24: Derek's Pack

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A/N: Sad Jackson makes me sad. He's an idiot but I adore him.

"So I guess this is technically our first pack meeting." Scott announced, Derek scanned the room, looking at his 'pack'. Stiles was seated on the floor with Isaac as he caught him up with the goings on at BHHS. Scott lounged on one of the armchairs, and Derek was in his usual spot on the couch. It was a Friday night and the three younger boys had decided (without informing Derek) that they were going to have what was effectively a slumber party.

Of course, Derek was not pleased, but Stiles' presence appeased him a little.
"This isn't a pack meeting." Derek said bluntly.
"Why?" Scott asked, evidently disappointed.
"Nothing we're doing is pack related." Derek sighed. Scott nodded thoughtfully for a moment, then leapt up from his seat.

"Then let's do something pack related!" He cried excitedly, Derek rolled his eyes.
"We are not going outside and howling at the moon, Scott." Isaac and Stiles snorted in amusement and Scott folded his arms stubbornly.
"That's not what I was gonna say." He huffed.
"That's fine, because as the alpha of this pack I don't care what you were going to say."
"Derek stop being mean to Scott." Stiles scolded sarcastically.

Suddenly a scent hit Derek's nose that had him on high alert. Minutes after he caught it, there was a furious banging on the door. All four jumped up and Derek grabbed Stiles' wrist.
"Stay in here." He growled as he left the room, Scott and Isaac in tow.

He snatched the door open to reveal the boy who'd attempted to take advantage of Stiles at the party two weeks ago, his hand resting on the doorframe and his head hanging.
"What the hell are you doing here you piece of shit." Derek snarled. Jackson backed a few unsteady steps away from the front door, nearly falling over.

Derek made a move to lunge for him, when Scott stopped him.
"Wait a second, I think there's something wrong with him!" He and Isaac rushed forward to help Jackson stand properly. "Jackson? Can you hear me?" Jackson simply groaned, swaying in their grip.

Isaac moved behind him to steady him and his eyes widened.
"Looks like he was attacked." He observed. Derek joined them on the porch and studied Jackson's back. Scott peered over the blond's shoulder. There was jagged tears in his long sleeved top, blood seeping freely from it.

"Get him inside." Derek ordered and they lugged the rather heavy Jackson indoors. Stiles came from the living room, his face draining of colour when he saw who they'd just brought in.
"Stiles don't worry he can't do anything to you. We think he's been attacked." Derek assured his mate, Stiles only relaxed fractionally, choosing to remain in the doorway of the living room.

The three wolves dragged Jackson into the kitchen and made quick work of propping him up on a stool and taking his shirt off. Once it was off, the damage was clear. A nasty and deep looking bite glared at them from Jackson's left shoulder.
"Oh God." Scott breathed. "Please tell me this isn't-"
"It is." Derek interrupted.

Isaac and Scott glanced at each other, expressions unreadable.
"Well you got your wish Scott. This is now the responsibility of our pack." Derek decided.

When his nerves finally subsided, Stiles joined the three werewolves and Jackson in the guest room of the Hale house. Derek briefly explained their speculation that Jackson had been bitten and that it was now a waiting game. Jackson would either die or survive the bite, and become a werewolf.

Stiles wanted to hope that Jackson survived, but he was still angry over what he'd done to him. Despite this, he knew that Jackson didn't deserve to die for his behaviour, people made mistakes and Stiles decided that the best revenge would be forgiveness. Dwelling on that night would only leave Stiles bitter and vengeful.

He watched as Jackson fidgeted in a state of half-sleep, letting out the occasional grunt and groans of pain. It was strange seeing him so weak and vulnerable, but comforting in a way. Jackson had always had a kind of invincibility, he was popular, he was rich, and he could do pretty much whatever he wanted, but in his current state Stiles felt he was almost on a level with him, he looked human.

The four stood in silence, all seemingly wrapped up in their own thoughts until Scott broke the peace.
"I know this isn't really the time... But d'you think if he survives, he'll join our pack?" Stiles glanced at Derek, who surprisingly wasn't rolling his eyes, but watching Scott, expression thoughtful.

"He'll be reluctant. None of us are friends with him aside from Scott-"
"I'm not friends with him! We're just on the Lacrosse team!" He protested. Derek glared at him, telepathically telling him to shut his mouth.
"But he'll eventually swallow his pride and realise he can't do it by himself. He knows nothing about being a werewolf." Derek finished firmly.

They all knew Derek was right, even Jackson couldn't push handle being a newly turned wolf with his astonishing powers of asshole-ness. Stiles decided he was fed up of someone he didn't like being the centre of attention.
"I'm hungry. Anyone up for pizza?" He suggested and the others agreed.

As Scott ordered, Derek slung Jackson over his shoulder with worrying ease and left the room, Stiles followed.
"Where are you taking him?" He asked. Derek looked back at him and sighed.
"The basement." Stiles knew he'd get irritated if he asked more questions and stayed quiet until they went down a final set of stairs and came face to face with a steel door. Derek unlocked the door with a code to reveal what could only be described as a panic room.

Stiles wandered in after Derek, looking around the metallic room. The contents consisted of two rather uncomfortable looking beds with shackles at the head and foot of them and not much else.
"When we were learning to control ourselves at a full moon, mom would put us in here."
"Doesn't seem very nice." Stiles commented, the room was sterile and cold.
"True, but without our father to help she didn't really have a choice." He reasoned.

Stiles said nothing as Derek lay Jackson on one of the beds, shackling his wrists and ankles.
"The shackles are extremely strong. He won't be able to break out of them." He assured Stiles. He pictured a young Derek and Scott strapped down in the room, fighting against the restraints and frenzied over the appearance of the moon, it wasn't a pleasant image.

"Shouldn't someone stay down here with him?" Stiles queried.
"No need. We'll just check on him every hour or so." And with that, the pair exited, locking the door, stomachs growling for pizza.

After eating a record breaking amount of pizza, the boys sprawled out in various spots around the living room. Scott's eyes felt heavy, and he knew if he didn't move there and then, he'd be sleeping on the floor and waking up with a bad back. He pushed himself up from the wooden floor and stretched, his joints cracking.

"I'm gonna hit the hay." He announced.
"Me too." Stiles echoed.
"Don't mind if I do." Isaac joined in. They all stood and trooped up the stairs, equally tired from the antics of that day.

When they reached the landing, an awkward situation arose. Where would Stiles sleep? There was a strange stare off between he and Derek, that was interrupted when Stiles said;
"Night Scott, night Isaac." And sauntered off in the direction of Derek's room.

Scott's jaw dropped and Isaac began slow-clapping. Derek smirked at him and mock-saluted the pair, following Stiles down the hallway.
"Well shit." Scott muttered. Isaac rested a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry Scotty. We can have our own fun." He flirted.

"Keep your hands off my brother." Derek called from his room. Isaac raised an eyebrow, then grinned like a Cheshire Cat.
"That's fine, I still have a tongue."

Scott had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

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