20: Parental Supervision

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A/N: Sorry this is a little shorter than the other chapters! The next one will be longer as it's pretty eventful ;-) Some inappropriate content here so close your eyes! *shakes my head at all of you peaking anyway*

Waking up with an uneasy feeling already settling in his stomach hadn't exactly set the mood for Stiles that day. Derek was coming over to watch a movie, and he would have been excited except his parents would be joining them. Talk about awkward.

Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He'd have to have a stern talk with his dad about boundaries or the experience was going to be highly unpleasant. His phone buzzed and he panicked a little when he saw that it was already one in the afternoon. Why had no one woken him up?

Opening the text without checking the I.D. assuming it was Scott, his stomach did a backflip when he read the grammatically correct and punctuated text message. It was from Derek;
'See you soon. And your parents.'
Stiles wasn't sure if it was supposed to be amusing or not but it certainly caused a chuckle to escape him.

He typed out a quick reply consisting of a laughing emoji and tossed his phone back down on the comforter. Deciding it was high time he showered, he swayed sleepily to his bathroom. The hot water wasn't doing much to help his post-slumber state but the warm steam felt too good to turn the heat down.

He scrubbed his body with a cinnamon scented shower gel and tried to ignore the rumbling in his stomach that the smell instigated. Once he was satisfied, he shut off the water and shivered as he wrapped a towel around his waist. The markedly colder air in his room was highly unpleasant and he scrambled around the semi-dark room for his bath robe.

He was certain he'd left it on his bed, but he couldn't see much with the curtains closed and opted for feeling around for it. He nearly jumped a mile in the air when his hand came into contact with what felt like a firm limb covered in denim.
"I said I'd see you soon." Came that heavenly voice from slightly above Stiles' head.
"When you said 'see you soon' I didn't realise you meant this soon." Stiles breathed, desperately trying to calm his heart rate.

"I didn't want all our time to be monitored." Derek murmured. "And you should really lock your window." Stiles could have laughed, but once the initial shock of Derek being in his room had passed, the fear of his parents coming in took over.
"You realise if my dad finds you here the only time we'll have together is when I go to your funeral." Derek let out a low laugh but Stiles wasn't joking.

He felt a hand reach out and run down his side, Stiles was suddenly very aware he was rather scantily clad in his little white towel.
"You should wear that more often." Derek remarked, the statement went straight to Stiles' groin and he jumped back frantically.

"Uh I'm gonna change." Stiles stuttered and scrambled around for his underwear and a t-shirt. He rushed into the bathroom and replaced the towel with the hastily grabbed clothes. Pulling the items on, he collected himself before re-entering the room. There was a snort from the general direction of his bed.

"What?" He hissed.
"Nice batman shirt." Derek whispered and Stiles' face heated up to record breaking temperatures. Of all the shirts he owned he just had to pick up the nerdiest one? He could just about make out Derek's silhouette standing from the bed and moving towards him.

He felt strong arms snake around his waist and he inhaled the musky scent of the alpha. Derek always smelt so good, it made him want to jump the werewolf. A hand cupped his cheek and lifted his face a little, and within seconds, those tantalising lips were touching his.

Their mouths moved in equally heated unison, Derek's other hand roved down to rest just below his hips. Goosebumps rose all over Stiles' skin at the touch, it was a sensory overload. Derek grasped Stiles' behind and used the little moan that escaped him as an opportunity to slip his tongue into his open mouth.

Stiles could feel Derek's pronounced chest rising and falling hard, his iron self control seemed to slipping away. Suddenly, Derek grabbed Stiles and threw him down onto the bed. 'Talk about aggressive.' He thought to himself. The light sneaking in from the bathroom allowed Stiles to see Derek levelling himself face to face with him over his body.

It took Derek no time at all to ravage Stiles' neck with kisses, varying from soft pecks, gentle sucks to grazing the skin lightly with his teeth. He was in ecstasy, he couldn't focus his mind on anything but the delicious man on top of him if he tried. Warm fingers trailed up his stomach, under his shirt and stroked his chest and torso. Stiles bit down on his lip to stop himself from making noise.

"Don't do that, or I won't be able to control myself." Derek's voice was brimming with lust, it was like nothing even Stiles' imagination could conjure up.
"Who says I want you to control yourself?" He replied, surprising himself with his boldness.

A breathy laugh tickled Stiles' face, but was cut short. Derek stiffened, and retracted his hand from inside Stiles' shirt as if he'd been electrocuted.
"What?" Stiles whispered, but just as he'd said it, he heard the footsteps coming up the stairs that Derek must have perceived seconds before him.

"Stiles? You up?" It was Dean. Derek leapt up from the bed and dashed to the window with the speed of a man who's life was at risk. Which it was. He disappeared from the room in seconds, leaving the curtains fluttering in his wake.

Stiles hurried to get back under his duvet to hide his Derek-induced 'problem' before his dad came in the room. He squeezed his eyes tight shut and pretended to be asleep. Moments later he heard his door squeak open.
"Stiles? Why are you still asleep? It's nearly two!"

He put on a great show of squinting his eyes at his dad and stretching.
"Oh hey dad." He said in his best sleepy voice.
"What time did you go to sleep last night? Jesus." He sighed, walking in and yanking open the curtains. "And why is your window open? Anyone could get in Stiles!"

'I think I might just leave it open more often.' Stiles thought, unable to help the small smile that spread across his cheeks.

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