30: Stiles Shaped Hole

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A/N: Someone got the impression that there was a rape prior to this chapter and I just wanna say: I WOULD NEVER LET STILES GET RAPED! Just so no one makes the mistake!

There were plenty of strange situations Derek had found himself in but none compared to sniffing the entirety of his boyfriend's room while his parents watched.
"Got anything yet?" Dean prompted. He shook his head and made his way reluctantly to the bed.

He knew exactly what kinds of scents he'd find there and he didn't particularly enjoy the idea of Dean and Castiel watching as he reacted to them. He gingerly lifted the duvet, inhaling deeply then freezing stock still.
"What?" Castiel urged, taking a step closer. Derek repressed the growl rising in his throat, he knew that scent and the danger it brought with it.

"I know who has Stiles." Derek informed the fathers. Dean practically bristled at the statement and strode over to where Derek was standing.
"Who? Who do we gotta behead?" He demanded. Derek felt an odd surge of something akin to pride that Dean wanted to take the perpetrator down together.
"I might need to explain a few things first."

The four were back in the living room and Scott had joined them after canvassing the back yard, his face was pale afternoon Derek could only assume he'd caught the scent too.
"The scent I picked up is from a man named Peter." Derek announced. Dean leant forward in his armchair.
"Peter what?"
"Hale." Derek replied shortly, not one for beating around the bush.

"Derek!" Scott snapped, eyes wide as he glared at Derek. Dean's eyes were positively murderous.
"You're related to the asshole that took our son?" He snarled. Derek nodded, sensing the panic radiating from Scott.
"He's our father's brother, but we haven't had any contact with him for years. Since he went mad." He explained.
"We hate him Dean! We didn't even know he was in Beacon Hills!" Scott protested, seemingly worried that Dean's opinion of him was lessening by the second.

Dean took a deep breath and Castiel interlinked their fingers, staring deep into his eyes.
"Dean you and I both know these two would never have anything to do with this." He consoled. Even Derek felt calmer when Castiel spoke, perhaps it was an angel thing.
"We both love Stiles, even our mom. We'd never ever hurt him and all we wanna do is help find him." Scott pleaded. Dean's expression softened, but the resentment was still evident in his aura.

"I know kid." He smiled weakly. Derek felt the same pain as he did, what they really needed was for Stiles to jump in and crack a joke to lighten the mood. Despite their differences, something the men all had in common at that time was a Stiles shaped hole in their hearts.

"You know why this happened right?" Dean asked his husband as they sat eating dinner without their son.
"Dean if you're going to blame Derek and Scott I don't want to hear it." Castiel said firmly. "This was no one's fault." Dean frowned.
"I'll bet my life that if Stiles had nothing to do with those two their uncle or whatever wouldn't have come after him."

This time it was Castiel's turn to frown.
"That may be true but there are countless times where we've got each other into compromising situations. Does that mean we should go separate ways?" He argued. Dean sat speechless, he would never leave Cas no matter how much trouble he got him in. "Exactly. Derek and Scott bring Stiles a lot of happiness and we're not going to get in the way of that over something out of their control." He finished firmly.

Dean had no idea what to say, he could only watch as Cas ate his macaroni angrily. It wasn't often the angel gotta angry, but when he did, he was not to be messed with.

They finished their meal in silence and cleaned up, making their way to bed without a goodnight from the one person that could always alleviate the tension. It was highly depressing, Dean hated that at the time they needed each other most, he was pulling them apart. As he pulled off his shirt and pants, he tried to catch Cas' eye.

Castiel avoided his attempt completely and got into bed next to him. Dean took his hands in his, staring straight into his face.
"Hey angel face. Come on, I'm sorry." Cas finally met Dean's green eyes with his impossibly blue ones. "You know I'm just as worried as you are and it's making me crazy. Our little boy is gone, but you know we'll find him." Cas nodded, moisture brimming in his lower eyelids. Dean pulled him in tightly, comforting him with the skin to skin contact and the tangible love and adoration he felt for Castiel.

"I love you so much Cas, baby. I'll do anything to put a smile back on your face." Dean reassured him.
"I love you too Dean, more than I can put into words." Cas responded tearfully, planting a kiss on the crook of Dean's neck.
"C'mon, let's get some sleep. We're gonna need our rest to find Stiles." He advised, gently brushing his fingers through Cas' hair as his breathing relaxed. Castiel looked up at Dean and his heart caught in his throat the way it always did when the angel's beauty caught him off guard. He pressed his lips to his, silently promising him their son's safe return.

"Night Cas."
"Good night Dean."

The atmosphere in the kitchen was tense. Derek had just bestowed the news of Peter's return on their mother and it's effect was not lost on anyone. Melissa stood, hands on the counter as if she'd collapse without the support. Her face was pale and her eyes terrified. Scott hated seeing his mother so scared, he finally trusted himself to move and wrapped her in a tight hug.

Derek remained in his spot by the kitchen window, leaning against the sink, eyes dead. It was clear that Stiles' absence was weighing heavy on his brother. Part of him wanted to hug Derek too but he knew that it wouldn't be well received. The only person that could help Derek was Stiles and he was M.I.A. Melissa finally spoke.
"Are you alright Derek?" She asked, eyeing the eldest son warily. Derek had a rare tendency to be emotionally unstable when something extremely bad happened. It happened when their father left and an lot of their original furniture had fallen victim to his emotions.

"No." He admitted. "I miss him." He nearly whispered, then made and swift exit. Scott's heart hurt for Derek, he'd never seen him so emotionally decomposed.
"This is awful." Melissa exhaled, raising a hand to rest on her forehead as if in pain. "Are you alright sweetie?" She asked Scott, ruffling his hair like she did when he was little.
"I guess so. I'm just worried for Stiles and Derek and Dean and Cas and-"
"Scotty. Breathe." Melissa instructed, a sad smile on her pretty face. Scott did as he was told.
"Worried. I'm just worried about everyone." He said finally.

Melissa stroked his face in a comforting gesture.
"Don't be. I know you and Derek would never let anything bad happen to Stiles. You're smart and you're strong Scott. You'll make it through this." She assured him. Scott couldn't help but believe his mother, her voice was determined and trusting.
"Thanks mom." He smiled and she smiled back.
"Any time. Now get some sleep, I love you."
"Love you too mom."

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