16: Thinking Time

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A/N: Big thank you to @otpsconvos on Twitter for letting me use her pictures as the cover for this chapter! Seriously, follow her. Her Sterek tweets are GOLD.

I love you guys!

The entire night Derek had tossed and turned. Stiles now knew. He wasn't sure how exactly to feel about this development, he'd kept it a secret in the best interests of everyone else but now he didn't feel as though that was the real reason.

If it had, his mind would have been preoccupied with how it was going to affect Stiles and Scott but it wasn't. His brain was flooded with memories of how it felt to touch Stiles, to kiss him. It was driving him crazy knowing he was only down the hall in Scott's room, fast asleep.

He was unfamiliar with how things should or would proceed from there. He'd never really been in a relationship before so he didn't know what was supposed to happen after they'd admitted mutual feelings for each other. Did Stiles want to be in a relationship with him? Did he want to be in a relationship with Stiles?

He thought about that for a moment. What would officially being with Stiles involve? Telling his parents was one thing, as was telling his mother. Neither sounded appealing at all, not to mention Scott hating him was almost guaranteed.

On the other hand it meant that they were exclusive, no one else could have Stiles and attacking anyone that tried to have him was perfectly justified. Well, sort of justified. This certainly sounded like a redeeming factor, not to mention commitment would mean he and Stiles could really become mates, if that was what he wanted.

Becoming mates brought another thought to his head, he'd have to consummate the bond with Stiles sexually. He had no issues with this personally and had thought about at length, generally late at night, but Stiles was underage until April. Had Stiles ever even considered having sex with Derek? He'd admitted he liked him but had he thought about it?

Derek was brought to the realisation by a sensation in his groin that imagining Stiles thinking about them sleeping together was a bad idea. It was 7 in the morning and his brother and the boy in question would be awake soon. He decided a run would help clear his thoughts and make them a little more PG.

Waking up in the Hale house had taken him by surprise, but not as much as remembering the events of yesterday had. He looked around the room and noticed Scott wasn't there, so he got up and went downstairs.

He found the younger Hale making breakfast, hair sticking directly up.
"Morning!" He greeted.
"Breakfast? Oh Scotty you shouldn't have." Stiles teased, sitting down at the kitchen island.

Scott grinned as he handed him a plate with eggs, bacon and toast piled on it.
"Hung over?"
"Hm, I don't feel too shitty but my head hurts a little."
"We have aspirin." Said a voice from the doorway.

"You eating, Derek?" Scott asked his brother, unsurprised by his appearance.
"Ok it's seriously creepy the way you two just pop up out of nowhere." Stiles exhaled, trying to calm his heart rate. He turned to look at Derek and nearly choked on his toast.

He was wearing thin grey sweatpants that didn't leave much to the imagination and a matching wife beater that clung to his sweat-shiny, ripped body. Stiles realised his mouth was hanging open and closed it, much to Derek's amusement.
"Yeah I could go for some eggs." The older man smirked, walking off.

"Really, Stiles?" Scott groaned, he felt his face heat up in embarrassment.
"Drool over Derek in private, not in front of me. It's weird." He complained. Scott set his own plate on the table and another for Derek.

Derek returned with a black shirt in his hand, Stiles was almost certain he was giving him drooling material on purpose. The alpha werewolf peeled off the vest and threw it in the washing machine, then turned to the sink and splashed some water on his face, letting the stray droplets run down his body.

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