1: Scott Hale

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Stiles was dragged rather unceremoniously from his slumber by his dad, playing AC/DC at an unholy volume. He shook the sleep from his body.
"DAD! SERIOUSLY?!" He yelled. The man in question, Dean Winchester, burst through his bedroom door playing a non existent guitar.
"Ain't no better way to wake up, kid." He grinned. "C'mon, get ready for school and I'll drop ya off." He switched to miming the drum solo and danced from the room. Seconds after, his other father walked in.

"Sorry, I tried to get him to turn it down son, but you know how much he loves Back in Black." He smiled apologetically.
"Damn straight, Cas!" They heard Dean yell. The two rolled their eyes.
"It's cool pa. I have to get up anyway." Stiles sighed, cracking his joints as he stretched.
"Breakfast will be on the table when you get downstairs." His father kissed him on the forehead and left the room.

Stiles showered quickly, and dressed. He checked himself out in the mirror, unconsciously miming the words to the song blasting through the walls. He pulled at the tufts of his hair that had grown out quicker than the rest of his buzz cut. He made a mental note to get a haircut. He shrugged on his favourite red hoodie and yanked his backpack from the floor. Stiles followed the scent of pancakes downstairs.

Castiel set a stack of syruppy pancakes in front of his son and couldn't help but smile at the overjoyed expression on his face as he dug in.
"Where are mine, huh?" He looked over at his husband who was pouting, knife and fork in hand.
"It's as if I have two sons sometimes." He said. Stiles snorted.
"Do I need to show you that I'm not a little boy, Cas?" Dean smirked at him.
"Ugh, Dad! It is way too early for you to be flirting with Pa, in front of me too!" The couple laughed at their horrified son.
"Love is a beautiful thing, Stiles. You should feel fortunate you have parents who are very much in love." He chastised.
"Yeah whatever, Pa."

Castiel turned back to the stove to make another round of pancakes. He heard Stiles clank his plate in the sink.
"Dad, are you driving me or what?" Stiles asked Dean. Castiel glanced over his shoulder to see his partner stare longingly at the pancake forming in the pan.
"Go, they'll be ready by the time you get back." Castiel assured. The million-dollar smile he fell in love with was flashed his way as Dean stood, rounded the kitchen island and kissed him on the cheek.
"I'll see you when I get back." Dean winked and left, Stiles in tow, he heard him muttering.
"You guys need to tone it down, it's gross!" Castiel chuckled and focused on breakfast.

Dean turned up the Metallica song playing through the speakers.
"Dad, as much as I like Metallica, I really don't want to roll up at school with that blaring." Dean shot his son an offended look.
"But it's a classic, Stiles!"
"You're gonna be deaf by 50 at the volume you insist on listening to your music at."
"You're worse than Sam sometimes." Dean teased.
"I am not worse than Uncle Sam." The father and son took one glance at each other and burst into fits of laughter.

"I remember you used to love me driving you to school with the music loud. Back when you still thought I was awesome." Dean wiped an imaginary tear from his eye mockingly.
"I'm not 5 anymore."
"If I remember rightly, you had to have Thunderstruck so loud the speakers vibrated well up until you were 12."
"Lies!" Stiles accused.
"Hah. Whatever, cool kid." Dean said sarcastically.

They pulled up in front of Beacon Hills High School and Dean mercifully turned the music down. Fractionally. He held out a fist and his son bumped it with his own.
"See ya later kid. Have a good day."
"Thanks dad. Later." His son shot a quick smile at him and got out of the car. Dean watched him until he entered the building and turned the Eagles of Death Metal song that had started playing up to full volume and drove off singing loudly, students staring at him.

Stiles slumped into his seat in his chemistry class. He put his bag on the empty chair next to him as usual so he could reach his stuff easier. About 15 minutes into the lesson, Stiles was heavily day dreaming while gazing out the window when the principal entered the room. The room was dead silent, he had a student with him. He had tanned skin, dark hair and a dopey look on his face. He smiled lopsidedly at the class and raised a hand.

"This is Scott Hale. He's a new student here at the school. Make him feel welcome." The principle left him standing awkwardly at the front, his teacher introduced himself and waved him over to the seat next to Stiles. The boy landed heavily in his seat and turned to Stiles, holding out a hand.

"Scott." He had eyes like a puppy and an uneven jaw that seemed to add to his charm. Stiles smiled widely and shook his hand.
"Stiles. Stiles Winchester. I hope you hate chemistry as much as I do cuz I'll be bugging you for the rest of the year." He joked.
"Thank god, I really didn't want to sit with a quiet person." Scott looked genuinely relieved. Stiles liked this guy, he didn't seem too bright but he was friendly enough.
"Hey, if you want you can hang with me today and I can show you where everything is around here." He offered.
"That would be awesome! Thanks man!" Scott flashed him a toothy grin that Stiles reciprocated.
It's safe to say, for the remainder of the lesson, the two learnt absolutely nothing about covalent bonds but plenty about each other.

At the end of a day full of discussing video games, comic books, sports, superhero movies and everything in between, Stiles and Scott had become best friends.

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