11: Activities

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In his sleep ridden mind, it had been something of a shock to wake up with Derek sleeping soundly next to him. The older Hale had a heavy arm draped across Stiles' middle. He thought he might not have woken up and it was a fantasy but the events of yesterday gradually floated back to him. He'd never been so grateful for his father's clumsiness.

He stared at his features, the way his eyebrows weren't drawn into the serious expression he usually wore, but relaxed. How his eyelashes brushed his cheeks as he breathed in and out. His chest rose and fell steadily and unconsciously, Stiles was matching his pace. He could get used to this.

The peace didn't last long as Scott began to stir on his other side. He squeezed his eyes shut in frustration and lay on his back, his movement woke Derek too as he quickly retracted his arm. Disappointment filled Stiles, with a tinge of embarrassment, had Derek been repulsed by touching him or something?

His internal moping was interrupted by a loud zipping sound. His dad's head was suddenly leaning over him with a manic smile on his face.
"Rise and shine boys!"
"Jesus dad what time is it?" Stiles groaned as Scott obediently got up with an excited smile on his sleepy face.
"Time you stopped snoring and did some damn outdoors activities." Dean clapped his hands together and told them to be up for breakfast in five minutes.

He tried not to watch as Stiles put his hoodie on, but as he stretched out his arms, his shirt rode up revealing a strip of skin. He averted his eyes immediately and left the tent hastily. He heard Stiles ask his brother if he was ok, to which Scott replied with a disinterested 'I don't know'.

He sat in one of the fold out chairs by the fire that Dean was poking. Castiel was making bacon and eggs over it while Sam held pieces of toast on sticks by the flames.
"Morning Derek." Sam smiled at him and he nodded back.
"Did you sleep well?" Castiel asked.
"Stiles is quite a fidgety sleeper but I slept ok." He answered, the three men laughed.

Dean had a strange look on his face, it was almost melancholy.
"Been like that since he was little." The man chuckled. The more time Derek spent with Dean, the more little things he noticed about his personality. He came off very macho and all jokes no emotions, but in actuality it seemed Dean felt deeply about the people he loved.

Castiel handed him a paper plate with a stack of toast and bacon and a large amount of eggs. He thanked him and dug in immediately with his plastic cutlery. Scott and Stiles joined the group, they looked almost comical. Scott was wide awake sniffing at the smell of food and rushed over while Stiles was rubbing his eyes and his hair, which was quickly gaining length, was sticking out at angles. He looked adorable.

"What are we doing today?" Stiles asked, chewing a mouthful of bacon.
"I thought avoiding fishing at all costs would be best." Dean chortled, Stiles and Sam laughed and Castiel appeared embarrassed. They seemed to be referencing a past event. "So I thought we could make use of our companions' talents and go hunting." Scott perked up immediately.

"That'd be awesome!" He gasped, Derek glanced at Stiles who as it happened, was looking at him also. The boy raised an eyebrow at him as if to say 'are you okay?', Derek simply raised an eyebrow back and relished the way Stiles' cheeks tinged pink.

"So is everyone up for it?" Dean asked, throwing his empty plate in the trash bag and standing. The group nodded and the man rubbed his hands together. "Good, lets get ready."

Stiles was apprehensive. He knew his dad didn't like to be bettered by anyone at the things he enjoyed doing or considered himself good at and he didn't think there was much chance of him being better than werewolves at hunting. It was going to be an interesting excursion. They had split into groups of three, Stiles with Scott and Dean and Derek with Castiel and Sam. Stiles felt somehow this was on purpose.

At 11 they'd left the clearing, going in opposite directions and competitiveness was running high. Scott and Dean made a great team, the young werewolf sniffed out potential prey and Dean aided him with his tracking skills. Stiles couldn't help but feel a little left out, finding the prey itself had never been his strong point being a loud individual with ADHD but he had a good aim.

He wondered how things were going with Derek. He felt a pang of worry that the thought of his uncle using it as an opportunity to tell him embarrassing stories and that his pa would tell him how Stiles felt. He tried to concentrate on the hunt as it seemed from Dean and Scott's strange sign-language conversation that they were close to something. Apparently he was right as about half an hour later, a doe came into view.

It didn't seem to sense their presence as it continued to chew on the clump of grass in its mouth. Dean slowly pulled his gun from its holster and aimed it. Stiles rolled his eyes and simply watched, from the looks of things he wasn't needed. His dad fired, the three of them jumped and Scott rubbed his ears.

It hit the deer just above the intended target of its heart and it made to run away, but Scott didn't give it a chance. Half turned, he leapt into action and was on the deer, elongated teeth around its neck before it could move a muscle. Dean cheered and jogged over to Scott. He regressed back to human form and wiped his mouth, evidently a little disgusted.

"You see that, Stiles?!" Dean cried, high fiving Scott.
"I'm not blind." He replied bluntly. The two laughed and heaved the deer up onto their shoulders.
"How long did that take? I bet they haven't even found anything yet." Dean speculated. Scott's face seemed to drop a little.
"Derek's way better at hunting than I am, they're probably already back." He said. Dean shook his head.
"Well see about that." He began walking determinedly back the way they came.

They arrived back at the camp at around 4 and the others were nowhere to be seen. Dean laughed triumphantly.
"Told you so Scotty!" But he'd spoken too soon. Sam and Castiel walked leisurely through the treeline, chatting.
"Hey guys." Sam smiled.
"Where's Derek? Didn't you find anything?" Stiles asked, appreciative of a distraction from Dean and Scott's bravado.

Sam and Castiel shared an amused look.
"Oh he found something alright." Right on cue, Derek walked slowly out from the forest with a ginormous creature around his shoulders.
"Son of a bitch." Dean murmured in shock and Derek came to a stop in front of Stiles, slinging the huge stag onto the ground in front of him.
"I gotta hand it to ya Derek, that's one hell of a catch." Dean said, everyone stared at him in surprise. "What? I give credit where it's due." He added, folding his arms.

"I'll call the taxidermist." Sam joked and the group burst out laughing. The day had gone better than Stiles had expected.

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