Part 7: Stay Quiet

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 I cry and cry like there is no tomorrow but not a single so or wail comes out of me. He kisses my forehead softly and I smile at him but continue crying, smiling through the tears. After a long while, Oliver manages to calm me down. I am laying beside him in my bed, snuggled up against his body. 

I start to get droopy, tired after crying so hard. I look up at him as his warmth clings onto me. I smile and he tiredly smiles back. "I love you... so fucking much" I speak softly and he chuckles, kissing my forehead softly. I don't move my face away from his this time... I keep our faces only inches apart. As if in sync, we lean in at the same time to share our first. full. kiss. 

Oliver didn't mind the no warning. His heart was beating rapidly from the kiss alone, loving every second of it. He was still blushing from how close my- and his- bodies were and all he could do was hold you close to him and kiss you back passionately while trying to hide how flustered he was.

I break the kiss after awhile for air and smile at him. I see his flustered face and giggle. "Oh? Flustered are we?" I tease. "Shut up.... no I'm not" He replies, putting his hands over his face and rolling onto his back. I see a window for an idea and take it, swinging my body on top of his. I sit on his lap. He makes a small squeak sound in surprise. 

I put a hand on his chest as his hands rest on my hips, holding me in place. I smirk deviously down at him. "Love~" I whisper to him in a low tone. He gulps softly and gives me a flustered and sheepish smile. "...yes?" He replies. I run my finger down his chest and feel his body shiver under my touch as if my hands held magic. 

I feel his lower body tense up and snicker, leaning down so my chest presses against his. "Did I make you horny, baby?" I speak in a lustful tone, locking eyes with him. Butterflies stir in his stomach, his back arching. I feel something growing under me... He was getting turned on.

I move my hips, teasing him. I hear him hitch his breath, eyes looking down a bit before locking onto mine again. His body is heating up quickly and his eyes are wide. It's a little hard to see due to the lighting, but his face is scarlet red. The feeling of something under me grows harder and he lets out a shaky breath. 

"Nova..." He mumbles breathlessly. "Yes love?" I reply in a teasing and lustful tone. "I- I... You're teasing me.." He continues. I lean down and kiss along his jawline softly. He gasps softly, trying to stay quiet so the others don't wake up. I move my trail of kisses down to his neck, free hand guiding his head to tilt the other way so I have more room to "work my magic"

He moans in a low tone, keeping as quiet as he can. I bite his neck and the quiet doesn't last long. He moans loudly and I put a hand over his mouth. He tilts his head back as my hand muffles his noises. I bite down harder, tongue tracing the area on his neck as I do so. I bite harder before sucking on the skin softly as I pull away. I wipe his neck then admire the love bite I left on his neck. "Mine"

Suddenly, someone opens the door of my room. I sit up quickly and yank my head over to see Thomas standing in the doorway half awake. I lock eyes with Thomas as Oliver looks at Thomas too. Thomas who had just woken up... walking into my room to see me sitting on Oliver's crotch and leaning down over him. How welcoming. 

I see Thomas's face going bright red in seconds, eyes widening. "OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY" He exclaims, closing the door. I fall off the bed, laughing so hard. Oliver curls into a ball out of embarrassment and hides his face in his hands. I smile up at Oliver as he peers over the edge of the bed to look at me. I shoot him a small flirty wink and he rolls over, burying his face in my pillow. 

I stand up and chuckle as I kiss his cheek. "I'll go talk to him, stay here love" He screams into my pillow as I walk out. Oliver was a flustered, embarrassed, mess and I love it. I walk out to find Thomas standing in the kitchen with a hand on his forehead as he catches his breath, trying to calm himself down. I smile at him as he walks over to me, looking me in the eyes. "I am so... sorry" He says. I laugh softly "It's fine, Tom. You didn't know."

I grab a glass from the cabinet and walk over to the fridge to get some water. Thomas speaks up, still embarrassed. "So..." He walks over to the pantry, opening it and smacking the shit out of his knee. "ACK-" I lock eyes with him and we both smile "My knee! My second favorite knee!" We say in unison, laughing together

Oliver walks downstairs "You two are weird" He chuckles and walks over to us, hugging me from behind as I sip my water. "You still love me~" I say to him, kissing his cheek as he rests his head on my shoulder. I look at Thomas and see his cheeky little grin. I roll my eyes "Yeah no, he's weird for sure."  

"HEY!" Thomas says, a fake mad look on his face. I snicker. "I'm not wrong". Thomas rolls his eyes as he says "Suck my dick" I smirk at him as Oliver lets go of me. I walk past Thomas "Your boyfriend will~" I whisper to him. Thomas squeaks and yanks his head around, face going red at the thought of his boyfriend. "Shut up!" 

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