19: Choices

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A/N: Has anyone told you you're an amazing human being today? Well I'm telling you right now. I am SO sorry that I took so long to post this, I was away for a few days but I hope some destiel cheekiness will be a good enough apology ;-)

Stiles had never wanted the ground to swallow him up as much as he did right at that moment. It was pretty clear that his dad knew what a mate was going by his reaction. Dean made a move to cross to the other side of the table where Derek was sitting, but Cas placed an arm across his chest, halting him in his tracks.

"Please tell me, before Dean has a heart attack, have you... Consummated this?" The calmer of his parents asked. Despite his level tone, concern was written all over Castiel's features.
"I swear to God, if you've touched Stiles-" Dean growled.

"Dad! We haven't done anything!" Squeaked Stiles, his cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Derek raised an eyebrow, his posture stiff and defensive.
"That's not strictly true-"
"Derek!" Stiles hissed.

Dean's scowl deepened.
"Stiles John Winchester you better tell us right now what you've done."
"We've kissed and that's all." Derek answered for him, Dean glared at the werewolf.

"That better be all, 'cause he's under age." Stiles had to resist the urge to crawl under the table until it was all over. He knew full well that Derek was being difficult purely because Dean didn't like him. Apparently Castiel felt it was time he intervened.
"Does your family know?"

Derek's face relaxed a little when he looked at Cas to respond, he clearly felt more comfortable talking to him.
"Scott knows the bare minimum, my mom doesn't yet." He replied, Dean snorted.
"Keep it that way, because you're not dating my son."

Rage bubbled up inside Stiles.
"Is that really your choice? In less than three weeks I'll be eighteen." He snapped.
"While you're living under our roof it's our damn choice." Dean bit back. Cas placed a hand on his husband's and son's hands in an attempt to calm the tension.

"Whether Stiles lives under our roof or not we cannot control what he does outside this house."
"Then we'll keep him inside." Dean muttered, Castiel smiled sadly at him.
"Unfortunately, that's not realistic. Stiles is right, he'll be 18 and able to make certain choices without our jurisdiction."

Stiles' pa switched his gaze to him.
"And while you may be able to make these decisions, you still need to respect our wishes." Stiles sighed, as usual, his father was right.
"What are your wishes exactly?"

The two men spoke at the same time.
"For you to be happy."
"For Derek to take a hike."

Dean eventually got his wish, as after some more talking, Derek finally left to make his way home. He and Cas had eventually agreed (begrudgingly on his part) that the werewolf would be allowed to see Stiles, as long as it was supervised until he was 18. Dean was determined to make this as difficult as possible while he could.

He settled into bed next to his husband, his hair still damp from the shower they'd just shared.
"Just so you know, I'm still not happy about this." He said. Castiel cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Our activities in the shower didn't appease you at all?" His face was a picture of innocence but his voice was tinged with suggestiveness. Dean smirked.
"Hm maybe, I might need a little more appeasing though." Cas chuckled and leaned in to kiss his husband.

Dean pulled the shorter man on top of him and caressed his shoulders, running his hands down to the angel's lower back.
"Stiles isn't even asleep yet." Cas whispered, his eyelids already half shut in pleasure.
"The doors shut, that's enough for me." Dean grinned as he ran kisses up his neck.

"Your impatience is going to put us in an awkward situation one day." Cas scolded him half-heartedly.
"I can't help it when my husband is a sinfully gorgeous angel." Dean flirted. Castiel's cheeks flushed pink, Dean ran a thumb over the man's bottom lip, a low moan escaped him.

"Dean, lock the door before this goes any further." Cas ordered in a husky voice, Dean had no trouble obeying.

It seemed luck was not on Derek's side, as when he pulled up to his house, he spotted his mother's car parked there also. He sighed and shut off the engine, getting out the Camaro. It was late and she'd no doubt have an arsenal of questions to ask. He considered telling her about what happened, that way Scott would have no leverage over him.

He closed the front door behind him and found himself face to face with Melissa.
"Where have you been? It's nearly midnight Derek!"
"Hey to you too mom." He muttered in response. Melissa rolled her eyes and set her hands on her hips.

"Answer my question." She persisted, Derek sighed.
"I was on a date." Melissa's eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly.
"If this is a joke this isn't funny." She frowned.
"I say I had a date and you automatically assume I'm joking?"

Melissa placed a hand on her forehead and shook her head, as if ashamed of herself.
"I'm sorry Der, it's just you don't really go on dates... Or anywhere at all." Derek cocked his head to the side in disbelief.

"Sorry, sorry. Come in the kitchen and tell me all about it." Derek groaned loudly in protest as his mother dragged him into the kitchen and sat him down on a stool at the island. She poured herself a mug of coffee and filled a glass with water for Derek.

"First things first, who, what, when and where?" Derek was beginning to see where he got his tendency to be extremely blunt from.
"Stiles, movie and dinner, about two hours ago, Mary's diner."

The look of pure, unadulterated shock on Melissa's face would have been funny if it hadn't been for the circumstances.
"Stiles?! Derek this really isn't funny!"
"You're right it's not. I had to tell his dads, one of which who absolutely hates me, that he's my mate."

Melissa spat her coffee out in the sink.
"He's your what?!"
"My mate."
"Derek I heard that!"

He shrugged.
"Then why did you ask?" Melissa smacked him upside the head.
"Don't sass me Derek, I don't care how old you are." He rolled his eyes and slouched in the stool, taking a gulp of his water.

"Does Scott know?" She asked, Derek nodded and Melissa thought about this for a moment.
"I take it he's not happy about it." She remarked, Derek snorted.
"Sure he was, he threw confetti and volunteered as the wedding planner." Melissa glared at her son.

"And Stiles' parents?"
"They said I could see him but not unsupervised until he's eighteen." Derek explained, the gravity of how awkward things were about to get only hitting him in that moment. "Dean's not happy at all but Castiel doesn't mind much." He elaborated.

Melissa sipped her coffee, taking in the information. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her left ear before speaking again.
"How do you feel about it?" Her gaze was concerned. Derek shrugged and avoided eye contact.

"I'm fine as long as I get to see Stiles." He answered honestly. A small smile tugged at the corners of Melissa's lips.
"Well I'm ok with it, but you need to consider Scott's feelings in all this. You might not be able to help Stiles being your mate but you can't forget that he's Scott's best friend."

Derek knew his mother's statement was irrefutable. Asserting to her that he'd acknowledge Scott's place in the situation, he finished off his water and bid her goodnight. When he was finally alone, he flopped down on his bed and closed his eyes, glad to finally get some rest after such an eventful evening.

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