34: Heartbreak Talking

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A/N: Hey my loves... *hides behind an empty bag of hot Cheetos as you all wave pitchforks at me* I'm so sorry that I took so long to write this, but I had a lot of crap going on, like personal problems, my birthday and projectile vomiting. Too much info? But hey on the bright side I finally got this done. Hope you all had a good spring break!

The apprehension was heavy in the air as the four wolves stood on the Winchester doorstep. They had all finalised the fine details of the plan and decided it was time to involve Stiles' parents. Derek realised he was holding his breath in anticipation and exhaled as quietly as possible. Scott shot him a 'you ok?' look, to which Derek responded with a nod.

When Derek heard footsteps thudding down the stairs, he straightened up. The door opened a little and Dean peeked through, squinting at the ensemble at his door. His eyes were suspicious as they took in the four but nevertheless, he swung the door open fully.
"Evening boys. Who are these guys?" He directed the question at the Hale brothers.

"This is Jackson and Isaac, they're the other two members of our pack." Scott piped up, smiling nervously at Dean. His posture stiffened at the realisation he was in the presence of four werewolves unarmed.
"What are you guys doing here?" He asked, his tone guarded.

"We have a plan to get Stiles back." Derek answered, enjoying the way hope lit up Dean's expression. He waved the four through the doorway without further questioning. They traipsed into the living room and sat down on the couch while Dean called Cas to join them.

Derek was a little shocked at the state of the angel, his skin was pale and littered with stubble, his eyes dark and underlined by bags of exhaustion. Of course it was understandable, he'd lost his only son.

"Good evening Derek, Scott." He smiled weakly, standing next to his husband. Derek and Scott nodded in his direction, unsure of what to say.

"I won't waste any time, we have a plan that involves the pack but we thought you'd want to help in any way possible." Derek began, then explained the plan they'd formulated the day before. The entire time, Dean and Cas were silent, only nodding in understanding, their expressions grim. Once Derek had finished, they were still for a few moments, thinking over the proposal.

"That doesn't sound half bad boys." Dean finally said. Derek felt a strange sensation of pride fill his chest, he hadn't realised he'd wanted Dean's approval so badly until then.
"I'm sure we could be of use, we have specific weaponry for werewolves that could be helpful in attacking your uncle if need be." Cas added, his eyes alight with excitement.

"That's what we were hoping for, there's only so much damage werewolves of the same strength can inflict on each other." Derek elaborated, and Scott nodded excitedly. Dean clapped his hands together in satisfaction.
"Well it looks like we've reached an agreement." He announced, the strength and determination in his voice was infectious, and Derek could feel the whole pack affected.

"We all just want Stiles back." Derek added, his voice low with shyness. The others nodded solemnly, then Castiel lightened the mood by offering everyone hot chocolate.

The ground crunched softly as two pairs of shoes strolled leisurely across it. A half moon hung in the sky, watching as Scott and Isaac walked in silence.
"So tonight was pretty successful, right?" Scott piped up, a little uncomfortable with the quiet. He watched Isaac, who's eyebrows simply rose, as if he couldn't believe this was the line of conversation Scott was choosing.

"I think it was quite obviously successful Scott. Just say what's on your damn mind." He sighed, his tone bored. "Have you ditched Allison yet?" Scott froze at the question, stopping in his tracks. Isaac stopped and turned to face him.
"No." Scott mumbled, staring at the ground.
"Well you might want to, because your thing for me is beginning to reek."

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