I end up putting on baggy grey jeans, a plain white tee, and a dark green zip up. I put on my usual rings and necklace, grab my shoes, and put on my cologne then I'm back down the stairs. I smile at Vic who is sitting at the bar still. 

"Ready?" I ask him as I walk over to him. He stands up as he speaks "Mhm, You wanna drive or should I?" I think for a moment before walking to the key table beside the front door. "I got it, you took care of me last night so it's the least I can do." He chuckles and walks out the door, letting me follow. 

"You don't have to repay me, just do the same for me if I need. Aright?" He says before sitting in the passenger seat of my car. I get in the driver's seat, thinking about what he said... I look at him for a moment silently before saying something. "Vic, I need to ask you something." He looks over, awaiting the question. "If I do something that bothers you or if I'm just being annoying, would you tell me..?"  

He doesn't even take the time to think before responding. "How could someone like you bother me? Let alone annoy me?" He sets his phone in his lap, still looking at me. "You're my literal best friend. Annoyance isn't something I could feel with you." I stay silent, looking at him. The air was thickened slightly as the silence got louder. 

"Really..?" I reply, voice quieter then usual. "I- I mean I have to get annoying sometimes, right?" He smiles. "With you? No way. I love spending time with you... Just being near you makes me happy. You're really sweet and kindhearted, that's hard to find by now..." He says with a happy tone. I can't help but smile. "I like spending time with you too..." 

I pull out of the driveway, car silent as I start driving. Millions of thoughts rush through my mind as I feel happiness radiate from me slightly. I knew he was smiling in the passenger seat. He looks out his window as we both simply take in the sweet, calm, joyful moment. I couldn't stop thinking. Vic was always so sweet I swear my heart was melting by now. 

I pass him the aux, eyes on the road. He picks a playlist and we simply let it run on it's own. I keep the music slightly turned down so we can keep our calmness on the ride there. The sunset kept the sky a brittle orange as a chilly breeze blew along the empty streets. The mall opened really early, so we didn't have to worry about arriving too early. 

Am I... no way. I couldn't. I shouldn't... I might... Maybe, just maybe, I might have some sort of feelings for Vic... Only time will tell. Or maybe something else will?

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