18: The Date- Part 2

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A/N: I've been so excited to use this picture as a header that when it finally came to this chapter I added it to the header and whispered to myself; "It's time." Ok sorry no one cares. ENJOY THE CHAPTER!

Sitting in a diner with Derek at 9 had an almost dream like quality to it. He'd taken his jacket off, revealing the black shirt was short sleeved, the material stretching over his impressive biceps. He watched as Derek ran a hand through his hair, reading the menu.

"What are you getting?" He asked Stiles, who already knew and had his menu closed on the table in front of him.
"Bacon cheeseburger and curly fries, it's what me and my dad always used to get here." He smiled at the memory.
"Is that your recommendation?" Derek said, the corners of his lips quirking up. Stiles' cheeks warmed a little.

"I'd uh- yeah I'd say it's pretty good." He stammered, distracted from properly forming sentences by Derek's eyes that were firmly fixed on his. 
"You have nice eyes." Derek murmured. Stiles face felt as if he were seated directly in front of the sun. His brain scrambled for something to say when his saviour came.

"Stiles honey! It's been so long!" Said Mary, the older lady who'd always served he and Dean when they'd come here.
"Hey Mary." Stiles grinned, relieved he hadn't had to think of something to say to Derek.
"How are you sweetie? And who's this?" Mary wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"I'm great, uh this Derek." He replied. Mary gasped and rest her hands on her hips.
"Don't tell me... Are you two on a date?" She asked excitedly. Stiles wanted to crawl under the table, what was he supposed to say to that?

Then yet again, Derek shocked him to a jaw-dropping degree.
"We are." He answered for him, smiling angelically at Mary. Who was this bright, shiny person sat in front of him?
"Oh how sweet! Well I better stop babbling and let you two get on with it, Stiles I take it you're having your usual?" She gushed.

Once they'd ordered and gotten rid of Mary they resumed talking. It was strange at first, even a little awkward, but soon the two were shooting sarcastic banter back and forth at each other. Stiles found it so easy to talk to Derek, easier than he'd expected. It felt so natural.

They were midway through their meal when the bell above the door jingled, and a familiar voice called out;
"Mary! You better get that bacon frying cuz I'm here for my usu- Stiles?"
"Shit." Stiles choked when he caught sight of his father. Derek spun round to face the object of his mate's nerves.

Dean strode over to their table, expression deadly serious.
"Last time I checked this isn't the movies and this," he pointed to Derek, "isn't Scott!" He snapped.
"Dad, I can explain, I-" Stiles tried but Dean wasn't having any of it.

"You're coming with me kid." Then Derek did something unexpected, and incredibly stupid. He stood and squared up to Dean. "You better back the hell outta my face kid." Dean spat.
"Stiles isn't doing anything wrong." Derek said levelly.

"Well for starters, he lied to me about where he was and who he was with."
"And why do you think that is?" Derek retorted. Dean's jaw clenched angrily.
"Because he isn't supposed to be with you." The older man countered.

Stiles was getting incredibly uncomfortable with the confrontation. The diner was empty but it was nerve wracking, he had no idea what was about to happen.
"Dad, look I'm sorry but you wouldn't have let me if you knew I was going with Derek." Stiles interjected.

Dean jerked his head to look at him.
"And there's a god damn reason for that!" Dean sighed loudly. "I've been reasonable, I let you stay over there, I let him drive you and Scott places, hell, I let him come on the trip! But this crosses the line Stiles!"

Now it was Stiles' turn to be mad. He got up putting himself between Derek and Dean.
"Why, dad? Because you still think I'm five years old and need protecting? I'm eighteen in a few weeks!" He protested, Derek rest a hand on his forearm.

"Oh so you think you'll turn eighteen and become freaking invincible?! That's not how it works Stiles! This guy is dangerous and you know exactly why!" Dean yelled. Mary came out from the kitchen.
"Hey, hey! What's this ruckus goin' down in my diner?" She shouted.

"Sorry about this Mary. We'll be leaving now." Dean apologised, grabbing Stiles by the shoulder. Derek growled at the force on his mate, Stiles shrugged him off. The bell rung and now Castiel had joined the angry gathering in the diner.
"Dean, what's taking so lo- Oh." He said, cutting off his original sentence when he caught sight of the scene.

"I was just getting Stiles, because we're going home." Dean replied through gritted teeth. Despite his general obliviousness, Castiel seemed to piece things together pretty quickly.
"Dean... Why don't we just talk about this when he gets home-" He tried.

"Cas, no! Don't you see what's goin' on here?" Dean argued. Stiles' pa's face darkened, it didn't happen a lot but when it did it was scary.
"Yes Dean, I understand the situation perfectly. The way you are handling it is going to make things more difficult." He said, eyeing Dean pointedly.

"Now I propose that we take both of them back home and discuss this properly." And the tone he used stated loud and clear that there would be no fighting it. The three followed Castiel as he left the diner, Stiles' stomach churned at the thought of what was to come.

Despite his alpha status, Derek had never felt so vulnerable as he sat stiffly at the dining room table in Stiles' house. He sat opposite Dean and Castiel and Stiles was seated awkwardly at the head of the table. Castiel was first to speak and his statement was directed at Stiles.

"Son, you should not have lied about who you were with. It could have had dangerous consequences if something happened." He scolded. Stiles nodded solemnly.
"I'm sorry pa. I know I shouldn't have, but you know Dad wouldn't have let me go if I hadn't."

"That brings me to the second thing. Dean as Stiles' parents we have to support his feelings and if he truly likes Derek we must try and accept it." He grasped his husband's hand tightly and Dean looked into Cas' eyes, evidently acknowledging his partner's statement as the truth.

"I should probably tell you, my feelings for Stiles aren't a simple attraction." Derek tried to sound indifferent, but he was completely unused to telling people how he felt, even less so people he didn't know particularly well. But he knew he had to do it for Stiles, his mate.

"Well I'd hope not." Dean muttered, Castiel elbowed him.
"I don't just like Stiles. He's my mate." Derek decided against beating around the bush, it never got him anywhere.
"HE WHAT?!" Dean screeched jumping from his seat.

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