9: Awkward

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As they piled into the Impala despite Derek's car being far more spacious, Stiles realised a situation was about to occur. Scott would not want to sit with Derek and vice versa, his fathers would be in the front which left him squished in the middle of two testosterone pumped werewolves. It wouldn't be so bad if the middle seat wasn't virtually non-existent, but it was inevitable that he'd be in non-stop contact with Derek for an hour.

Scott got in on the left side and Derek held the right hand door for Stiles as he got in. How gentlemanly. He sat close to Scott, hoping to minimise awkward touching with Derek but the man was huge. His head was ducked slightly as he sat and no matter how Stiles shifted, he was still pressed against him.

Dean turned towards them to glare at Derek pointedly, who slid further towards the window, Dean saw he'd got the hint and started the car. The drive was relatively silent for the first 15 minutes until Dean muttered something along the lines of 'screw this' and turned on the stereo. Stiles remembered, he'd never taken that tape out.

When the first song began playing, he peered nervously at Derek who's eyebrows were raised so high he was sure they were going to fly off his forehead. Stiles struggled to repress the blush that he could feel spreading over his cheeks. Derek knocked his knee against Stiles', it seemed intentional. He looked at him.

Derek tipped his head ever so slightly in the direction of the stereo. Stiles nodded the subtlest of nods and the corner of Derek's mouth quirked up before turning to watch the scenery out the window. He knew.

After they'd been driving for about half an hour, a song came on that Dean loved. He appeared to have forgotten that this was a tape made by his mortal enemy and began singing.
"Stiles c'mon you always sing this one with me!" He grinned.
"Dad I am not singing." He said firmly.
"Don't make me get Cas to join in." He warned, it was a formidable threat, his pa's singing was terrible.

Derek piped up.
"I'll sing if you sing." He said, no sign of humour in his face. The entire car looked at him, the man simply shrugged. "It's a good song."
"Show us what you got Derek." Although it was probably supposed to sound encouraging, Dean sounded like he was challenging him.

Derek began to sing, Stiles didn't think he'd ever internally screamed so loud. Dean and Derek's voices went surprisingly well together, his dad's rough gravelly one paired with Derek's which was smoother, but equally deep. It was infectious, Scott played air drums, Stiles joined in the singing and to everyone's dismay, so did Castiel.

But no one really minded, because this was how camping trips were supposed to be.

When they arrived at their usual camping spot, another car was already parked there and it was one that Stiles immediately recognised. His uncle Sam's. The second the Impala came to a halt, he shot past Derek who got out rather quickly to stretch his cramped body and ran to it.

Sam was sitting in the car reading when he heard frantic knocking on his window. He put the book down when he saw it was his beloved nephew and got out. Stiles hugged him enthusiastically.
"Uncle Sam what are you doing here?!" He cried.
"Your dad asked me if I wanted to join in on the WWW fun, I managed to get some time off work." He grinned down at the bouncing teenager.

He glanced over at the Impala and spotted a well-built man who looked to be in his 20's. He was built impressively and very good looking.
"Is that him?" He whispered to Stiles who blushed furiously.
"How do you know?"
"Castiel told me." They laughed and separated.

Dean came over to hug him and Castiel followed suit.
"It's good to see you guys." He smiled happily. They nodded, mirroring the expression. Stiles spoke.
"Scott, Derek, this is my uncle Sam. Uncle Sam, this is Scott and Derek." They all shook hands and introduced themselves.
"So, shall we set up camp?" Dean suggested, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

Setting up camp was an interesting phrase for what happened. As much as Castiel looked freaking adorable trying to decipher tent instructions, he was royally screwing the process up. The tent was leaning at a dangerous angle and there were poles sticking out of places they shouldn't have been.

"Pa, maybe we should do the tent and you can start the fire." Stiles said gently.
"Hm, perhaps it would be best. This outdoor house is rather complex." They all laughed at him. Dean and Stiles quickly began correcting the mistakes in the structure while Scott helped Cas with the fire. Sam and Derek were sorting out the food supplies while talking about different methods of hunting forest animals.

Despite the obvious dangers the alpha presented, Dean had to admit (albeit reluctantly) that Derek wasn't a bad kid, hell, the guy had made his son a mixtape. The only real issue he had with him were his feelings for Stiles, in his mind, the boy was still a bouncy little 6 year old who needed his protection. Derek was this big werewolf who had every chance of taking Dean in a fight, he didn't like that at all. What if Stiles got his heart broken? What if he physically hurt him? Dean had lost a lot in life, but he couldn't lose Stiles.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Stiles gasped, letting go of a large pole that he was holding vertically. Time seemed to move in slow motion and Derek was at his side, holding the pole steady before it could hit him. As Dean watched the two he noticed something, a desire to protect. A desire that he'd had for Sam since they were kids. A desire he'd had for Castiel when he fell in love with him. A desire he too had for Stiles.

He watched in shock as his brother leapt to Stiles' aid when the pole fell. How hadn't he noticed it? He felt that jealousy swelling in his chest again, why was Derek always there for Stiles but never for him? They were brothers for god's sake. He scowled at the way Derek smelt when he looked at Stiles, he was oozing protectiveness. A protectiveness he'd never experienced from Derek. He saw that Castiel was watching him with a curious look on his face and he quickly hid any sign of his feelings.

Too late apparently, as the man was making his way over to him. He sat beside him.
"Why do you look displeased, Scott?" He asked, Scott sighed. Stiles had already explained to him that Castiel knew when anyone was lying so he didn't bother.
"It's just Derek is always looking out for Stiles and doing things for him, which is good I mean I guess it's not a bad thing, but he never really does that for me." He said as quietly as he could to prevent Derek from hearing. Castiel nodded.
"I think you should speak to your brother." He advised, Scott simply stared over at Stiles who was rambling about something to Derek who was listening intently.
"Yeah I guess."

Derek could not shake the feeling he was being watched as he pulled his sleeping bag from the boot of the Impala. He turned to see Dean eyeing him warily. He was unsure what to do, so he carried on with what he was doing. The tent was huge, it had 4 large compartments that could easily accommodate 2 people with a spacious walkway down the middle. It was a given that Stiles and Scott were sharing, as were Dean and Castiel and he and Stiles' uncle Sam would take the remaining rooms.

He ducked into the tent and spotted Scott and Stiles had already arranged their sleeping bags, the two had gone to check out the lake. He moved down to the end of the tent where Sam and Castiel were inspecting something.
"Cas I can't believe you broke the tent." Sam shook his head.
"I did not foresee that my attempt at assembling the tent would have resulted in this." He replied guiltily. They realised Derek was stood behind them.

"Derek I'm sorry but I ripped your tent bedroom. Would you mind if you shared with your brother and Stiles?" He heard someone else enter the tent behind him.
"Are you nuts, Cas?"

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