13: Home

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Having to leave Stiles, Cas and Dean behind to go home was harder than he'd expected. The trip had been so much fun and bonding with Stiles and his family too. He wanted to see his mom but he didn't want to go home, spending time with the guys was something he'd never done before, seeing as he and Derek were never that close.

As the they pulled out of the Winchester's street, Scott couldn't help but want to talk to him. The silence was unpleasant in comparison to the fun chatter he'd been surrounded by all weekend.
"That was a fun trip right?" Derek hummed in agreement. "Stiles' family is cool." He added. Derek seemed to stiffen at the mention of Stiles.

"Yeah." His brother replied. Scott thought back to when he had saved Stiles' from the pole, and Derek's generally out-of-character behaviour towards him.
"What's the deal with you and Stiles?" He asked. Derek turned his head towards him, a questioning look on his face.

He looked genuinely surprised but Scott didn't buy it.
"Don't look like that, there's something going on." He pressed, Derek simply sighed.
"It's just your imagination, Scott. There is nothing going on."
"So it's in my imagination that you saved him from a pole that even I didn't sense?"

Derek rolled his eyes.
"I'm an alpha, my senses are far more acute." He had a point.
"Ok, what about the whole thing with how mad Dean got about you sleeping in our part of the tent?" Scott seemed to have hit the nail on the head with that one, Derek's neutral body language changed to defensive. He kept pushing.

"Not to mention the weird looks you give each other like you're talking..." Scott trailed off when he realised he just told himself the answer. "You like Stiles!" He exclaimed. Admittedly, it seemed far fetched, but it made sense.
"Scott, I do not like Stiles." Scott listened, but he could hear no trace of a lie.
"What is it then?"

Derek was angry now.
"Mind your business, Scott!" He snapped. "Anyone would think you liked Stiles!" Now Scott was mad. Stiles was his friend, not Derek's. He resorted to playing dirty.
"So if I were to say these things I've noticed to mom, what would she say?"

The Camaro screeched to an unexpected halt and Scott's head whipped forwards.
"You say anything to mom about this, you're dead." Derek snarled. Scott didn't doubt his brother's words for a second, it wasn't often that Derek used that tone, but when he did, you didn't dispute it. But Scott needed to know.
"Tell me. Or I'll ask her." He threatened.

Derek glared at him, his eyes flashing red.

Going back to school after such a good weekend was ten times worse than normal. Not to mention it was made another five times worse because Scott was in a bad mood. Thankfully, it was the last week before spring break and on Friday a girl named Allison who obviously liked Scott was having a party. This meant a guaranteed invite as Scott's plus one.

He'd been trying desperately since they'd arrived to put Scott in better spirits, but nothing was working. They were currently sitting at their usual table in the cafeteria where Scott was rather viciously chewing his sub.
"Is it something I did?" He asked. Scott simply shook his head. "Derek?" He tried.

Judging from the way his jaw clenched and the angry expression deepened, he'd guessed correctly.
"But you guys were getting on pretty well on the trip?" It was true, the two had behaved less like strangers and more like brothers that weekend. Scott didn't explain.

Stiles sighed and sat back in his seat. He glanced around the room for something more interesting than watching Scott eat furiously, when he spotted something he was sure would lift his mood. Allison was sitting nearby with her friend Lydia, watching Scott while Lydia whispered to her.

"Scott, I'll be right back." He said, getting up and walking over to the two girls. He sat down and Lydia raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows.
"Can we help you?" She said.
"I think I can actually. I couldn't help but notice your friend Allison over here staring longingly at my good friend Scott."

Allison went pink in the cheeks, looking down at the table.
"That's none of your busin-" Lydia started but her friend interrupted.
"Do you think you could invite him to my party this Friday?" She said, hope in her large dark eyes.
"I sure can, I can give you his number too." Stiles replied. Allison smiled gratefully as Stiles typed his friend's number in.

"Thanks, sorry what was your name?" The girl asked just as he was about to leave.
"Stiles." He said. Lydia rolled her eyes.
"What the hell is a Stiles?" Allison nudged her hard, shooting her a look. Stiles went to say something but decided against it and returned to his table.

"Scotty, expect a text from that girl from our English class about her party on Friday." Scott's face brightened in seconds.
"That girl as in Allison Argent?" He said, his eyes practically sparkling.
"Yes Romeo, Allison. Now stop moping around. You're welcome."
"Thanks man." Scott grinned, fist bumping him.

When Scott arrived home, he was in a markedly better mood than the one he'd been in when he left. Derek put his book down to eye his brother suspiciously, as he made himself a drink.
"You're in a good mood." He stated. Scott paused to roll his eyes at him.

"Can you take me to a party on Friday and pick me up after?" Scott asked, Derek sighed.
"No." A smug smile spread across his younger brother's face.
"Stiles is going too. And if you don't I'll tell mom." He should have expected Scott to use the new found information as leverage.

"Are you kidding me right now? Blackmail?" He could punch Scott right in that moment.
"Whether I blackmail you or not, mom will probably make you take me anyway." He reasoned, sipping his drink.
"Probably being the key word here."

Scott set his glass on the counter a little too hard, his nonchalant mask slipping.
"Why can't you just do something for me? It's not like I'm asking you to drive me to Canada!" Derek didn't know how to respond. "You're always so prepared to do something if it involves Stiles but if it's just me you don't want to know."

He felt a pang of guilt, Scott was telling the truth.
"Do you care at all about me?" His little brother said in a small voice. It hurt Derek to hear Scott second guessing their bond. He wanted to express that he cared about him, and that sometimes he was just being an ass, but he didn't know how.

"Scott, you're my brother."
"That's just a word if you don't actually act like it. It's the same as dad, he might be our father but he doesn't act like it." Scott had raised his voice. Derek couldn't believe he'd just compared him to their father.

"Now you're just being stupid. You don't see any of the things I do for you? While you might think I'm being nice to Stiles because of my feelings, I'm doing it because you can be you around him Scott. You don't think I realise how hard it was for you with your old friends when you couldn't tell them certain things?" Scott's mouth had fallen open slightly.

"You think I can't sense how much you love being around the Winchesters because they're the male figures you always wanted in your life but never had? I'm sacrificing my happiness for yours here Scott, so don't you dare compare me to dad because he never once did that."

And with that, he snatched his book from the table and went upstairs, leaving Scott in the kitchen, heart beating hard.

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