32: She Loves You

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A/N: Prepare yourselves for a tonne of emotional upheaval! I love you! (A lot of strong language in this chapter, everyone's losing their shit.) Also, Crystal😍😍😍

A knock on the door surprised Scott out of his afternoon TV marathon. His nose told him it was Isaac, he jumped up and straightened his sweater and went to answer he door. Isaac stood on the porch, awkwardly kicking his feet at the ground. He looked up and smiled lopsidedly at Scott.

Scott wanted to smile back but anger still lingered towards Isaac. He wore light blue jeans and a grey long sleeved shirt with his signature scarf.
"You know it'll be summer soon. Can't wear scarves in summer." Scott joked a little snarkily.
"Watch me." Isaac challenged, "So are you gonna invite me in?"

Scott waved him in and they took a seat in the living room. Isaac wrung his hands nervously for a few seconds, looking around the room, Scott decided to speak first.
"Where were you the other day? We had a pack meeting." Isaac finally directed his gaze at Scott.

"No one told me. Stiles and you are the only people with my number." Scott immediately felt terrible. He hadn't texted Isaac because he still felt awkward after their argument and of course, Stiles couldn't text him.
"Shit, I'm sorry Isaac, I guess I still felt a little weird after... You know." Isaac nodded in understanding.

"Listen, I'm sorry for what I said, I went too far." He apologised. Scott was mildly surprised, he hadn't had Isaac pegged for the apologetic type.
"It's cool I guess. I'm in shit with Derek now though." Isaac raised an eyebrow.
"Stiles decided to tell him about your little Oscar Wilde comment and now he's suspicious."

Isaac frowned, that clearly hadn't been his aim.
"I get that I shouldn't have said it, but I was pissed." Isaac reasoned, his eyes on the floorboards.
"Why?" Scott asked. Isaac's eyes shot up from the floor, something akin to anger in them.

"We kissed Scott, and I don't know about you but I felt something." Isaac explained. "I didn't think you'd just go back to normal." Guilt wracked Scott's insides. He too had felt something, but he had other commitments. He'd already told Derek nothing was going on which was true, and of course, he was with Allison.

But what about how strange things had become between them? The constant comparisons to Isaac, the diminished desire to be intimate with her, and the fact sh'ed noticed? Things were less than good in his relationship. Isaac appeared to pick up on Scott's mood.

"Has it affected you at all?" He asked, but his tone said he already knew the answer. Scott sighed and leant back into the couch.
"Yeah, I guess it has. But that doesn't change the fact it should never have happened." Isaac rolled his eyes.
"Thats bullshit. Tell me that you haven't once thought about doing it again."

Scott knew he was in a corner. He'd thought plenty of times about doing it again, thought about where it would have gone if he'd never told Isaac to stop. His dreams had been brimming with Isaac and his beautiful blue eyes.
"I won't lie to you, I have. But like I said before, I'm with Allison. I can't just ditch her because we had one good kiss Isaac. She loves me."

Now the anger was tangible in the air. Isaac was upset.
"Exactly. She loves you. Since we kissed everything's changed hasn't it?" He fumed. Scott didn't reply, but Isaac got up and strode over to him in one large step. "One good kiss? Would it change if it was two?"

And before Scott could do anything, Isaac was in his lap, lips pressed tightly to his. Clouds rolls through Scott's mind, covering all logic and potential actions. He responded, driven by sheer desire, one hand gripped Isaac's hip hard and the other tangled in his dirty blond curls. He couldn't concentrate on anything but Isaac's arms around his neck and his soft lips.

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