Part three: Class fight...

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Maranda and Destiny. They were laughing and walking towards our table as if they owned it. I glare at them and my fists clenched under the table which caught Oliver's notice. They stand in front of our table but lock their eyes on me. "Drawing in class again, freak?" I roll my eyes "Giving head in the bathroom again, off brand American Girl Doll?" I snap back at Maranda. She scoffs and gives me the finger. I snicker as a smirk grows on my face.

"At least I have a mom." My smile fades in seconds. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Vic asks. She full on ignores him and continues "At least my dad loves me." I look her dead in the eyes, standing up as I speak. "Your father doesn't love you. He buys you shit so you'll leave him alone. That's different." She gasps and Destiny glares at me. "You can't talk to us like that!" She exclaims like a useless puppy. I roll my eyes and sit down "Are you only here to insult me or do you have something else?" Maranda snickers and looks at Oliver, looking for new target. Oliver looks at her and seems uncomfortable with her gaze. I glare at her deeply as she speaks.

 "Oh ew, look at him. He's so pale he'd fit in the hospital." Maranda says. Destiny smirks and replies "He looks like a poor person." Maranda speaks up to Oliver "Did you bring lunch? Because just a warning, they don't allow dogs here." (Oliver is Asian btw) My eyes widen and Oliver's jaw drops slightly. I stand up, walking over to Maranda. I smack the shit out of her What the fuck did you just say to him!? I yell at her. The lunch room goes silent before a storm of people talking loudly erupts. 

The fight begins, and Maranda throws a punch. I sway to the side so she misses and hits Destiny. I snicker and grab their heads, bashing them together with no mercy. They both let out a yelp. Phones are pulled out and people start to record. I lock eyes with Oliver at one point get lost in a trance, not noticing Destiny who pulled out a switchblade. 

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my gut which snaps me back into reality. I look at Destiny with wide eyes as I put my hand over my gut. She had slashed me and it was deep. Maranda snatches the knife from her, grabbing my face. I glare at Maranda but something I never expect happens.. 


She stabs my right eye, slashing it too. She lets me fall to my knees as my friends and Oliver surrounds me. Oliver looks furious for once, shoving Maranda to the ground hard. Maranda and everyone else in the lunch room scatters, leaving my friend group and I. I pass out due to panicking so much. The last thing I remember was sobbing, pain shooting through out my face. 

I wake up again the next day in a hospital. I feel needles in my arms but they didn't hurt any more. I hear a soft beeping beside me and the sound of my friend's voices. "She's going to be fine, Oliver. I promise" I come to my senses and open my eyes... well my one eye. The other is limp for now. I see Vic comforting Oliver who had his head down and face in his hands. I see Thomas sitting beside me, his tear stained face lighting up as if seeing my eye open was the switch. 

"O-ow..." I mumble, trying to open my eye but failing sadly. I see Oliver perk up and a large grin forms on his face. "Nova!" He exclaims, rushing to my side. I smile softly at him as he takes my hand. I feel my heart race, not noticing that the heart monitor beside me would record it. The beeping speeds up slightly and Vic snickers. I my face heats up and Oliver seems to take notice. He simply smiles and holds my hand in his. His hands were soft and warm, I loved it. It was truly intoxicating to me. 

"You had me worried sick!" He says, a small caring smile on his flushed face. I snicker, smiling at him "Glad to know you care" I reply happily to see him so excited. The nurse walks in, a small smile on her face. I look at her as she speaks softly "We went ahead and notified your biological father-" My expression drops and I shoot up, ignoring the pain running through me as I move. "No." I say in a tone as if I was afraid for my life. "No, no, no. I- Please say you didn't..." 

The nurse's expression grows worried as Thomas speaks up to the nurse "Wait did you say biological?" I clench my hand on Oliver's, heart picking up speak on the monitor. I start to breathe quickly, locking eyes with Thomas as we both know what's happening. "No" We say in unison. My eyes dart back to the nurse "There has to be something you can do to stop him, right? I- I can't have him anywhere near me." 

The nurse checks her lists "I- I'm sorry, I can't do anything dear. The call has been made and he's already on his way. Because of your age a parent listed on your health form is required to be here. Nobody but your mother and him was on there." I let go of Oliver's hand, sobbing into my own. I lay back as the panic attack starts. Tom sets down his stuff as quick as possible and carefully lays beside me on the bed, hugging me close to calm me. 

I cling onto him like a life source I never knew I needed as he rubs small light circles along my back. I bury my face into his shoulder as I sob hard, not caring if it hurt my eye....

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