39: Dressed To The Nines

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A/N: I published my first Sterek oneshot if you guys wanted to read it! If you've read my Sirens stories, you'll know who our sales assistant is;-)

"I'll come pick you up later, okay?" Derek assured Stiles through the window of the Camaro.
"Sure." He smiled back at his boyfriend, leaning down to kiss him. Stiles waved as Derek sped off, then turned to face Isaac and Scott who were discussing something in low voices.

"Ready to get suited up?" Stiles grinned, the two raised their thumbs comically. They strolled into the suit shop and were greeted by a moody looking Hispanic girl with a name tag that read Maria.
"Welcome guys, prom I'm assuming?" She greeted, brightening a little at their appearance.

"Yeah, we left it a little late but we're not after anything too fancy." Stiles explained.
"Not a problem, come through and I'll show you what we got." She led them upstairs into a room with pristine white walls, cream carpet and soft lighting. Mirrors and hundreds of suits and dresses lined the walls. "Now I can let you choose for yourself, or I speed things up for you and pick out what I think would look best."

The boys looked between each other, it didn't seem a bad idea at all.
"I'm cool with you choosing." Scott spoke up and Isaac shrugged.
"Me three." Stiles chuckled." The girl clapped her hands together and smiled maniacally.

"Fantastic. I'm gonna need to know your measurements and favourite colour." Thankfully Melissa had measured them already back home to save them them the embarrassment of having it done by a stranger, or worse, some creepy old man. Scott pulled the crumpled piece of paper that his mom had written the figures down on out of his pocket and handed it to Maria. She scanned it speedily then glanced back up at the three.

"You." She pointed at Stiles. "Favourite colour?"
"Red." He answered immediately and she nodded in approval.
"That's a good colour for you." She whipped round and began rifling through the suit racks on the left hand side of the room, within two minutes she'd pulled a hanger out. "Try this." She handed it to Stiles and ushered him into one of the changing cubicles.

He hung the bag on the hook on the wall then began stripping his clothes off, not bothering to listen to what colours Scott and Isaac asked for. Once he was in his underwear, he unzipped the protective covering to reveal a smart black suit. He pulled on the white shirt he'd brought with him and slipped on the pants. They fit very well, aside from the fact they were a little long but he could have that adjusted.

Once he had the jacket on, he called out to Maria.
"I've got it on."
"Great, I'll just bring you the tie." A few seconds later, there was a knock on the cubicle door. Stiles unlocked it and opened it, Maria stood there with a deep, red tie in her hands. He smiled appreciatively and moved to put it on.

Only problem was, Stiles had no idea how. He glanced up from the undone tie to Maria who was watching him with a knowing smirk on her face.
"Come here." She sighed and in a flurry of hands, she'd tied it expertly and was securing it.
"Thanks, eheh." Stiles chuckled, a little embarrassed. She rolled her eyes, but had an amused smile hanging from her features.

"Why don't you come out and take a look at yourself, you look pretty damned good!" She complimented him, leading him out into the main area. Stiles couldn't help but let a wide grin spread over his cheeks when he saw himself in the large mirror, he looked awesome. He struck a dramatic James Bond pose, making Maria laugh loudly. "You're date is one lucky guy."

Stiles' had flicked round to stare at her in surprise.
"I had a feeling." She said, answering his thoughts. "I had no idea we had so many gay guys in Beacon Hills." She added.
"Huh?" Stiles didn't really think that he, Isaac and Danny really counted as a lot.
"Those two... Or is my gaydar broken?" She asked, eyebrow raised.

Stiles shifted a little, unsure what to say. Sure, he'd read the texts, but how was it someone who didn't even know them had sussed it out before him?
"Are they that obvious?" He asked. Maria snorted.
"Well first of all, the blond is wearing a scarf in April. Secondly, the tanned guy can't keep his eyes off blondie's ass." Stiles couldn't help but laugh.

Despite the fact Isaac and Scott were clearly hiding something between them from Stiles, he couldn't bring himself to be angry with them. They were his best friends and if they felt strongly for each other, he was going to be the last person to stand in their way. Derek on the other hand, would probably be the first.

"They still haven't admitted anything." Stiles told her, to which she rolled her eyes.
"You men, so emotionally constipated." Before she could say anything else, Scott and Isaac emerged from their changing rooms simultaneously. In that moment, everything was confirmed. The first thing they did was look at each other in their suits, their eyes widening at the same time.

Isaac wore a classy grey suit with a blue tie that brought out his eyes and Scott had donned a black suit, with a black shirt and white tie. The two were speechless as they looked each other up and down. Maria elbowed Stiles.
"See what I mean? Obvious." She whispered. Stiles said nothing, simply shaking his head in disbelief. "As I expected, you all look spicier than my mama's chilli con carne." She said, addressing the three of them.

"I know." Isaac smirked. Scott blushed and scratched the back of his head.
"Thanks." Stiles simply bowed to Maria. The boys changed back into their clothes and Maria prepared the suits at the checkout for them, with a short list of alterations for her to make over the next few days.

"I'll get these bad boys ready for you over the next week or so, and I'll give you a call when they're ready." She assured them as they paid and began to exit the store. "Oh, and blondie? Puppy face?" Isaac and Scott turned to face her as they stood at the door. "Grow a pair!" She snapped then shooed them from the store. Stiles stifled a laugh at their confused and slightly insulted expressions and pulled his phone out to text Derek that they were ready to go home.

"What was that about?" Scott wondered aloud as they waited on the sidewalk. Stiles shrugged.
"I guess only you guys would know, huh." He said cryptically. He relished the perplexed look that the two shared.
"Are you trying to say something, Stiles?" Isaac said slowly, his tone cautious.
"Nope. Just that I'm waiting." Stiles answered.

"Waiting for w-" Scott began, but Derek's Camaro pulling up to the kerb interrupted him.
"Waiting for Derek!" Stiles exclaimed, trying not to laugh at his own sly teasing. Derek leaned out the window and smiled at Stiles.
"Successful?" He asked.
"Sure was." Stiles grinned, then lowered his voice. "You're gonna struggle to contain yourself when you see me, if you know what I mean."

Derek's eyes widened and Scott and Isaac gagged loudly.
"You forget we're also werewolves." Isaac groaned in disgust.
"We don't forget, we just don't care." Derek retorted, getting out the car to open the passenger door for Stiles.
"Can't you just have an ounce of consideration for us?" Scott whined, he and Isaac got in the back.

Derek slid back into the driver's seat and put his sunglasses on.
"I don't have to have consideration for anyone, I'm the alpha." And with that, he zoomed away from the sidewalk, throwing the two whining werewolves back into their seats. Stiles had never been so in love.

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