Part four: Trauma

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I cling onto him like a life source I never knew I needed as he rubs small light circles along my back. I bury my face into his shoulder as I sob hard, not caring if it hurt my eye....

The nurse walks out in a panic, trying to get my bio father far away from the hospital. My body trembles in Thomas's arms, almost shaking the hospital bed. I curl into a ball. Oliver puts his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb along it softly. The nurse comes back in with a slightly less worried expression. I look over at her, eye getting puffy because of my crying. Thomas wipes my tear stained cheeks.

"We have good news and bad news, dear." She says softly "We've kept him off hospital property, and he will not be allowed near you... but he does have a message he is sharing with you through me." I shift a bit, sitting up but making sure not to irritate my wound over my stomach. "O-okay... what's the message..?" I ask in a shaky voice, managing to calm myself down. 

The nurse takes a deep breath and braces herself before speaking. "I- In his own words he said 'Tell that attention seeking, bipolar, jackass to get her shit together before I rip her to shreds and bury her with her mother'" I get a chill slithering down my spine like bugs crawling, causing my body to jerk a little. Thomas stands up beside the hospital bed, his expression grim. I look at Oliver and my heart breaks a little when I see his expression. 

He looked mortified. I lock eyes with him again and I could feel the raging sea of emotion behind his beautiful eyes. It hurt to say the least. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I look back to the nurse "I'm so sorry about my 'father' Ma'am. Please just ignore the threats." She simply nods and walks out of the room. Vic speaks up to Thomas "Thomas... Don't." I sigh "Murder is illegal, Tom." 

Thomas simply crosses his arms, making a small grunt. He was obviously pissed off his mind about my father doing that. He always hated my biological father but now... Now was a whole new level of hatred. Thomas being Thomas, he probably was already planning how he'd kill my dad. It's scary to me how he'd be able to torture, kill, and get away with it, but Tom would never kill me... right? 

Soon enough, the mood starts to lighten. Vic starts cracking jokes and Thomas gets the murder off his mind. I never let go of Oliver's hand. An hour goes by and a new happy nurse walks in with a clip board and new clothes for me. "Alrighty dear! Just sign a few papers, get changed, and you'll be on your way home!" She says to me as she hands me the clip board. I sign the papers with one hand and hold Oliver's hand in the other. 

I am absolutely jovial to say the least. I pass the clip board back to the nurse and she takes the needles out of my arm. As she messed with the needles, I had to bury my face into Oliver's shoulder. I hated needles with all my heart. Oliver simply chuckled and put his arm around me. I felt my heart racing at how close we had gotten in such a short time span. 

~After I get changed and we are walking out of the hospital~ 

I skip along side of Oliver and the others, wearing the hospital's free grey sweater and black sweat pants. We had no car and had gotten to the hospital in the ambulance, so we were walking home. I didn't mind. More time to spend with my friends... and Oliver. I get an idea and perk up "Oo! You guys should come over to my house! My dad is out of town for a week so we'll have the house to ourselves." 

Vic snickers "Movie night?" He asks with a small smile. Oliver, Thomas, and I all respond at the same time "Movie night!" We laugh together... This was nice. It reminded me of when I was little and would hang out with the neighborhood kids. We'd play baseball, get ice cream, mess around with  random things we found. We were easily entertained and it was amazing. 

We make it back to my house and I unlock the door. My house was neat and tidy, well decorated. It was a hobby of my dad's to decorate houses for people, so of course our house was well kept. I l set down my bag beside the door tiredly with a groan. I let go of Oliver's hand and walk into the kitchen with the group. "No way I'm cooking tonight" I say, hand over the gash wound on my stomach. 

"I'll cook." Oliver speaks up. I smile warmly at him, heart swelling a bit.
"You don't have to-" I start but he cuts me off "You need rest, of course I will" Before he can respond, I hug him tightly. I bury my face into his shoulder. "I don't deserve you" Oliver's face goes red but he wraps his arms around me. 

Everyone else gets settled in, sitting in the living room that connects to the open kitchen with a kitchen bar. Vic sits at the kitchen bar, scrolling on his phone. But Thomas and I sit in the living room. Addison went to the bathroom. Oliver starts cooking dinner for everyone and I look at him, daydreaming about what could be... About what I wish would happen. My mind swirls with thoughts and I smile, going into a giggle fit. Thomas smirks, knowing what's happening. 

Thomas puts his hand on my shoulder "Nova" I look at him and match his smirk. I nod and stand up. Oliver was standing at the oven, facing the other way so he didn't see me walking over.

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