Part 17: Coming home

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I sit up, groaning as I do so. A few weeks have gone by and it's finally time to get Thomas back home. His mother was out on a trip, so he'd be staying at my house for the week. I didn't mind, he is my best friend after all. My dad loved him too, so it was pretty easy to convince him to let Thomas stay. 

I pick up Oliver on the way to the Hospital, ready to pick up Thomas. I pull out of Oliver's driveway as he puts his seatbelt on. "I had a nightmare last night" He mutters, still half awake because it was around 5 AM. I smile caringly. "What about? Did something happen in it?" I ask curiously. 

He blushes in embarrassment as he speaks, looking out the window. "We went to Freddie's Pizzeria... and the whole friend group got killed." I choke on air at that, keeping my eyes on the road as I cough. I clearly didn't expect that of all things. "Oh my.. How'd I die?" I ask. 

He gets a visible chill down his spine before replying "Foxy tore you to bits, and Chica joined him later on with blood on her." I laugh "Foxy would kill me though. I know damn well Bonnie wouldn't get his purple ass near me." 

Oliver laughs, smiling as his embarrassment fades away. I love him so much. He is so comfortable with me and he's the cutest little thing on this earth. If I die, Imma keep my eyes on him at all times. His smile sent butterflies through me as an uncontrollable smile forms on my face. 

We make it to the hospital and walk in, holding hands. The nurse escorts Thomas out into the waiting room. Thomas was in a wheelchair so if he were to fall the hospital wouldn't be liable for any new wounds. 

I roll him out to my car and help him in before putting the wheelchair back inside. I get back in the car and smile at Thomas. I look Thomas in the eyes and as if we could read each other's mind, we spoke at the same time "Taco bell" Oliver breaks out into laughter at our 'powers' before I start to drive out of the hospital parking lot. 

~After we get back to my house~

I help Thomas inside, one of Tom's arms around my shoulders and his other arm around Oliver's shoulders. He set him on the couch and let everybody settle down. I sit on the floor in front of the fireplace for warmth as I eat my tacos. Oliver sits beside me, doing the same. I look at him for a solid minute, just thinking about him. He notices and looks at me. He smiles and I instantly go red. 

Dating for over a month now and yet he still makes me blush. Thomas speaks up "Prolonged eye contact-" He says, quoting Bo Burnham. I laugh as I turn my head to look at Thomas. "Way to ruin the moment" I reply in a joking tone. He smirks, doing a little hair flip. "I'm just special" He states with confidence.

"Yeah.. special ed.." Oliver mutters just loud enough for us to hear. I laugh hard and Thomas looks at Oliver with a fake shocked look. I only laugh harder at that but try my hardest to keep myself quiet. It was too early to be loud. I finish my food and start cleaning up our mess. 

Thomas rolls onto his side, sighing "The hospital food was ASS" I chuckle and stretch my arms. Oliver hugs me from behind, hands resting on my hips. I melt at his touch and lean into it a little. He nuzzles his head onto my shoulder and I rest my head on top of his. I smile and so does he.

A few minutes of silence passes by before Thomas's soft snoring fills the air. I chuckle softly and signal for Oliver to follow me upstairs. My dad was already at work. I walk into my room with Oliver, sliding off my shoes and laying in my bed. Oliver sighs and lays beside me. I wrap my arms around his torso, half laying on him.

He put his arms around me and I could feel how warm he was. He was getting flustered and I loved it. I rest my head on his chest just to hear his heart racing in his chest. I giggle softly and start leaving small light kisses all along his neck. I felt him shiver at it.

I leave a small trail of kisses from his jawline to his collar bone, not wanting to make him moan because it'll wake up Thomas... And we know what happened last time. I shift slightly so I am sitting on Oliver's lap while he lays back. I lean over him so my face is inches from his. He shoots me a sheepish smile.

His face was scarlet and his body was heating up more by the second. I lean down and kiss him. His breath hitched and his body trembled, lips slightly parted during the kiss letting me have easy access. His eyes were soft and half-lidded. 

He moves his hand up to my cheek and I lean my head to it slightly. I break the kiss every few seconds for air before going right back to it. I knew what I wanted and that he wanted the same. I felt my heart get fluttery and my body go electric. I. Was. In. Heaven. to say the least. 

I keep him silent, muffling any moans with my mouth. I kept the kisses as long as I could without suffocating. His lips were soft and tasted of strawberries. I love how he knew to wear ChapStick every time we hang out. I take a break for a moment, sitting up and panting softly. He giggles and my heart skips a beat. I was still on his lap, his hands resting on my hips. 

He was everything I needed and more, I can only hope I'm all he needs. 

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