Part five: Love birds

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Thomas puts his hand on my shoulder "Nova" I look at him and match his smirk. I nod and stand up. Oliver was standing at the oven, facing the other way so he didn't see me walking over. He makes a soft "eep!"sound, moving his arms up a bit as he feels my arms around his waist. I hug him from behind and rest my forehead on the back of his neck. I feel his heart start to race and chuckle "Thank you for making dinner~" I say softly in his ear. He has a sheepish smile on his face. Vic snickers and snaps a photo without me noticing. 

Oliver replies softly "Y-yeah! No problem" I chuckle as I rest my head on his shoulder. He lays his head on mine as he starts to calm down a bit. The smell of freshly cooked chicken and veggies fill the room. The spices look delicious as they rest on the glossy chicken. I smile at the sight of it. I let go of him so he can move freely. He plates the food and I help him hand out the stuff. Addison walks out the bathroom and sits on the couch just as I set her food down in front of her seat. 

After I set everyone else's plates down, I look at Oliver who was already looking at me. I felt my stomach erupt into butterflies. Suddenly, he walks up close to me an hugs me... I instantly hug him back, resting my head on his chest. I smile as our bodies sway in unison. Even though we met not too long ago, it felt like we've known each other for years, it felt natural. For the first time in a long time, I sensed a feeling of comfort and safety in his arms. 

"Oliver?" I speak suddenly. He looks down at me with a small smile "Yes?" I look up at him, locking eyes with him once again. He could see the love in my eyes and knew exactly what I was going to say "I think I love you" In the background, Addison chokes on her food after hearing me, caught off guard. She coughs a little and is fine. 

Oliver's face is bright red but a big goofy grin forms on his face. I laugh and hug him tightly. "You're smiling like an idiot!" I tease while he hugs me more. He lifts me up and I laugh hard, clinging onto him so I don't fall. "I think I- I love you too!" He exclaims happily. His joy was practically radiating off of him and it was adorable.

Vic and Thomas look at each other and smirk as if to say "I knew it" to one another. I look at Oliver in the eyes deeply and as if it was second nature, he leans close and gives me a small peck. I giggle, burying my face in his neck to hide my red face "OLIVER" I go into a giggle fit, not letting go for dear life so I don't fall. 

"Nova?" He asks with a sweet smile that could turn a villain into a hero. I smile up at him as he speaks again "W-... Will you be my girlfriend? I- I don't ever wanna leave your side" I feel my eye welling up with tears. I nod happily and hug him tighter. He sets me on the counter and stands with my legs wrapped around his waist as he hugs me tightly. 

I feel him start to cry happy tears and smile softly to myself. I lean back a little so I can see his face. Tears start to stroll down his cheeks. I scoop his face into my hands, his cheeks perfect in my palms. I use my thumbs to wipe his tears. "Don't cry... love" I say to him with a smile. "Please don't cry" I giggle and kiss his forehead softly. He pulls me closer and cries into my neck. He wasn't good at expressing his emotions, so he got a bit overwhelmed with love. Crying was an instinct for him. 

After a little, he calms down and we all get ready for movie night. We have two large bowls of popcorn and set up the couch and floor to be as comfy as possible. I sit on the couch with Oliver laying down with his head in my lap. I rest my hand on his chest, looking at the TV as I go through movies. "What kind of movie are we watching tonight?" 

Thomas perks up from his spot on the floor "THE LORAX!" The five of us laugh before Oliver speaks up "Tom, you LOOK like the Lorax." I bust out laughing at that, putting a hand over my mouth. Thomas does a fake offended look at Oliver. "At least I don't look like the emo kid from Horton hears a Who!" 

I look down at Oliver who has his head in my lap and my eyes widen "Oh my god he does!" The five of us laugh, including Oliver. He clearly found this amusing to say the least. I chuckle and look back at the TV. "So The Lorax then..?" The group snickers and nods while Thomas stands proudly like he did something. 

The whole time during the movie night, I kept cuddling Oliver. I'd leave small pecks on his cheek or forehead. I end up falling asleep on him towards the end of it, head resting on his chest softly like a pillow. I cling onto him in my sleep and it gives him a sense of warmth and belonging. He felt loved and wanted when he was with me and my friends but so did I. When I was going through it, my friends were always there for me and I know that Oliver will be too. I'll always have his back and he'll always have mine. 

Thomas, Vic, Addison, Oliver... They meant the world to me. And I wouldn't give them up if my life depended on it....


(Shout out to my best friend in real life who stuck with me even after all my attempts. You'll never leave my heart and will never be replaced. I am so proud of you ---, keep that in mind. You've come so far and I don't think you realize that. I am so proud, keep on going!) 

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