Chapter 13- "Anarchy"

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"Do you believe in....powers?" She asked me curling her hair with her finger, act dumb that's all I had to do

"Powers, like what?" I looked away from her, I guess what Risse said was true, I do look away whenever In lie. Hopefully she doesn't notice that.

"Never mind" she rolled her eyes and went back to hiding

"My name is Connor Hunter, you?"

"Anne, Anne Travince"

Travince, is Rory somehow involved with her? So many questions ran past my head but I was out back to reality with what Dallas said through my earpiece

'Beware the storm Hunter, beware the storm'


Connor's POV

'Move move move!' I heard them shout from right in front of us 'They're here, orders are to capture them alive or kill them where they stand!'

Anne tried to look over the bush we were hiding behind, but I quickly pulled her down beside my head, we were now lying on the grass our faces were just an inch away from each other. I could feel her warm breath over me.

"Calm down, everything is going to be fine" I tried to calm her down.

"I can handle my self its just that- um-" she pointed downwards. My leg was clamped between hers, our position didn't allow us to move around freely so we couldn't move properly and adjust our selves.

"Just....Don't mind it it will all be over soon enough"

'Connor we are under attack back here in the facility!' Dallas shouted through my earpiece 'Stay where you are and just hide!'

Dammit! I want to go and help defend the facility but the future was at stake, litterally. Dallas must have known that this would happen, I shouldn't be too worried either otherwise Anne will notice me.

"Are you alright?" She held my face "you look worried about something"

" No I'm fi-" I was cut off by the sound of loud static coming through my earpiece. Followed by some unclear words

'Risse!' Dallas shouted 'Connor this wasn't supposed to happen!, get her out of there and hide somewhere safe, they got Risse and-' static soon replace Dallas's voice.

I stood up, clenched my fist and put up my mask. Anne stood up as well. The military men pointed their guns toward us. I looked at them all with anger

"You took my friends." I reappeared behind one of the men quickly took out my knife and flicked it beside his neck, cutting it cleanly

'Fire fire fire!' A man shouted. I stood there and watched Anne from a far. Her mouth was opened wide at me.

Bullets sprayed across the park. I walked slowly towards the 'leader' of the group teleporting and reappearing at the same place each time bullets came towards me barely evading them.

I grabbed his neck as he tried to squirm free. I teleported towards the sky above us. We entered free fall, I was still gripping his neck firmly and as we were about to hit the floor I slammed him onto the ground, his guts splattered everywhere and across my face I reappeared behind one of the men.

Everyone else started shooting at him. I grabbed the man in front of me and used him as a meat shield. Bullets sprayed across his body, his blood sprayed onto my coat painting it in a crimson red.

I reappeared behind the last two men and slammed their heads together making them fall face first onto the ground. I took out my gun then shot them both seven times in the head.

Anne was still there. Her mouth agape. She looked at me more surprised than she was, seeing me completely covered in their blood. One man was still alive he tried to crawl away but I shot him right in the head. His brains splattered across the grass painting it in a bright pink and crimson red.

"Oh my god!" She panicked and started to run away.

I felt a sharp pain come from my chest. I hadn't realized it because of the adrenaline but I was shot during the fight. My vision started to become blurry. I walked towards one of the bench chairs and slowly bled onto it. I looked around what I had done. Guts were splattered everywhere. Blood sprayed out of the man I had cut with my knife.

I took out my knife and flicked it open. I tried to pull out the bullet in my chest using the knife.

ARGH! I held my breath as I took the bullet out. I started to bleed even more. And it wasn't long until I passed out.

I finally understood what we were dealing with. Just soldiers. Soldiers who have no special ability. Soldiers who followed the same orders. Soldiers who would take anything from anyone as long as they followed the orders correctly and they were permitted to do anything.

I clenched my teeth tightly as I felt a surge of electricity flow through me. I could feel my body slowly weaken. But the electricity kept up to my feet. I was conscious for a while only to see electricity spark across my body.

Aaaah! Hgraaah! I shouted as I slowly fell unconscious once more.

By the time I was conscious again. It was dark out. I looked around and examined where I was. I was lying in a small room, it looked abandoned. Spiderwebs were stretched out across the room and the floor was covered in dust. Anne was there sleeping on my chest.

I can't believe that I actually killed those men mercilessly. She must have been shocked to see me use my ability as well as brutally murdering those men. The question was how did I get here, and how was I still alive? She must have took me here to hide with her.

"Wake up" I shook her off, she slowly got up and rubbed her eyes.

" You're alive, thank god..what happened...back there?" She asked and took a step back as I got up. My bullet wound was now covered up by bandages.

"I...went a bit insane.." I looked at her "How did we get here?"

"Actually you took us here. I'm not even sure where we are"

"I took us here?" I looked around the room

"Yeah, every time I shocked you with electricity you moved to another location along with me."

"Figures...are you alright?..." I asked feeling concerned

"How are you able to ask that so calmly when you were the one who went nuts on those people and got shot in the chest!" She started to cry

"Why are you crying?" I wiped her tears off with my thumb and held her face

"I don't know.." She rested her head on my arm and fell asleep immediately. She was tired but so was I. Alot of things happened today. Things no normal person could handle. I guess she was as normal as it seems.

But now that I have started. I can't look back on what I have done. I'll kill every single one of them. These undefined took my friend

Now I will cause an Anarchy


I'm not good at writing down battle scenes xD I'm very sorry if it doesn't look too good :P I tried my best

Anyways thanks alot for all the support you have been giving me through social media and all. Don't forget to vote on this chapter and all to other ones it means a lot to me :D

I'll cya all soon enough


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