8: WWW Commences

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The day had arrived. When he and Scott finished class for the day, they'd be driving into the forest with his fathers and setting up camp. Stiles was excited, he'd been looking forward to the trip all week. He double checked he'd packed everything and got ready for school. When he got downstairs he heard his parents having a hushed conversation, he stood closer to the kitchen door to listen.

"Cas, I understand what you're tryna do here but Derek Hale is not coming on this camping trip!" He heard his Dad whisper sharply.
"I think it'd be nice, you and I both know very well how much Stiles likes him." Castiel reasoned.
"The guy's dangerous, he ain't like his brother and you know it." Dean argued.
"I'm calling their mother and inviting him. If he wants to come he can, if not then so be it."
"Castiel." His dad said sternly.
"Dean, you can't protect Stiles forever. If I thought Derek was a real threat I would not consider bringing him with us."

Stiles heard his father sigh in defeat and he decided that was the time to enter. His dads smiled and said good morning as if their conversation had never happened. He decided not to bring it up over breakfast and left for school with Dean.

All day the sole topic of conversation was the camping trip. Scott had relayed a pretty extensive list of the snacks he was bringing to Stiles, who knew a guy needed 6 bags of hot Cheetos? They walked across the courtyard to their last class when they were approached by Jackson Whittemore and two guys from the lacrosse team.
"Hey faggot." He sneered at Stiles. Scott immediately assumed a defensive stance.
"Back off, Jackson." He said firmly.
"What are you gonna do about it, Hale?" Jackson snarled as his friends blocked Scott off from Stiles. "If I wanna talk to your little boyfriend I will." Stiles intervened.

"He's not my boyfriend." Jackson let out a cruel laugh.
"Don't lie, I see you two prancing around school together." He sighed melodramatically. "Ah, young love."
"Shut up." Stiles snapped. "We're just friends."
"Cut the act, Winchester. Everybody in this damn school knows you take after your two dads." Jackson shoved him against a wall and knocked his head hard against it. Stiles heard Scott protesting. Jackson raised a fist menacingly when a formidable voice rang across the vicinity.

"Let go of him, now." Stiles strained in Jackson's grip to see Derek standing a few meters away, his heart leapt. Jackson seemed to lose interest when he spotted Derek, he'd found a new subject of amusement.
"Oh, I get it now! Scott's not your boyfriend, his brother is! Punching above your weight with this one though don't you think?" Before anyone could even take a breath Derek had Jackson in a choke hold, lifting him from the ground.
"Say one more word about him." Derek growled. Jackson's lacrosse teammates ran off mumbling something about being late.

Jackson remained silent, his face turning purple as he swiped at Derek's hands. Stiles rushed forward.
"Derek, put him down. Please." The werewolf gave Stiles that piercing stare, and finally lowered the blonde boy. Jackson straightened his shirt and glared at Derek.
"You're lucky I'm not reporting this to the cops." Derek's eyes flashed red and he backed away slowly, before striding away hastily. Scott rushed forward, he had an uncharacteristic look of anger on his face.

"Derek what the hell what that?" He cried. Derek didn't respond. "I need to talk to you." They left Stiles standing in the same spot and began whispering heatedly. He couldn't hear what they were saying but it sounded like an argument. Stiles couldn't understand why they'd be arguing, he just saved his ass.

Minutes later, Scott returned with a face like thunder.
"Let's go, Stiles." He practically dragged him away. He yelled his thanks to Derek but he was gone.

Cas sat with his scowling husband as he rang Melissa Hale. It was about an hour before Stiles would be coming home and it had taken him all day to convince Dean to help him call the Hale brothers' mother. He really had to become more proficient with cellphones. The ringing suddenly stopped and a voice came through the receiver.

"Hello Ms. Hale, it's Castiel Winchester. How are you?"
"Oh hi Castiel, I'm fine thank you, yourself?" She replied.
"I'm glad to hear it. Yes I am very well, I was calling about the camping trip. Dean and I wanted to know if Derek would join us, we didn't want to leave him out." He explained. Dean muttered the word 'we' in a sarcastic tone.

Something in Melissa's changed, she was evidently surprised. "Um, he's out right now but when he gets home I'll be sure to ask him." She said.
"Perfect. Thank you very much Melissa." They finished up their conversation and hung up. About 10 minutes later they received a text from her telling them to expect Derek.

"He's coming!" Castiel smiled, Dean frowned but didn't say anything.
"I better go pack the car." He stood and began grabbing the bundles by the door.

When he and Scott arrived at the Winchester home, the Camaro was in the driveway beside the Impala.
"What the hell?" Scott thought aloud, but Stiles knew exactly what. Derek had agreed to come on their camping trip. Excitement and nerves built in his stomach, the atmosphere between the Hale brothers hadn't been good when they'd parted roughly an hour and an half ago.

They went inside to find Derek showing Castiel how to use his phone. Scott wasted no time at all.
"What are you doing here Derek? Hi Mr. Castiel." Stiles father and looked up from what they were doing, Castiel smiled at his son and his friend.
"Hi boys. Dean and I thought it'd be nice if Derek came too so we asked and here he is!" He beamed.
"Oh right. Derek can I speak to you again?" Derek shrugged and left the room with his brother. Castiel's expression became worried.

"Did I do something I wasn't supposed to?" Stiles sighed.
"No pa, they just had some kind of disagreement earlier that's all."
"But you were at school earlier?" Stiles realised he'd slipped up, he'd have to tell him or he'd know he was lying.
"Ok don't freak out and don't tell dad, but when we were walking to last period this guy tried to start some trouble and Derek came to stop him and then they had some private conversation that didn't look good." He explained.

Castiel stared at his son wide eyed,
"Did he try to physically fight you?"
"I'd say yeah except it wouldn't really have been an even fight if you know what I'm saying." His father simply gave him a quizzical look.
"I'd have lost okay!" He whispered. The angel still appeared confused as ever.
"Then why was Scott displeased by Derek intervening?" Stiles pinched the bridge of his nose.
"That's what I'm trying to say, I don't know what the deal is between them."

The topics of conversation returned and they stopped talking, though Stiles was fairly certain they'd have heard the conversation anyway. Dean burst into the room.
"Who's ready for a Wild Winchester Weekend!" He yelled. Scott grinned, his bad mood seemed to have evaporated. Derek however had a strange expression that Stiles couldn't quite place. The wolf senses him looking and met his eyes, despite the lack of emotion on his face, Stiles could see a fire burning in those eyes.

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