4: A Ride Into The Woods

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Stiles was woken that morning to his phone vibrating furiously next to his head. He fumbled around in the general direction of the sensation and finally grabbed it. He squinted at the caller I.D.
'Scott' It read, paired with a Wolf emoji. He smiled and answered.

"Stiles! Please tell me you're free tonight?" Scott sounded out of breath.
"Uh, sure. Why? And why do you sound like you just ran a marathon?" He heard Scott chuckle breathlessly.
"Just got back from a run with Derek, he gets competitive." Stiles reddened at the image of Derek running, sweaty clothes clinging to his body... 'Focus Stiles!'
"My mom is like, insisting that you come over tonight after what happened yesterday." Scott's embarrassment was evident in his voice.
"Sure, I just need to check with my dads." Stiles was excited at the thought of meeting Scott's mom. From what he'd been told, she made a mean lasagne. And Stiles loved lasagne.

"I still can't get over how awesome it is you have two dads. A no-women household would be so cool." Scott gushed. Stiles didn't bother trying told explain it was pretty much the same as having mixed-gender parents as he'd never known any different.
"I can ask Derek if he'll pick you up? Our house is kind of around the way so it's a little hard to find." Stiles could have sworn his heart stopped. Did Scott mean he was coming with him? Or did he mean him and his devastatingly hot brother alone in his car?
"Uh sure that's totally cool. Yep. I'll just go and uh check. So I'll see you later?" There was a pause before Scott replied.
"Yup. See ya Stiles." Stiles hung up and threw himself back onto his pillows. He tried not to get worked up. He was supposed to be excited about seeing his friend, not freaking out over being picked up by his brother.

There was a knock at the door, that meant it was pa. Dad always just burst in without warning. Stiles called for him to come in.
"Good morning." Castiel smiled.
"Morning pa. Hey, Scott just called asking if I could come for dinner? From what I gathered their mom is kind of embarrassed of what went down." He explained.

Castiel practically beamed.
"That's absolutely fine. I'll make sure Dean tells her it was no trouble."
"Um actually Scott offered me a ride." Castiel's smile only widened.
"With his handsome brother?" Stiles flushed.
"I guess." Castiel rolled his eyes.
"Stiles, you can't hide anything from your angel papa." He folded his arms, imitating Dean. Stiles let out a small laugh. "You look at him like people looked at Jesus himself."
"Oh my gosh, pa. Leave now." Stiles buried his face in his pillows, why did both his dads insist on humiliating him? Castiel left the room giggling to himself.

Stiles trudged to his en suite to shower. He had homework to do before the fated dinner with the Hales.

When 7'o clock finally crept around Stiles had to repress a squeal of anticipation. He'd been ready for 3 hours, re-checking his appearance every 10 minutes making inconceivable adjustments to his hair and tugging at non-existent creases in his outfit. Stiles had picked his fitted dark blue jeans which he only wore when he made a conscious effort to look good. He paired it with a plain white t-shirt and a red and white plaid shirt over the top. As he looked himself up and down, he began pulling what he thought might be seductive expressions.

"What the hell are you doing kid?" His dad sniggered from the doorway. Stiles flinched away from the mirror.
"Dad, one day I'm gonna have an heart attack if you keep sneaking up on me."
"Thing is I don't even need to sneak. You're just in your own world." Dean leant an elbow against the frame of the door.
"So what's Scotty's address?" Stiles could have smacked his pa in that moment. Castiel clearly hadn't told Dean Scott was picking him up so he would have to tell him. And no doubt be on the receiving end of a barrage of jokes about Derek from his dad.

Stiles hummed for a second.
"Uhm, Scott's coming to get me." Dean's eyes widened in amusement.
"You mean Big Hale is coming to get you with Scott."
"Yes, dad. Big- I mean Derek is driving us." He emphasised the words to drill them into his dad's head.
"That's cool. Whatever. Have fun lover boy." Dean snorted as he walked out. Well that wasn't too brutal. He heard a horn outside.

"STIIIIIIILESSSSS!" Castiel cried. Stiles pulled on his sneakers and ran down the stairs. His fathers stood together in the hallway, talking quietly.
"Come back when you're ready, within reason." Castiel said.
"Yeah, don't let Big Hale hold you up." Dean smirked. Stiles punched his dad in the shoulder lightly and left the house.
"Bye dads!"

The Camero was stalling on the sidewalk, engine rumbling. Derek's window rolled down and he raised a hand at Stiles.
"Hi, Derek." He glanced over at the passenger seat, it was empty. "Where's Scott?" He panicked a little. He didn't think his social awkwardness around attractive people could handle this.
"Helping with dinner. You don't mind do you?" Derek asked, tone monotonous as if he didn't really care whether it bothered Stiles or not."
"Uh no that's fine. Cooooool." Stiles had to refrain from smacking himself in the face for that one. Derek simply raised an eyebrow.
"Get in then." He instructed, putting the window back up.

Stiles' heart was nothing short of hammering as he sat in the car. He sank comfortably into the leather upholstery. Derek accelerated into the road and Stiles was flung back into his seat. He could have sworn he saw Derek smile a little.
The ride was silent. Stiles was unsettled by the lack of conversation. He racked his brains for something relatively normal to say.
"This a seriously nice car." He internally high-fived himself for managing to say it without stammering.

"Thanks." Derek didn't elaborate. Maybe he didn't want to talk to Stiles. He decided to try again.
"So is it yours or your moms?" Derek glanced at him briefly, he looked as if he was trying to figure out an algebra problem. He responded nonetheless.
"Mine. It was my dad's." He'd gotten some personal information about Derek. Stiles nodded, he decided to steer away from anything else dad related as from what he gathered from Scott, their relationship was less than healthy.

Stiles noticed they were driving down a narrow road lined thickly with trees.
"Scott wasn't kidding when he said you guys live around the way huh." He said, not really expecting an answer.
"It's a good place to live." Derek informed him. Stiles played dumb, he knew that they probably liked it for the seclusion but asked anyway.
"How so?"
"It's a good place to let off steam, if you catch my drift." While Stiles thinking of steam of a more sexual nature, he realised Derek meant werewolf tensions and what-not.
"Ah I get you." He thought back to his conversation with Scott that morning and used it to his advantage.

"I bet there's some awesome running routes around here." He added, peering around for effect. Derek shot him one of those searching looks again.
"You run?" Stiles most definitely did not.
"Every now and then when I get the chance." Stiles hadn't exactly lied. He had gone on one or two jogs with his dad but had much preferred being curled up in his duvet on Tumblr. Derek opened his mouth to say something but seemed to think better of it.

Suddenly the trees opened out into a clearing and a house stood in the middle of it. It was a little larger than Stiles' house and had an old fashioned feel to it. It looked like no house Stiles had ever seen before in Beacon Hills. Derek stopped the car a few feet from the front porch.
"Thanks for the ride, Derek." Stiles attempted a casual smile. Derek seemed a little taken aback but shook his head to say it hadn't been a problem.

They sat there for a moment, looking at each other when Derek quickly pulled his keys from the ignition and got out the car. Stiles followed suit and was slamming the car door shut when Scott flung the front door open and waved at Stiles.

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