Part 18: Hidden

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He was everything I needed and more, I can only hope I'm all he needs.
(Switching to Oliver's POV)

Noon rolls around and I wake up, rolling onto my side with a sigh as I open my eyes. I see Nova sitting at her desk, hair tied back in a ponytail and headphones on. She didn't notice me yet so I silently shifted to face where she was sitting. I couldn't hide the small smile plastered on my face, she really was gorgeous. 

She wrote quickly, pen gliding across the page. I sit up which catches her attention. She smiles tiredly at me and sets down her pen. I rub my eyes softly "When did you wake up?" I ask before setting my hands in my pockets. I stand up and walk behind her seat, leaning over her slightly. 

"About an hour ago, Thomas is still asleep." She replies. I put my arms around her shoulders and lean down with a smile, nuzzling my head into her neck. She was warm and it felt so nice to be near. She chuckles as I plant a small kiss on her neck. "I'll go order the three of us coffee, take a break, love." I tell her in a soft tone before I stand up, stretching my arms. 

I grab my phone and walk downstairs as I scroll on Dutch Bro's online menu. I sit on the kitchen counter and after a few minutes, I hear loud shuffling from upstairs. I raise an eyebrow curiously. Thomas was still asleep so I took it upon myself to go search for the noise. I poke my head upstairs just as Nova walks into the bathroom. I walk into her room to see her dresser slightly moved. 

I peek behind the dresser to see a briefcase tucked away behind it. It wasn't dusty so It must've been recently opened. I reach my hand behind the dresser and quietly pull out the briefcase, opening it too. I see pages after pages of.. poetry? 

"I never knew she wrote..." I mutter to myself quietly. I read through one of the pages. 

Maybe one day you'll call me to say you're sorry
But you, you never do.
I wrote you a note, but I'll never send it
No matter how much you want it
Nobody stays the same
But who really cares?
it was all in my head
But if the story is over, why am I still writing pages?

Huh... I hear her start to run the sink, washing her hands. She'd be out the bathroom soon and if she saw me I'm sure she'd be mad. I quickly pack up the briefcase and set it back behind the dresser. I walk out of her room as she gets out of the bathroom. I smile at her and she smiles back but raises her eyebrow.

"Why were you in my room, love?" She asks. I hold up my phone "I needed your order but you were in the bathroom" I reply. I felt bad for lying, but I didn't want to make her embarrassed or something because I found out she likes to write poetry.

She chuckles softly and nods. I hand her my phone so she can put in her order. She puts in her order and kisses me on the cheek. I blush but hide it with a cheeky grin. "I'll go wake up Thomas" I speak softly before walking down the stairs. She walks into her room. 

I walk downstairs and to the couch where Thomas is snoring on. I rub his shoulder softly, trying to wake him up. "Thomas, Thomas wake up." I speak softly as he starts to stir. He opens his eyes and looks at me, eyes half open. I smile "I'm buying coffee." He sits up and I stand up straight, handing him my phone "Get whatever you want and I'll get it delivered, just don't go over board with it." 

Nova walks downstairs and smiles at me. Thomas starts looking for a drink as I walk over to Nova. "So, what's the plan for today?" I ask, hands resting on her waist as I stand in front of her. She rests her head on my chest and I feel my heart flutter. "I've got nothing planned, but we do have to take Thomas home. I can drop you off on the way if you'd like."

I nod softly with a smile. "I'd like that, thank you love." I kiss her forehead and I hear her giggle. I loved how when I make her flustered, she giggles of makes a small sound. She knew all the right ways to treat me and honestly was a total turn on. "How'd I get so lucky..?" I think to myself.

Thomas speaks up from the couch, holding up my phone. "I placed the order." He mutters, still trying to fully wake up. I chuckle softly and let go of Nova. I walk over to Thomas as Nova follows too. I take back my phone and put it in my pocket. 

"It'll be here in about 20 minutes, so we've got a little bit of time to spare" Thomas says softly, leaning back on the couch. I sit on the other couch but Nova stays standing, stretching her arms. "I'm just going to zone out until the coffee gets here, I don't have much to do but school work which I'm not gonna do until last minute" She laughs softly. I chuckle and lean back.

"I can clean if you want, I know how stressed you've been recently." I respond. She smiles with a small flirty wink "You're cute." Nova answers. "Go ahead, but I'm not going to force you" I stand up and walk into the kitchen as she sits at the kitchen bar. I smirk at her. "If I clean, you have to be doing your school work. Deal?" 

She laughs softly and nods "Fineeee" She says in a fake whiny tone. I laugh and start on the dishes. She walks up to her room and starts on her school work while Thomas mindlessly scrolls on his phone. It was calm and cozy in Nova's house, so I didn't mind cleaning. Anything to help her I guess. 

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