17: The Date- Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! So I wrote up a first chapter for the sterek fic idea some of you were interested in, if you didn't already see it check it out!

Stiles was panicking. He was standing in his bedroom surrounded by clothes agonising over what to wear. As it happened, Derek had asked him on a date; a traditional outing to a movie deal. Stiles had never actually been on a real date before and he was way out of his depth.

"Kid, what are you doing?" He jumped at the sound of his dad's voice.
"Uh, deciding what to wear." He replied, Dean didn't know he was going on a date, and thought he was simply going to the movies with Scott.
"Seriously? You're only going with Scott." He sighed.

Stiles fumbled around for a reason he'd want to look presentable.
"Um, there's gonna be girls there." He blurted. Dean raised an eyebrow. "Ok, an attractive guy."
"Yeah that makes more sense." Dean snorted. He entered the room and began rifling through the clothes.

Within seconds he'd retrieved a pair of skinny dark blue jeans and a loose-fitting grey t-shirt.
"Wait there, put that on." He instructed, Stiles did as he was told. When his dad returned, he was holding a navy, forest green and grey plaid shirt. "To top it off." He grinned, tossing the garment at his son who scrambled to catch it.

When Stiles looked in the mirror, he had to admit (albeit inwardly) that his father had assembled a nice outfit.
"Thanks dad." He smiled.
"No problem kid." They fist bumped and Dean left him to his own devices to style his hair, which was growing rather rapidly from his buzzcut.

He debated on shaving it again, but decided against it. He liked how he could tousle the longer strands into a cool, just-rolled-out-of-bed kind of look. 'More like just rolled out of Derek's bed.' He thought and snorted at his own joke. He gave himself the once over and actually felt rather confident, he looked good.

He heard his phone buzz on his bed and he jumped to get it. It was a text from Derek.
'Outside.' It read. Shoving his wallet in his pocket, he rushed down the stairs and yelled a quick good bye to his parents and left the house.

As usual, Derek stood leaning against the Camaro. There was something different about him, his stubble appeared trimmed and his hair seemed shorter. He was wearing an all black ensemble with his signature leather jacket, he looked smart.

Stiles found himself a little short of breath at the sight of how good Derek looked and forgot to greet him. He was drawn from his stupor by Derek raising his eyebrows at him expectantly.
"Shit, hi." Stiles exhaled. Derek simply chuckled and opened Stiles' door for him, then got in the car himself.

They drove off the minute Stiles clicked his seatbelt and it took him by surprise.
"You look really good, Stiles." Derek commented, eyes never leaving the road. Stiles heart began hammering in his chest and he saw the right corner of Derek's mouth quirk up, he could obviously hear the reaction to his compliment.

"You too, I mean you always do, but today- I mean tonight- you look hot. Not that you don't all the time! But-" Stiles' rambling was mercifully cut off by Derek bursting into one of those rare and beautiful laughs.
"Thanks." He smiled. Stiles inhaled sharply, Derek's smile was breathtaking.

"Anything in particular you want to see tonight?" He asked. Stiles hadn't actually thought much about it.
"Uh, no not really. We could see what's on when we get there?" He replied. Derek nodded and tapped the glovebox, Stiles took the hint and chose something to play.

Upon arrival at the movie theatre, Derek was a true gentleman, holding the door for Stiles as they walked inside.
"I know you're just tryna check out my ass." Stiles joked.
"And?" Derek countered, face completely serious. Stiles jaw dropped while Derek just smirked and went to the ticket booth.

They decided on a horror film, it was about a zombie apocalypse and although Derek had rolled his eyes when Stiles suggested it, he hadn't protested. After grabbing some popcorn and drinks which Derek has refused to let Stiles pay for, they made their way to their seats.

The film turned out to be better than he'd thought, with realistic zombies, good acting and dry humour which Derek appeared to enjoy. Around three quarters of the way through, Stiles became very conscious of Derek's arm edging closer to his each time he reached for popcorn.

The fifth time he did it he ate the popcorn then simply rest his hand on Stiles thigh. Unfortunately, being the sexually inexperienced teenager he was, the seemingly innocent touch sent electric shocks to his nether region. He desperately tried to think of anything but Derek's hand, but it was proving to be difficult.

An awful memory decided to resurface; that of Derek telling him that he was particularly in tune with Stiles' feelings and such. Did Derek know the effect his move was having on him? He snuck a glance at the man, Derek's eyes were fixed firmly on the screen, but there was a uncharacteristically smug smirk on his lips.

'He knows.' Stiles thought to himself. He attempted to steady his breathing and concentrate on the girl onscreen having her arm chewed off by three particularly hungry zombies. Thankfully, the realism of the arm flopping to the ground, bone on show and blood squirting in all directions was enough to put any remotely sexual thoughts far out of his mind.

When the movie drew to a close, Derek stood, in turn removing his hand. Stiles let out a heavy sigh.
"You ok?" Derek asked, a suspiciously innocent look on his face.
"Just peachy." He replied, sarcasm blatant in his tone.

Derek simply nudged his shoulder into Stiles', a small smile playing on his features.
"Hungry?" The taller man asked as they left the theatre.
"Is that even a question?"


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