14: The Party

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A/N: Excuse the terrible editing of the picture I used for the cover but I just couldn't help it. I laughed at my own edit. I'm a terrible human being.
WARNING: This chapter contains violence and sexual themes.

Friday evening Stiles stood in his mirror getting ready for Allison's party. Scott would be there in a few minutes to pick him up. God knows how he'd done it, but he'd convinced Derek to pick them up and take them back to Scott's where Stiles would be staying. He went into his bathroom to get his toothbrush and put it in his bag with the rest of his stuff.

His pa called up from downstairs that they were outside and he slung his rucksack over his shoulder and ran down. Saying goodbye to his dads, he left the house and got into the Camaro parked on the curb. He fist bumped Scott who was sat in the passenger seat and said hi to Derek. He did his usual nod, and they drove off.

Stiles watched Derek from the wing mirror, there was something off about him. Before he could look away, Derek caught him, but he gave him a small, quick smile and continued driving. Stiles was glad he was alone in the backseat so Scott couldn't see the stupid smile on his own face.

Scott had found out from Allison that the party was being held at Lydia's as her parents were almost never there and as they got closer to the address, Derek spoke.
"I swear to God, if you get too drunk I will rip your head off."
"Relax, I'm not gonna get drunk."
"You realise it was only four years ago that I was 17?"

Stiles couldn't help but laugh at the brothers, who both looked at him strangely from the front.
"You guys are so funny when you actually talk." He grinned.
"We talk more than you think, unfortunately." Derek said.
"You love talking to me Der-bear." Scott simpered.

"Woah woah wait, Der-bear?" Stiles snorted. Scott craned his neck to look at him with a mischievous smile on his face.
"That's what mom used to call Derek when we were kids."
"I'll be calling you dead and buried if you don't shut up." Derek snapped. In less than five minutes they pulled into the driveway of a huge house, Scott let out a low whistle.

"Well, I'll see you later Derek." Scott jumped out the passenger door and was immediately on his phone, no doubt telling Allison he'd arrived.
"Thanks Derek." Stiles said, but before he could get out Derek turned and put a firm hand on his knee.
"Don't do anything stupid."

Stiles heart stopped, Derek was worried about him? It was probably because he'd have to explain it to his parents if something did happen but it was nice to pretend that it was because he cared.
"I won't." He smiled and got out, following Scott to the front door. He couldn't help but feel like someone was watching him right until he went inside.

It was a real cliché high school party that he walked into. People holding the red cups and drinking as they socialised, music blaring through the house, and of course the ridiculous dress lengths of the girls there. According to Scott, Allison was in the kitchen with Lydia, so of course that's where they went after asking a few people.

When they finally found it, drinks were handed to them by Allison, and Stiles knew he'd be third wheeling for the rest of the night. He tried to ignore the death glares he was receiving from Jackson, but failed and ended up finishing his disgustingly strong drink within a few minutes. Less than what was advisable he could imagine.

He felt a little buzzed, and he was even more confident than usual. He asked Lydia what it was he'd drunk, smiling sweetly at Jackson in an attempt to annoy him.
"Vodka and coke." She replied. "You want another one?" Stiles nodded and she laughed, walking off to get it.

"Why are you here, Winchester?" Jackson drawled.
"Because I was invited, obviously." He countered. The blond stared him out until Lydia returned, handing him the cup and watching, impressed, as he downed it quickly.
"Wow Stiles I didn't have you pegged as a drinker."

Stiles giggled.
"I'm not." And left the kitchen.

It was around 12 when he left Lydia to mingle with his lacrosse buddies. He went into the living room where the source of the music was and most of the people. There was a large group crowded around something, he pushed through to see what it was.

He hadn't expected to see Stiles dancing with two girls, and dancing pretty well for such an awkward individual. Everyone was cheering him on and as he watched, the angrier he got. He didn't like so much attention being focussed on Stiles, so he decided to cause a distraction.

"Threesome going on upstairs!" He yelled over the music and soon the majority of the people in the room were stampeding out to see the imaginary sexual escapades, including the two girls Stiles was dancing with. Jackson smiled smugly at the boy who was suddenly alone.

He didn't react how he'd thought however, as he simply walked up to Jackson and began talking to him and it was soon clear just how drunk he was.
"Heeeeeey Jackson. What's good in the hooooood." He grinned.

There was something almost cute about him in his intoxicated state. His goofy smile, the way his big brown eyes were lightly glazed. Jackson noticed he wasn't dressed in plaid for once, he was wearing tight black jeans and a black t-shirt and it actually looked good.

He didn't understand why he was thinking what he was thinking, so he put it down to his own alcohol consumption. He used the same excuse for what he then said to Stiles.
"You wanna see the action upstairs?" He said, and chuckled at the shock on the boy's face.

He left the room with Stiles in tow, and went up the curved stair case, pushing past the couple's making out intensely on them. Just as a Stiles was about to follow the sounds of the crowd on the first floor, Jackson dragged him into a bathroom and locked the door.

"But Jacksoooooon! The action!" He whined. Jackson couldn't control himself, the kid pissed him off so much, but the light flush on his cheeks was driving him crazy.
"This is the action, Winchester." He muttered, pushing the boy against the wall.

"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered as Jackson pressed himself against him.  
"Don't pretend you don't like it, I know you're into guys." He murmured, kissing his neck.
"Jackson, what the hell?! Stop!" He cried, the panic seemed to be sobering him up.

Jackson slipped a hand up Stiles' shirt, stroking his lean body as he struggled under him.
"This isn't funny!" He said.
"Just stop talking and enjoy it." Jackson snapped, pressing his lips against Stiles'.

He desperately tried to ignore the alarm bells that we're going off in his brain as his senses told him Stiles was in trouble. He was at a party, of course he was in trouble he told himself, but something was wrong and he couldn't push it aside. He got out the car and strode towards the house, Stiles' frightened scent got closer.

He opened the front door and went inside, pushing past the groups of people, following the fear-laced smell. He went up a flight of stairs and the landing reeked of scared Stiles, tracing it he reached a door, he pulled at the handle but it was locked.
He stood there for a few seconds, debating on what to do when he heard a small cry from the other side.

He didn't hesitate to rip the door clean off its hinges. The image that faced him made rage spread over his entire body. The asshole who'd been picking on Stiles before had him against the wall with his shirt pulled up and a hand where it shouldn't be. He marched in and grabbed him by the throat ripping him away from Stiles.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He snarled, as he choked the blond. When he didn't reply, he punched him square in his nose, he heard the bone crack. Blood began trickling from it and Derek didn't care in the slightest.

"Stop!" Stiles said, but Derek pulled his fist back again and connected it with Jackson's jaw. Once he started, he couldn't stop, hitting him over and over until bruises rose on his face and cuts appeared on his cheeks.

Suddenly there were arms restraining him, he could smell Scott and heard him shouting to stop. He tried to regain control of himself, he stared at the bruised and bloodied boy in his hands and realised what he'd done.

"Come on, let's go." Scott said, dragging Derek from the bathroom, Stiles following. Luckily, no one had seen what had gone down and they left the party without any interruption. When they were in the car they stayed silent all the way to the Hale house.

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